Chapter 65

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It was a standoff between all three males, tension rising off them as they all shared hard glares. None of them dared move, and Dom let out a chuckle when the reaper began lifting his hand in an attempt to cast a spell.

"Honestly you're so stupid some days. It took you forever to find the bind of magic in that sea serpent body, and only recently were you able to get it off. Now you try and fail at getting this girl back? You really are pathetic." Dom laughed as the detected reaper hesitantly put his arm back to his side.

Mook growled. "Let her go, and I will let you go without a scratch. Run with her, and I can't promise you'll be able to ever reincarnate."

Mook's words made Dom smile like a mad man, a deep chuckle escaping his throat. "You really think I want to reincarnate? Only to die once again and lose my powers? No, I'm going to use this girl to open the barrier and free me and the infernal spirits into the surface world, only then will you all fear me."

My history teacher wasted no time in darting across the room in a flash. Dom was quick, jumping up into the air and casting his own spell. The scythe just barely missed Dom as the ceiling began to shake, a small hole opening and allowing us to escape. Dom quickly flew out of the hole and closed it behind him, the gound underneath us crumbling and collapsing.

"Mook!" I screeched. Dom tightened his grip around me and flew out from the treetops, his dark eyes scanning the forest for another place to hide. When he found a small cave, he immediately darted though the sky, not noticing the crow behind us chasing with lightning fast speed. Dicarius extended his claws to grab my own hand, quickly ripping me out of Dom's grip. Dicarius wasted no time in changing his direction and flying away, ignoring the curses being thrown behind him.

The male held me in his arms tightly, not letting me go like Dom had threatened to do plenty of times. My chest was filled with relief, but it was quickly swallowed by the realization of Sashin and Mook.

"Dicarius!" I yelled over the wind. "They're still stuck underground! Buried under Dom's cavern! We need to help them."

The wings on Dicarius's head twitched, signifying he heard me. His amber eyes met my (e/c) ones with reluctance, and I tried my best to look determined, but I probably looked like a sobbing child. With a sigh and twist of Dicarius's wings, we landed to where the cavern had collapsed, the dirt around the area threatening to take you into a sinking pit of death.

I immediately jumped in the hole, the dirt no match for my hands as I began digging. Tears flowed down my face, and I listened to Dicarius's wings beside me as he also began to dig with me.

Oh Mook, I hoped he was alright. If he was gone, then I wouldn't be able to go on. Sure, I had my other friends, but Mook, he was special, his special even I don't know, but he had always made my heart go crazy. Even in my past life I knew who he was, but how did he die? Was it because of the storm I had accidentally created? Did he die unfairly after me? What if he died now?

My heart was pounding and my head was light, and the world was suddenly dizzy as I collapsed in the dirt with the thought of Mook. Surley he wasn't gone, right? Dicarius noticed my distress and picked me up, flying to the edge of the collapsed cavern. My vision went hazy, and I felt the magic in my reserves pour out. No, it wasn't unlocked, but maybe with this power, I could help.....

I lifted my hand with a little magic pouring through, allowing the dirt and rocks to rise and float above the collapsed cavern once again. Everything was in a heavy pile, just floating in the air and over to the side. When I set the pile of dirt down by some distant trees, I let my eyes wander to the now empty cave. Dicarius quickly flew down to meet the reaper and Mook, who were cast with a glowing blue dome around them. Sweat was dripping off my history teachers face, and Mook had returned to his human form.

I smiled, attempting to get up, only to have something grab me by the waist and mouth, dragging my silently away from the group. I tried my best with my sluggish body, but a deep sleep came over me, allowing my eyes to restore some lost sleep.


Mook was quickly relieved when fresh air had entered the dome. He had just watched the miracle of tons of dirt and rock float above their heads, allowing them to escape. Dicarius had quickly met with the history teacher and helped him stay on his feet, while he let his eyes wander around for (y/n).

When he didn't find her, he turned to Dicarius.

"Where is she?" Mook asked calmly. The male crow had looked up to a small spot above the cavern walls, flying up to check on her. A gasp of suprise came from his throat and Mook could sense his alarm. He had lost her, and now we had no clue where she was. History teacher put his hand on the serpents shoulder, reassuring my unease and determination. He needed to find her, and he would, and Mook wouldn't let dark magic stop him in his search.

"We'll find her Mook, dark magic is a dangerous secret that no child can learn in a short amount of time, so he may not know all the tricks I do. We'll beat him at his own game." The teacher said.

"I managed to put a tracker on him while I got (y/n), and judging by his location, he isn't far." Dicarius added. Mook nodded, letting his hand dip into a dirty puddle and watched as scales took over his body.

Maybe after this, they could go flying together.

Another Chance (Mook x Reader) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें