Chapter 6

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I practically ran to ethics class, my red ball of yarn already waiting for me at my desk. I instantly buried my face in it, the scent of home-cooking buried in the yarn.

"Y/n, hey!" Aru cheered. She poked my side as I said hello back, my face still buried in the ball of yarn.

"Oh hi Gunn~!" Aru cheered. I stayed head in the yarn for a while, and then a familiar voice talked to me.

"I hope you don't plan to sleep in class today." Mook's voice said. I looked up at him and stared at his blue eyes.

"So what if I do? Haven't you heard sleep is for the dead? I kinda wanna enjoy that." I heard a slight snicker and the sound of a chair behind me.

"Good morning class, I want you to continue to unravel the ball of yarn while I explain a few simple things you need to know before being reincarnated in two years.

I listened, and tried to untie the ball of yarn, but the red ball only seemed to grow the more I fiddled with it.

'if I could just find the beginning then I'll be able to untie the ball.' I searched and searched, and finally, after a seeming lifetime of searching, I found the end. Grinning in success, I was about to untangle the ball but the teacher quickly took the ball away from me, along everyone else.

"Alright, class dismissed! Have a good day everybody!" I stood at my dest, my mouth wide open as I stated at the place where the ball of yarn once layed in my hands. I internally screeched, my body falling on the desk like water.

"Why do I even try?" I quietly cried. I grabbed my book and walked out of my class, happy to spend my lunch sulikg in a corner, but my stomach had other plans.

I ended up getting a ham samdwich, and when I received it from the octopus-like monster, I quickly made my way out of the crowded much room. I walked through the hallways, my mind memorizing the twists and turns that led to outside.

When I finally got outside, I hastily walked over to a tree just in the edge of the forest.

Taking a deep breath in, I let the fresh-air calm my mind as is at down. I took a bite of my sandwhich, the flavours replaying a memory in my mind.

"Mama! Can you make me a sandwich?" The younger me asked. My mother, looked a little bit older than the first memory I had remembered, but she hadn't changed to much for a noticeable difference. My mother have me a smile as she dug around our fridge.

"Is ham alright my little Dragon?" My mother asked me. The younger me hastily nodded and watched as my mother expertly cut the bread and vegetables. When she finished the good masterpiece, she slid the plate over to me.

"Thanks mom!" I cheered. I thought that would be the end, but my mother had put one more thing in front of me.

It was Apple slices, and a little cream cheese and caramel dip. My eyes lit up as I looked at the delicious snack.

That was when the memory faded, and I had finished my sandwich unexpectedly.

'I didn't even get to enjoy it.' I sulked. I sat in silence as I watched thunder clouds roll in.

Thunder storms were a beautiful shight, but I never really got to enjoy them, but I couldn't remember why.

I felt the first few raindrops fall. They landed in seemingly random spots on the ground. It was then when I saw Mook, he was carring a light blue umbrella at his side.

He was rushing to get inside the school, careful not to get wet. He basically avoided every raindrop like it was acid. I giggled at his actions and watched him until he made it safely inside.

I began to get up and walk back to the school. Mook noticed me and began to walk faster, quickly heading to the teachers dormitories. I raised my eyebrow in question, but didn't want to get into his business. I made my way into the school, getting prepared for my next class.



Why gym?

I hated physical activity, and yet I would always end up doing something active. The teacher had goggles on 24/7, and a swimcap on his head along with a pure white beard.

"Alright kiddies, I want all of you to run around this track for twelve minutes. I'll blow a whistle once the times up." He blew the beginning whistle, and we all began to run.

I'll admit, I was tired halfway through, but I would only be telling half the truth.

I felt like a was going to die, and the burning in my mucles were going to be the end of me, my lungs ready to burst. I always knew I was bad at running, but this bad? What the heck did I do in my past life to make me so horrible at physical activities?

Once the teacher blew the whistle, we all immediatly stoped, and we were asked to do stretches while we cooled down. I did a few, mostly touching my toes and bending my body, but that was really the end of my stamina. I eventually found myself in the ground next to Aru.

"What's next for this torture?" I asked her breathlessly. We both laughed and layed on the floor, excused from the run.

We had our souls measured, Many people were avarage, while most were slightly obese and a few past the 1st grade expectations.

"Y/n, 1.7, a great start, keep up the good work." The teacher congratulated me. I have him a weak smile and I went to change back into my uniform.

"Aru Kim, 2.3, slightly obese." Oh the face she made when she heard that, I swear I saw her soul leave her body.

Once I changed back into my silky uniform, I grabbed my black notebook and headed for my final class of the day.

Art class was one of my favorite classes, it just had a feel like no other class had. A feeling to express yourself without judgement. But I shared this class with Mook.

And boy, did he know how to draw.

We sat in pairs, and so, like the unlucky soul I was, I was paired with him.

For the whole.


School year.

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