Chapter 36

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The history teacher, and many others had came to the teachers building immediately. As they sealed the other boy away in cuffs, people bombarded me with questions. They asked what happened, but I shook my head, only letting (y/n) tell them the true story. The teachers almost made it inside her room when I stopped them, whispering with such ferocity it scared me.

With hesitant looks, they all returned to their posts, making sure that the students were safe. They were the top priority. I let out a sigh, knowing that when (y/n) did wake up, she would be bombarded with questions from knowledge seekers. It was natural for one to know everything, but sometimes, no, all the time, rumors would grow.

I let out a yawn, the events of the night leaving my senses stinging. The small cut on my face stung after the first fight, and my body ached from moving ways I never had before, but if it meant protecting (y/n), then I would gladly do it over and over again.

I wandered into my room, laying on my bed for a bit. My body ached and the place where he cut me stung like heck. I let my eyes wander around my room, (y/n)'s necklace tangled in my hand. It was torn off by the creepy bastard, and just thinking of him close to her made me seeth with rage.

With her necklace in my hand, I let my body and mind rest, entering the dream world.


I was a completely diffrent person, my  (h/c) hair was a snow white, and so long it touched my heels. I felt familiar in this body, but it felt acient, older than time, but magic, such a strong magic, was buried in these veins. I tried to move, but the dream had ready programmed my movements.

I was at a river, cleaning my dirty hands in the clean water. The river seemed to beem with life, for many fish tried to pluck off the dead skin from me. I let the fish nibble on my hands, softening my skin. With a smile, I got up and wandered around the area I was in.

When I looked up, my dream self whispered in my ear, as if narrating her thoughts.

"There was a time when the God of life was focused on one being, and poured all his attention to the creature. Yet he knew she would die, he wanted to talk to someone, even if they would forget."

"He was so caught up in the human, that he stopped the life cycle, and forgot his job. This sent the world into an unbalanced frenzie. With the grim reaper still doing his job, the population collapsed, leaving a few survivors."

We were teleported out of the magic dome the Dragon had set up to protect us, and outside life was barren. Carcasses of what life once was uttered the ground, dust floating everywhere in the now lonley world.

The human was now older than she could handle. Her body was shakey and frail, ready to turn to dust like the rest of the life here. She was the youngest living life form, and the last. She was ready to die, if it meant restoring the world into balance.

"The woman was sick, but felt the love from the Dragon in her soul. She knew that if she died, that the Dragon would make more life, in order to resurrect the girl, so she waited for the grim reaper, who waited for the Dragon of life." The voice said with patience. The Dragon was heard with a roar, steping out of his dome of protection and stepping onto the barren waste land.

The gods that lived in the sky raged as the two most powerful beings stood against each other. With every step the Dragon took, life sprouted from his trail. But death had grown too strong, and death immediately took over the new life. With a growl, the Dragon of life charged at the reaper, taking an arm off.

The God of death let out a scream, but not out of pain, out of frustration. Of the Dragon had been doing his job, then this fight would never have to happen. The Dragon stomped on the floor, life spreading around the globe for miles. The reaper, who had temporarily lost control, looked at the Dragon in shock.

He knew he couldn't win, so he would rather do his job. With a swift movement, the reaper popped the head of the dragons love clean off. With a scream of agony, the Dragon took his final breath, sinking his teeth in the reapers body, ending him.

"With the girls wish, the wish of being able to see her love over and over, no matter how many times she died, she had become the first soulmate. And because she died, the Dragon of life shared the same fate."

Life sprout all over the globe, and the world once again became a beautiful place. But a small boy, who was protecting he last of the humans, the successor, had become the present grim reaper. A sythe materialized in his hand, but he did not reap the souls, instead, he let them reproduce, for the Dragon of life had no sucsessor, therefore the power of creating life was shared with all the living creature on the world.

"Why are you showing me this?" I asked. I knew this was the ending of the story, but to see the one who invented reincarnation was not important to me. I wished to know where I came from, not an ancient story.

"Because (y/n), you a-a-a-re g-g-oin-g to-" The voice was cutting off, and the world began to change. Time flashed by in milliseconds, to the present day. I looked up to see the sky turning red, an eclipse that seemed to make the while earth look like it was doused in blood.

A large black serpent seemed to block out the whole sky, it's wings making the creature seem larger than it actually was. I felt the need to hide, but a small voice in my mind screamed in determination, telling me to kill.

Do it, kill kill kill! I will infect everyone's mind! Even from different universe's minds, you'll all fall under my hold!" It screamed, searching in the folds of my mind. I shook my head, desperately trying to wake up.

"No escape! No one can save you!" The serpent gurgled, tentacles sprouting from its body and wrapping around me. I couldn't breath, and I felt the tentacles enter my mouth, blocking my air flow. The slimy hands went closer to my locked magic, the only thing that could truley defend me.

I woke up with a loud gasp, my lungs struggling to obtain air. With a large breath, I let in the oxygen, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Well, that must have been an awful nightmare wasn't it?"

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