Chapter 46

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Mook weaved through trees as we followed our old trail. The teacher was blowing the whistle twice more often, and the number of teammates for us was dropping fast. My eyes saw the flag hidden in the fall tree, and I whispered Mook's name as he followed me.

With a quick check of the perimeter, we approached the flag, the golden fabric suspended inside the hollow tree.

"Mook, come here and lift me to the flag please, I don't plan on climbing a dead tree." I chucked.

"Yeah alright, just make sure to steady yourself." Mook said as he approached me. The hairs on my neck tingled as his slim hands places themselves on my sides, braced to pick me up. With a jump, Mook suspended me in the air and lifted me as I reached for the flag, the tips of my fingers skimming the fabric. Mook extended his arms more and I clothed onto the fabric, letting Mook gently settle me on the floor.

The teacher let out three shots of the whistle, alerting everyone that someone's flag had been captured. Me and Mook fled the scene, heading directly to the left as we heard a few heavy footsteps coming for us. We ran to our side of the terrain, doging any enemies that crosses our paths. Mook did a good job keeping up, his long strides making me question if he was an athlete in his previous life. I saw the line that was separating our side from this teams, it was only a few more steps away.

I pushed for speed, my body feeling free as I stretched for the end. Beside me, I heard a grunt and thud, the ground shaking. I immediately popped around and saw Mook frozen, Aru standing beside him as she caught him. My eyes widened as I looked for a way to get him untagged, but Aru was doing a good job camping the male. I felt the heat build up in my heart, spreading though my whole body as my heart spread it though my blood. I sped towards Mook, staying behind Aru so she didn't see me.

"I got you antler boy!" I shouted as I clasped his hand. I was practically dragging him to the other side when I finally collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily as the heat in my body took a painful turn. I took deep breaths as my teammates cheered, fist pumping the air in victory.

The opposite team leaughed as our tagged teammates came onto the field to share the victory, celebrating by patting me in the back. I let the heat die down before I tried anything, making sure I didn't pass out.

"You alright (y/n)? You look like your going to faint." Mook asked me while putting his hand on my back. I nodded and stood up, taking deep breaths to get rid of the headache that was pounding in my head.

"Yeah I'm doing just fine, just need to let this headache pass." I said with a smile. I brushed off the ache and walked over to the gym teacher that was giving everyone a soul weight check. Many numbers passed through my ears, each one stating that they were lighter then the beginning of the year. When I stepped on the scale, I was slightly disappointed.

"(Y/N), 2.0, normal soul. You better deep working for the reincarnation test, the lighter the better!" The gym teacher said with a laugh. I sulked as I realized I had the same soul weight as last time, and not much progress has been made. Mook was next in line, but the beating in my head blocked out all the noise after, leaving his soul weight and those after him a secret.

After the bell rang, art class went fast with all of us changing seats for the month. I was disappointed when I was seated with someone I didn't know, but wasn't disappointed when Mook joined us in a group of four. After art class, and a whole lot more Dragon drawings from me, I strayed to the library, where I dug my nose in some mythology books.

"(Y/n)? It that you?" A voice asked me.  Dropped my book and looked up, a friendly pair of eyes looking at me.

"Yeah Ms.Oh, can I help you?" I asked. The teacher smiled, reaching into her pocket and pulling out a memory capsule.

"I forgot to give this to you last week, you did the best on the test, and you were supposed to be rewarded with this but....Things happened." She gave me an akward smile. She let her warm hands pull up my hand, gently placing the warm memory capsule in my hand.

"Thank you." I said breathlessly, staring into the capsule. The small ball held a flurry of emotions that poured out, waiting to let my eyes see what was in my past life. I closed my book as gulped down the ball, letting the memories come flooding back.


"We are a clan of Sea serpents (y/n)," My mothers gentle voice spoke. Her hands were running through my (h\l) hair. We were sitting in my room, the moonlight coming from the window indicating that it was after sundown. I layed in my bed with heavy eyes, staring out my window.

"See that Dragon right there?" My mother asked, taking out one of her gentle hands from my hair and pointing to a dragons silhouette flying through the night sky. My advanced eyes easily recognized the dragon as my father, his jaw wide open as he sprayed water from his jaw to water the crops of out land. I smiled and hummed to show my mother I was aware of who she was taking about.

"Tomorrow he's going down the mountain to the beach side to see the last of the Lee clan, one of the most famous dragon clans of our time. You see (y/n), they can produce an electrifying breath unlike your father's water breath, it the elders fire breath." My mother chuckled as she let a drop of water that she made from her finger drop down into her My face. I giggled and rubbed the water from my face, feeling the wars of sleep winning in my mind.

"That's enough for tonight, sleep well."

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