Chapter 11

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I really should be sleeping right now lol

I should also be focusing on my other book, but nah.

"Didn't expect a new one to come so soon." One said. They were bird-like, wings for arms yet hands and fingers on the end of them like a humans. His feathers were dark blue, and small white markings were on his body.

Oh boy he was tall.

The student beside him was a small green coloured girl, her tail managed to fit between the small space in her chair and her black hair curled around her shoulders. She looked at me with her green eyes filled with suspicion.

The third student was a normal human, but his black, unwashed hair was covering his eyes creating an eerie vibe around him.

They all faced me as I stood awkwardly at the doorway, a bead of sweat slowly making its way down my face. I didn't move to wipe it, I just stayed still, waiting.

The feathered student stood up from his chair, his head almost touching the roof as she walked over to me. I took a few steps back, but only succeeded in backing up into a wall.

Once he was in arms reach, he looked me in the eye, his midnight orbs stating right into my e/c ones. A chill went down my spine as his other two friends joined him, standing by his side.

He held out his hand, and a smile lit up his face, the once gloomy aura Instantly fading away.

"Hey there newbie, It's nice to see a new face, Oh! This is Lizia," He pointed to his green lizard friend. She gave me a small wave, a tiny smile forming on her face. "And this is Dom."

The feathered student pointed to his human friend, they didn't move though, just stared through his hair that blocked out his eyes. He gave me a nod and I looked back to the tall bird.

"I'm Gust, not very creative, I know, but if you ever see me fly you'll know why." He took my hand in his feathered one and pushed me towards the table they were previously sitting at.

"This is the magic club, we study the types of magic and there properties, although we only have books to go on, were making progress in unlocking the mysteries of magic." Gust explained. His other friends sat down at the table, but Gust continued to stand. The talk of magic interested me, so I sat and asked my first question.

"So how do I join?" I asked. To be honest, it magic could make me remember my past life, or just to help me in general, I would have been glad to take up the chance. Gust gave a smile to his friends, and Lizia gave him a thumbs up, but Dom didn't move.

"Your going to have to sign the normal paper, but there is one more thing you have to do before you can become a true member of club." Gust pulled out a sheet of paper, no names were printed on it so I just put my name as neatly as I could by the top. Once I signed the paper, Lizia slipped the pen and paper out of my hands and back into a drawer.

Gust took one of my hands, his eye looking into mind as he lead me into a different room. My mind was racing with questions, my body screaming at me to move, to stop in my tracks, but curiosity kills the cat, doesn't it?

Passing some more red curtians, this room had more books than anything I had ever seen, second only to the library. Gust sat me on a chair, and covered my eyes with a soft blindfold.

"The heck? What's with the cloth?" I asked. Gust stayed silent, and the distant clattering of metal against metal was heard.

"Dom, come here, we need your magic to shape this accordingly." Gusts deep voice rumbled to the next room over, and very light footsteps made there way into the room with us. Sloth breathing was the only sound in the room and I still couldn't see anything.

"Now y/n, this will burn for a second, but this is like a charm to extract magic from within and let you use magic easily." As gust said that, I felt Dom's cold hand skim my skin, his fingertips leaving tingles along my skin.

He stopped right over my heart, and a small gasp was heard by my right, where Gust was standing.

"Right there?" Gust whispered. I didn't know what happened next, but a sharp pain shot through me, and my hearts pace sped up, heating my body up to extreme temperatures.

I let out a small scream, biting my lip as a whimper came out of my throat. The pain felt familliar, shocks going through my body in waves of pain. I kicked my leg out, clenched my hands as a way to distract me from the pain.

The blindfold was begginging to annoy me, and with my building rage I ripped it off, looking down at the trace of pain. It was Dom's fingertips, his pale skin smoking as he held a price of metal in his other hand.

The pain was beginning to lessen, And I could finally breath normally. Dom pried one of my clenched hands open, blood from my nails digging into my skins dripping on the floor. He placed a piece of hot metal in my hands, and closed my fingers around the cooling piece.

"Its done now y/n, now you are an official part of our club. We meet every Wednesday and Friday. Don't miss it." Lizia spoke this time, but her green eyes were now looking at me with a welcoming glance, the previous cold hearted woman now gone with no traces left.

I breathed a sigh of relief as Dom left the room, presumably getting ready for our next classes. I let out a silent prayer to king Yemma that I wouldn't have to see the boy again, something was off about him.

"Dom was the first one to found this club, that's how we all met, he's being reincarnated next year, and Lizia following him a year later." Gust began to explain something about how who would be the club leader every year, but my attention wasn't on him, but rather the metal in my hands. 


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