Chapter 57

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i've been looking at so many x readers with Mook that my library wants me to stop XD


I woke up earlier than all the rest, the sun just barely grazing over the window that shone with sunlight. With a yawn, I sat up and scanned the room with tired eyed. Mook was still peacefully passed out, but his blanket had fallen off of him and onto me. I blushed in embarrassment as I quickly tore the blanket off of me, gently placing it on Mook's body. Skillfully, I made my way out of the room, silently stepping on the floor without a sound.

The salve Mook put on my leg did wonders, and my three deep gashes were no more than small cuts with growing scabs, the skin healing with no scarring. After taking the first hot shower of the day; I had changed my uniform because of how much dirt decided to lay on my clothing, not to mention the giant tears and small blood stains in them.

When I was done, the other students had just woken up, eyes sleepy as they slowly walked through the hallways in exhaustion. Most students snapped out of their tired gaze and got changed quickly, ready to explore the rest of hell and see what sights if had to give. When we were all assembled by the front doors of the building, I noticed Mook wasn't with us at all. I looked to the ground, of course he was too injured to come today, but that would mean he would miss most of the sights....

The history teachers yawn drew me out of my thoughts, his tired eyes reflecting the tiring event that had happened only a few hours ago. His eyes from behind his glasses shot at me, questioning why I was in the group and not resting like Mook. I shrugged, and the teacher gave less of a damn.

When I thought the group was quiet enough, I made my way to the side of the group, leaning over Aru's shoulders and breathing on her neck. She shivered and spun around, eyes wide as saucers when she saw me. Like a koala, she clung to my shoulders, whispering thank you's and apologies.

"Aru, you're safe right? No injuries on your body?" With caution, my eyes began to scan the girls unblemished skin, her cheeks heating up as I looked over her.

"No no no no! You protected me (y/n)! Better question is, how is your leg? I saw it attacked by the spirit and felt so bad for not helping after the teacher kicked me out of the room." The brunette said with exasperation. I cracked a smile, the ends of my lips pulling into a cresent moon.

"My leg is fine, I just need to cover it for a few more days before it's fully healed, so you don't need to worry about me." I said with a sweet voice. Aru let out her own soothing laugh, her chocolate eyes spreading warmth to those she looked at. Waiting for the other students, I waited by her, her other three human friends joining us soon after.

With a nod, the history teacher began. "Alright students, were going to be ending the tripearly due to some complications last night. One of our classmates also won't be joining us due to injuries-"

"I'm right here." Said Mook. I spun around to look at the white haired male, his eyes filled with a kind determination. I felt a smile spread across my face, my heart speeding in my chest. I took a beep breath, letting the warm air fill my lungs. Mook, who didn't show any sign of injury aside from the exposed bandages, passed by the students staring at his bandages, whispering amongst themselves to theorize what had happened. The white haired male gracefully made his way over to me and Aru at the side of the group, his sea blue eyes locked on me.

I felt myself melt under his stare, my heart struggling to control the heat rushing to my cheeks. When he was at my side, I felt my eyes locked onto him, like a magnet.

This boy does strange things to me.

"Are you alright (y/n)?" I heard a voice whisper in my ear. I looked down to Aru, who's eyes glimmered with mischief. I swallowed the saliva in my dry mouth, looking away from the girl before a have her any ideas. When the history teacher finished his talk after glancing at me and Mook fifty times, we finally began to explore the last part of hell, the heat of the lava almost unbearable.

When I saw Aru begin to stray from my side and behind me, I began to get worried.

That's where Mook was.

I heard some whispering, only snippets of their conversation entering my ears. I was going to call up on some magic from my necklace, only to realize that it was completely empty, cracks spread all through my necklace. I slowly unlatched the metal chain from my neck, slowing down as I watched the metal begin to crumble in my hands.

I frowned, and nearly jumped when I saw both Mook and Aru's eyes on the dust that remained of my necklace. I glanced at both of them, a sad smile on my face.

"Nothing lasts forever right?" I said with a slow laugh. I didn't wait for a reaction before a began walking again, my mind spaced out from this underworld. I wonder how my mother was doing in the mortal realm, was she okay? I hope she wasn't ill. So many questions that I realized none of us would ever begin to understand.

When the trip ended, we all climbed back up to the bus, all of us had smiles on our faces as we said goodbye to the place of magnificence. With a content sigh, I sat in the back seat, ready for a nap. When I closed my eyes, I felt The seat next to me sink a bit. I shied my eyes open, looking at who was next to me.

Mook was sitting right beside me, his body stiff as he stated ahead.

"Mook? You can relax you know, I don't bite." I gently joked. The male looked at me with wide blue eyes, his ears redder than normal. Despite his earlier uneasiness, he relaxed a bit, his muscles losening.

"How is your leg? I noticed you wince a few times whenever you stood on your leg." He asked quietly so no one else could hear.

"My leg? It's much better after you properly applied the slave to it, thank you." I leaned my head back in the seat, staring at the ceiling of the bus. "Thank you so much for coming to our aid Mook, I don't know how I can make it up to you."

Mook faintly smiled. "(y/n), if I could save you again, I would do it without hesitation." He confessed. I smiled with him, closing my eyes to let sleep come to me. "Thank you for keeping my secret."

I let my head rest on Mook's shoulder, my brain shutting down early. I could feel the warmth pouring off of him, and I fell asleep to the sound of my crazy heart beating in rythim with Mook's.

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