Chapter 82

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That magic that was locked within me had finally burst, and I was not going to waste that moment.

In the split second that Dante had released his powerful dark magic attack, I had released my own powerful attack straight though my hand. It was magic, a bright white kind at that, and it seemed to put Dante's shadow magic to shame as it tore through his attack and hit him square on the face.

The dragon was knocked back, stuttering in amazment at my sudden outburst. I had gotten up from my apt beside Mook and walked to Dante, who was currently recovering from my magic attack.

"H-how? How did you manage to use magic? You're only human!" The male dragon screeched. I sighed, putting my hand in my hip as I looked at Dante with a bored expression.

"Looks are deceiving, no?" That was the only answer I gave to him. What was the point of telling him my story when he was just going to be locked up again anyways? The male growled, and his jaw flew open as he flung his body towards me, his eyes filled with malicious intent. I had prepared another possible fatal attack, but a blue shield had appeared in front of me, protecting me from the dragons attack.

Dante had quickly bounced back from the sheild, growling in frustration. Queen Yemma stood behind me with a serious expression on her face, and I couldn't help but let a shiver run down my spine.

"Dante, stop this at once!" The Queen shouted. My eyes were caught on the army behind her all standing proud as if they wanted to be on her side.

"You." Was all Dante responded with. His target was now moved on from me to the queen, and he moved fast, aiming a powerful beam attack on Yemma. My eyes widened as dust was locked up to absucure my vision, but I was relived when I saw the dust clear to reveal an untouched Queen Yemma. She sighed, clicking her tounge as a dark figure floated in front of her.

I recognised the infernal spirit as the one who bullied waxy, although his once previous physical form seemed not to matter in his state. Flames of black flowed off his body in a slow manner, giving him this look of a demon.

"Dante! Help me!" He cried. The dragon jerked back a few inches, but smiled with a sick joy as he realized that Yemma was trying to bribe him.

"Why being him here when he is no use to me? Do you plan on bargaining with me?" Dante laughed, throwing his head back as he let his wings stretch out. Yemma remained silent as she watched the scene unfold, her eyes flickering over to me and realizing that I was in possible danger with Dante so close to me.

"What do you mean? I am the leader of the infernal spirits now, you need me to make your plan work!" He cackled. Dante only seemed to enjoy the previous bullys suffering, his sadistic grin growing wider as both makes realized Dante was not going to help. With this realization, the leader had called his friends to attack Dante, who in turn easily demolished the spirits with one attack.

That's when Dante also ended his once previous commander, and with his death the infernal spirits went wild, each one now aiming for straggling students to attack and kill. Dante chuckled, looking over back to Queen Yemma who was preparing a bright white and blue attack of her own.

The dragon was prepared for the attack, somehow managing to twist his body around to absorb the Queens magic. The army around Yemma began to attack the infernal spirits that had went wild, many weapons flying to end the evil spirits lives. As for Dante, he had made both Yemma and I take a step back with his new power.

From my stance, I couldn't hear what he said, for an infernal spirit was diving at me with chattering teeth. Instinctively, my hand reached out and I shot a bright beam of white energy to immediately disintegrate the spirit. The thing didn't even have one to scream as it passed, and I was given to time to think before another spirit came flying towards me.

Spirit after spirit I managed to defeat, and as I was given the chance to look back, I saw Dante stumbling out of a dome with a trembling body. My heart reached out for him as I sawfear basically pour off him, and I knew that somewhere down below he could still be saved.

Leaving the spirits to give chase, I ran to Dante, my (e/c) eyes never leaving his shaking form. The male had tried to land another attack on Queen Yemma, who had easily avoided the powerful blast, but through the corner of my eye I saw the Grimm reaper readying to kill Dante with his sythe.

I immediately took action, reaching both of my hands up and summoning a round shield. Both me and Dante were trapped underneath, but any attack that was directed at the male was daily deflected by my shield. With a few seconds to catch my breath, I looked up at Dante, who seemed to have lost all the fight in his eyes.

"Dante, why did you do this?" I asked gently.

"Because the ones I thought I could trust betrayed me when I needed them most. I thought I could give them the same pain I felt, but I can't do that with just death." Dante confessed. I nodded, approaching the male who had spoken. He was no longer the scary skeleton dragon a few minutes ago, and was rather the same boy she was first introduced to with Dicarius.

"With that much pain Dante, you shouldn't think of returning it, no matter how bad. You can be more than what others think of you, and in my eyes, I see a boy who is capable of redemption." I said as I approached. Dante seemed uncertain of my approach, but after a considerable amount of time, he accepted.

I let my arms stretch out to the point where I could hug Dante gently. He seemed to enjoy the embrace, as he soon joined the embrace with a hug of his own.

This was the moment where history changed.

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