Chapter 9

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We both walked out of the room together, checking the halls were free of the monster before leaving the safety of the room. The area where the monster was lurking, was now empty, although a nasty black stain was now smudged all over the floor.

I frowned, but continued to walk with Mook the gym class, warily looking for the monster. Students were out in the halls though, talking about the incident while teachers tried to usher the student's into the safety of the classrooms.

I quickened my pase, Mook easily matching as we approached our destination, I didn't plan on getting caught with that monster again.

Gym class was spent listening to the intercom, waiting for our teacher to show up and tell us everything was ok, but he never did, and the panic that other students gave off began to rub off on me, but Mook kept us all calm and reassured.

"We'll be fine," He explained. "The teachers wouldn't let anything happen to us, until we get a message somewhere, we sit right and stay safe."

'who knew he was such a motivational speaker' I laughed to myself.

The intercom did eventually say a few things, but it only told us to go to our last classes and go straight to our dorms, and all other facilities would be closed after the last class was over. I groaned in frustraiton, I really wanted to go back to the library and continue my drawings, but fate had other plans.

Art class was also boring, but with a little encouragement from the teacher and Mook, I actually managed to make my first art peice. But Mook was curious about my drawing.

"Have you ever seen a Dragon before?" He asked, I simply shook my head and looked him in the eye.

"Only in books, I wish they were real though." I smiled, thinking about what I would do if I ever saw any kind of mythical creature.

I would most likely stand and stare, totally shocked, but I would do so in an admirable fashion. This was the underworld, and anything was really possible. Mook scoffed at my reason, but the glint of impression was in his eyes. A smiled smugly, proud that I could even make him a bit impressed.

When class was over, we walked together until We had to go out separate ways. We said our goodbyes, and just as I thought, he headed to the teachers dorms. I shrugged, not really caring for what he did, but it raised a bit of suspicion in me.

When I made it up to my rooms door, I was winded, but I felt as if I was getting better and training my body a bit. I was greeted with a nice cool breeze glowing in my room. Once again I had forgotten to close the window, but it made sure to keep fresh air in the room. 

I took a deep breath, then set my stuff everywhere, scattered all over my room. I then layed in my bed, staring at the roof. My eyes began to close, but I was greeted with a nightmare.

It was a man, but he was pissed, and he held a knife in his hands. I could have sworn I knew him, and his mind was itching the back of my mind.

"Derek..." I whispered. But he wasn't looking at me, but rather at another girls eyes, I recognized her as the one who Dere cheated on me with. He said something to her, which caused her to cry, as he shamlessly shot her lazily with a gun.

Guilt wrapped my heart and squeezed my stomach like a snake. I tried looked away, but my body refused to move, locked in looking at the bloody scene.

His faced morphed into a smile, one that he gave me when I was about to die, a smile too big for a normal human being. His skin turned black while his body melfted into a pool of liquid, similar to the monster I had saw earlier.

But he froze when he saw me.

He was paralyzed in fear, and my body rose up its hand, and it glew a bright white.

I was scared, I had no control, and it frightened me. The light grew, and shot out of my palm in one giant beam directed at the creature. The beam shot directly through him, making his black body disappear like mist.

"Courage" A voice in my head spoke.

"That's the only way to defeat your fears"

He screamed in pain as he slowly died, his existence finally fading as he let go of life.

No traces were left of him, but the body of his final kill still layed on the ground. My head then shot a wave of pain, and I clutched my head in my hands, trying to rid if it somehow.

I awoke from the nightmare, my body refusing to move as a tryied to get the lingering sleep out of my eyes. Creatures of darkness crawled in the corners of my vision, and just like a star you try to directly stare at, they vanished.

I finally was able to move some of my body, but the feeling of sleep paralysis still lingered in my body. I tried to push myself off the bed, but only managed in tumbling onto the cold floor.

"Ouch." I mumbled. Looking under the darkness of the bed. Something glimmered in the dark, and I had managed to get enough control to strech my arm to grab it.

The object was cold, and I flinched from its touch, but I grabbed it quickly and set it down beside me.

A necklace, a light blue in coulour, say on the floor with an empty hole that belonged to a gem. Without its centerpiece, the necklace looked bland, but the Dragon that coiled itself around the empty chamber that Once held a beautiful gem.

I sat up, most of the sleep paralysis finally wearing off and allowing me to clip the necklace around my neck.

A cold shock ran up my spine, one similar to electricity as it ran through my spine. I gasped as a little shine came from the necklace I had just clipped on. The pain was unbearable, and I ended up passing out from pain.

Another Chance (Mook x Reader) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum