Chapter 37

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I looked beside me to see the owner of the voice. Mook sat in a chair with his eyes partiality closed, tired from the previous fight he had.

"Did you sleep at all?!" I whispered. The boy shook his head, to paranoid that if he slept, something would happen to me. I wanted to smile, but I was more worried than about him than anything. I swifly got out of my bed, sitting next to Mook. He was truly tired. But it was only two hours after the events of the party. And with no school tomorrow, he could sleep in, which brought in some relief. 

"Was it bad?" He asked, his voice quiet. I looked at him in confusion, but then realized he was talking about my nightmare. With my mind remembering every part of the dream unlike any others, I questioned if it really was a dream at all.

'fuck, why can't I just have a normal afterlife?' I asked myself. Looking at Mook, his eyes looked into mine. The blue pools of his eyes held so many emotions at the moment. And because he was so tired, he couldn't hide them away like he normally did.

"It was scary, not gonna lie." I said, leaning back in the chair. Mook blinked slowly, begging for more detail. I hesitated. If I told him, would he have nightmares too?

"Hey, you can trust me. Plus I probably won't remember because I'm so tired." He said as he intertwined his fingers with mine. I felt my face blush. I wanted to lean into is touch; but I knew it would be crazy, and I didn't want to ruin the relationship we had so far by pushing it.

"I know, it's just, I don't want to hurt you either." I confessed, squeezing his hand. He looked content at the way things were, so I continued. "It was a dream about a Dragon. A Dragon of life."

Mook nodded, listening to every detail that I could offer, and in return, I grew more tired, my previous fear fading away. He was sluggish, but he nodded to make sure he was still awake and listening to me. I watched as he bagan to sleep, his eyes slowly blinking as I neared the end of the story.

When I did finish the story, Mook was leaning against me, his head on my shoulder. I smiled as I soon joined him in the dream realm, this time, I dreamed about something happy.

° ° °
When I woke up, I felt refreshed, but sadly, Mook wasn't there. I patted the spot where he was, and it was still warm, signaling that he hadn't left too long ago.

"Woo! I'm super depressed!" I shouted with enthusiasm. I laughed at the thought of hearing that from the next room over, the poor history teacher, having to deal with my attitude was like living with ten children in one person.

I got out of the chair and surprisingly, I felt relaxed and refreshed, ready to start the next chaotic week with a bang. I changed our of my PJ's and into some black pants and a (f/c) T-shirt, noticing a few bruises under my shirt, but not caring about them. Walking out of my room, I smelt a beautiful brekfast being made, and I practically floated over to the smell and food.

There, Mook and Mrs.Oh were gracefully flipping panckaces, eggs, and other delicious food. The teachers in the room couldn't help but drool, for the food was delicious smelling. Mook's eyes landed on me, and have me a quick, hidden smile before going back to finish the beautiful breakfast.

"Why good morning (y/n)! Did you sleep well?" Mrs. Oh asked kindly, smiling her usual smile. Mook's hand seemed to slip, a piece of bacon flying up and into his antlers. He looked back only to see nothing, scratching his head, I laughed, taking the piece of bacon off of his horns.

"My sleep was quite nice actually, I felt really refreshed when I woke up." I smiled, looking at Mook with a devious smile. He quickly looked away and coninued to cook the food.

"Well that's great! Even the history teacher had a good sleep, right?" She called out to the dark haired man that was sitting on a couch, looking at student papers. With no response, Mrs. Oh finished The last of the pancakes and wandered over to the history teacher, seeing that he was sleeping.

"Oh it's time to put my art skills to the test." I laughed, snatching the nearby marker from a counter. Quickly, I uncapped it and began to draw things on his face. A moustache, whiskers, the word marshmallow on his forehead, and a beard. I was stifiling my laugh as I finished drawing, and even the nearby teachers were holding in some long needed laughter.

Walking back over to Mook, I noticed he had finished the bacon and was now making scrambled eggs. Looking at his horns, there was a large grease stain on it from the bacon From a few minutes ago. I watched in awe as he finished the eggs, scraping them into a large bowl. He looked at me with curious eyes, a smile hidden in his eyes. I grabbed a cloth out from a sink and rinsed out the cloth, approaching Mook slowly.

His eyes watched my every move, and it wasn't until a was right in front of him did I let a mischievous smile grow in my face. I grabbed his horn carefully and made him lean down a bit, carefully washing the smudge off his blueish horn. He didn't say much, but instead simply observed my actions. When I was done, I let go, but he didn't stand right away, but instead stood at my height for a little more.

"Well, so you like white Or Brown toast?" He asked as he got rid of the unknown aura. I shrugged, letting him decide what toast was better. The teachers watching our interactions when back to their normal things, not bothering to leave a comment about what had just happened.

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