Chapter 79

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"Gunn, I don't know if I really want to listen right now-" Aru was cut off when I nudged her forwads, encouraging her to talk to him. She looked at me with her pleading chocolate eyes, but I had to resist, for both Gunn and Aru's sake. The brunette let out a huff, turning to look at the male.

"Aru, when I yelled at you that night, I didn't chase you because I thought you would become more upset." Gunn began to explain himself, and even at those first words I saw Aru become more accepting of his reasoning.

"I didn't know what to do, I wanted so badly to go back to how we used to be, so I consulted Yeohee. I never realized that she didn't like you, I was so blind when she used me to push you farther away, and whenever you looked away from me I felt my heart being crushed." The male seemed to be on the verge of tears, but my presence and his pride kept his eyes from leaking. Aru seemed to want to cry too, but she wanted to hear the end of his reasoning before making a choice.

"Aru, day and night I think about you, and after realizing how much I miss without you, I want to say sorry. Sorry for yelling at you and neglecting you, sorry for never chasing you that day, and sorry for being such a fool and never trying to confront you afterward. I'm just a fool who wants you back, or maybe not even that, but maybe just for you to accept my apology." And after those words, one sinle, lone tear had dripped down his face. The male collapsed on his knees into the carpet, defeated.

Aru wached him sink down to the ground, her eyes also brimmed with tears. It was clear to me that the two missed each other greatly, although it was up to the two of them whether they repaired their relationship, or moved on. "Gunn, when you shouted at me, I felt betrayed, hurt and confused. I felt as if I was just used to get you popularity and not because you liked me, and when you proceeded to ignore me afterwards I felt as if we had no chance. But now, hearing that you actually did love me..."

The girl collapsed on her knees in front of Gunn, her blue dress flowing around beside her body. Her gloved hands gently took the males face in her palm, making him look into her eyes. The male grasped her wrists gently and stablized himself, his blue eyes sparkling with hope. Aru then proceeded to put her forehead on his, letting warmth take over her heart.

"I accept your apology, Gunn, and I hope that we can go back to the way we used to, one step at a time." The now reunited couple embraced each other with a large hug, the previous akwardness now melted into love. During the whole conversation I had shuffled back into the hall, allowing the two to have a moment to themselves.

After taking a detour though the halls, I had finally made it outside and to the party. It was just beginning to get busy, so I quickly made my way to the back corner of the field, watching everyone walk in from the other side. After a few minutes of watching people filter in, I saw Gunn and Aru walking hand-in-hand, although they still looked a tad bit awkward. I knew their relationship would need help, and I was always going to help my friends. Music began to flow though the air, setting a mood over the currently dark midnight sky.

People began to move to the music, moving their hips, arms, basically anything to match the tempo, it was actually kinda funny to think about. That's when the music went from junpy, to a slow, flowing song that encouraged people to pair up with someone. In the center of people stood Aru and Gunn catching everyone's attention, even my own. It seemed as if the air around them was glowing, a mystical aura around the two.

I felt a hot breath on my ear, causing me to jump and look behind me. Dante stood with a large smile on his face, his red and purple eye examining my outfit with curiosity.

"How interesting, I thought you would be dancing with the sea serpent by now~" Dante cooed. I grimaced despite my heart speeding up just at the mention of his name. Taking a step back, I allowed my defenses to kick in just in case.

"I'm sure he's dancing with someone else who deserves him, besides, I don't need to focus on...relationships." I lied straight though my teeth. I craved a relationship, especially after Mook had stolen my heart. Yes, I was admitting it, I was in love with Mook. 

"Then if you don't mind, care for a dance?" He asked me. His question put me in edge, but I felt Michi's voice beside my ear.

"Do what he says, and he won't hurt you." with those words Michi disappeared as soon as he appeared. I knew that I didn't want to dance with Dante, but the spirits advice kept ringing in my ear. Was the infernal spirit scared of Dante? Why?

I gently placed my gloved hand in Dante's, and I couldn't help but notice his eyes trail to my dragon bracelets, a glimmer of disgust shining in them. Struggling to ignore his gaze, I was spun to the music, my eyes scanning the crowd that was around us. I saw Aru and Gunn looking at me with curiosity, and I realized that Dante and I were the only ones now dancing to the music with extremely impressive moves. When the tempo of the music began to slow for the finale, Dante let his arm curve behind my back and dip my head back. When I arched my back, I saw the face of Mook in the crowd, however instead of seeing him happy, I saw pain in his sea blue eyes. My heart broke, and as soon as Dante let go of me I rushed to the place where Mook had vanished from.

I failed to notice Dante's widening grin from behind me.

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