Chapter 63

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Mook awoke in his bed safely tucked away in the teachers dorm, (y/n) in his mind as soon as he awoke. He shot out of bed, rolling the blankets off him and scampering down the hall. In the living room was the history teacher, a worried look plastered on his face. When he glanced at Mook, he shot out of his chair and right in front of the serpent, checking him for any signs of pain. Mook quickly snaked his hands away as he desperately opened his mouth, only for his voice to be cut off by a singe of dark magic.


Mook quickly grabbed a pen and paper and tried to write, but his hand also seized up whenever he tried to produce a letter. The history teacher was growing worried, watching as Mook struggled to form any kind of communication between them. Sighing, Mook fell in the floor defeated. There was to way he was going to save (y/n), not alone. But how was he supposed to get help when he couldn't speak?

"Mook, are you alright? I think you may need some more rest." The history teacher said. Mook shook his head ferociously, he was not giving up, not now. The serpent pointed at his throat, mouthing the word magic to him. Dark magic Mook mouthed. The history teacher squinted behind his glasses, not understanding the boys mute lip sync.

A small, black cat came bursting through a hallway door, catching both the reaper and serpent turned to look at it, and the teacher stumbled back when he realized it was an infernal spirit. The cat leaped onto Mook's clothes with a meow. The male struggled to get it off him, but the car had whispered something into his ear.

"Speak boy, (y/n) doesn't have much time." The cat hissed. Mook stopped protesting and looked at his teacher, allowing his voice to flow though his mouth.

"(Y/n)'s been kidnapped by Dominic, and he's using dark magic to stop the both of us from speaking. I need your help to find her sir, please." Mook said with a whimper in his voice. The spirit remained on Mook's shoulder and stared daggers into the reapers eyes, knowing fully well it had the protection of the sea serpent. The history teacher contemplated Mook's words carefully, if one of his students were in trouble, then it was his responsibility to find them, but it involved dark magic he may need Dica.

The infernal spirit dissipated into dust, leaving Mook's voice to be trapped once again. The sea serpent gave a silent thanks, his mind now dead set on finding her. The reaper however, was shocked with the news, but quickly recovered and scrambled for his coat. He quickly opened the door and stopped, turning back to Mook with a shine in his glasses.

"Alright Mook, I'll be back in half an hour. In that time, prepare yourself. I'm off to get Dicarius." And with those words the history teacher ran off, going to search for the crow man that lingered above the school with his sharp eye. Mook finally felt the weight fall off his shoulders, now the only pressure in his heart. He needed to find her, for he needed her. She was something to him, he needed her for a reason he did not yet know.

He would find her.


Dom was having a grand time wandering thought the school, know knowing that his little dove was safely protected.

The dark haired male waited for class to end, watching the last five seconds of the clock tick down till the bell. When he was finally released from schools confining clutches, he had to resist immediately heading over to (y/n), and instead wandered into the forest like he had been for many years.

"Dante~ I'm here to report." Dom said as he waited for the four horned male. A few seconds after his call, came a sickly black shadow from between the trees. This infernal spirit seemed to be higher than all the rest, commanding them and spreading fear into the darkest of their souls. Dom would do anything for that kind of power in his grasp, even going as far as making a deal with the spirit.

"How is the girl? Safe I would hope?" The spirit asked in it's distorted voice. Dom smirked at the thought of his own memory; (y/n), locked up tight in her cell until he came back. He pictured her in her almost see-through dress, but even he was supposed to grant the female some decency.

"Safe in my possession, just as you asked." Dom reported with pride. The male was itching to leave and run back to her right now, but his craving for power kept him rooted to the spot. Dante curled around Dom with his shadowy figure, his calculating red and violet eyes scanning him for any hint of a lie. When satisfied with the answer, Dante hid in the trees once again, giving Dom his next task.

"Make sure the other sea serpent doesn't get anywhere near that girl. If you fail, and she regains some sort of safety within the school, then it won't only be me who's an infernal spirit." Dante threatened like he had many times before. Dom nodded in understanding, not moving until he was completely sure that Dante was finally gone. A course of shivers ran down his spine and out his body, stopping Doms blood cold.

They had begun the search.

Dom quickly spread a dark mist over the ground in order to track those in the forest, but he could only find one figure in a party of three, where were the other two searchers?

Dom felt his magic rumble as the one last traceable searcher suddenly disappeared from his magic fog, finally realizing where they were.

Dom looked up in the sky, noticing the three figures up in the air while searching.

One of them was the sea serpent.

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