Chapter 62

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Dom wasted no time in harshly grabbing my arm, his salty hands stinging my fresh scratches, causing me to wince. The male didn't pay heed to my pain, only focusing us on going deeper into the forest. I didn't want to follow, I could feel another presence in the forest, one burning with determination.


Mook's breath was quick as he raced through the forest, his heart racing as his eyes scanned every part of the forest.

He was supposed to meet up with the girl to tell him about this concerned thoughts that involved her and a strange male stalking her from a distance. It made him uneasy knowing that (y/n) was being watched without being noticed. When she asked to meet him later, he felt his heart flutter at the thought of being alone, but he was also worried at the thought of being watched by her stalker.

Mook felt his heart leap when he saw a flash of (h/c) hair in the trees, leading him on to be faster and find her first. She needed him for safety, and he needed her, and for what, he didn't know. Branches reached out and whipped Mook's body as he ran, but he pushed farther; only stopping when he nearly tumbled into a small pond.

"This isn't working."  Mook heaved as his eyes scanned the surrounding area. He then extended his palm, picturing (y/n) in his head. He let the electricity flow out of his palm and into the air, the flashes of light directing him in a straight line. He returned to running, following his power as he struggled to find the girl.

There! He saw her for one second, dashing through the trees. His power seized as he broke through the trees separating him and the girl, nearly leaping seven feet into the air due to his excitment. When he turned to look at (y/n), he immediately felt rage fill his heart at her scared face. Resisting the urge to run up and engulf her in his arms, he quickly approached and kneeled in front of her instead, gently taking her hands off her face that hid her tears. Mook's heart leapt in fear as he wasn't greeted with the usual (e/c) eyes, but rather stormy black ones.

"You!" Mook shouted in rage, electricity building up in his palm. The imposter quickly grinned as they approached Mook slowly with (y/n)'s smile on their face. The imposter gently held Mook's arm as they tried to calm him down, but he already know who they really were, even if the females touch did melt his heart a bit.

"Mooky~ Please put your powers away~ You're scaring me~" The imposter said with a sickly sweet voice. Mook tried his best not to grimace, but the looked so much like (y/n); and even though he knew it wasn't her, he dearly asked for her touch anyways. Eyes widening with his own thoughts, Mook quickly zapped the imposter with his power, causing their own magic to falter and reveal the true puppeteer.

"Ah~ Mook, seems like you lost the little game of chase. Such a shame for you, for I'm going to have so much fun with her~" Dom purred at the thought, chuckling to himself as he let many sadistic thoughts flash through his eyes. Mook burst out with rage once more and let his power to straight to Dom, landing a painful blow to his chest. The dark haired male flew backwards, and Mook pursued his body to beat the answer out of him.

Taking Dom by the shirt, Mook quickly raised his fist and hardened his eyes, looking at Dom's eyes filled with fear. "Where is she?" Mook asked with a low, threatening voice. When Dom didn't answer, he asked again, louder this time.

"She's in a place only I know, and soon I'll be with her~" Dom chuckled. Mook slammed his fist down, but it simply landed in plain dirt as Dom faded into a dark smoke. The sea serpent stood up and scanned the trees, looking for the other male that threatened (y/n)'s safety. Dom appeared right behind the serpent, his voice low when he spoke.

"Goodnight." Was all he said before knocking Mook out with a large branch. Dom cheered in victory, walking towards the place he put (y/n). Oh how happy he was to defeat the serpent that had captured the angles heart, such a powerful beast weakened by love. It was hilarious.

What Dom didn't know was Mook's one sea blue eye open, and following his every step.


When I woke up, my arms and legs were covered in soft bandages to stop any minor bleeding. I smiled, thinking that Mook had found me after Dom and taken me back to the school. But when I raised my body to look at my surroundings, I felt my heart drop.

Sitting in a bird-like cage was me, and Dom was looking at me like I was It's specimen. I immediately covered myself with a soft white blanket to hide myself, causing Dom's smile to fade a bit.

"Aw~Don't hide yourself, I like seeing your body~" Dom purred. His statement made me grimace even more, using more of the blanket to cover more of my body. I wasn't wearing my old clothes anymore, instead a wore a small white gown that ended at my knees. I cursed at his revealing it was in my standards, I cursed the one who allowed my fate to take me here, to the one who has taken me in the first place. My (e/c) eyes shot up to Dom, and I saw the sadistic lust flow through them.

Fear planted its seed in my throat, but I wouldn't let it grow, for I knew help was coming. I knew Mook and the other's would look for me every day until I was found. That, or I would use as much magic as I possibly cloud to escape.  I was so into my thoughts, that I hadn't noticed Dom stepping into the cage with me.

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