Chapter 56

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After Mook had disgustingly licked my hand, I had moved to the other side of the room, much to his disappointment. I wrapped some new bandages over my wound after summoning the last of the stored in my necklace to heal some of my wound. The three gashed were still deep and red, but I had managed to stop the bleeding.

I made my way back to Mook, who was currently examining his own bandages. I sighed, taking a jar of salve from the collection Aru had brought earlier. Mook looked at me with curiosity, his blue eyes glinting as he saw me approach.

"I thought you weren't going to talk to me after the little stunt I did with your hand." He joked. I lifted an eyebrow, tempted to laugh, but held a straight face, although I was sure he saw my lips twitch.

"I need to apply some of this salve to your back where you were hit, that is, if your fine with me doing this." I asked, straight to the point. Mook froze, his hands fumbling with the bandage on his body. Slowly, he nodded, and I raised his arms as I began to unweave the bandage from his torso.

When I finally uncovered the wound, I let Mook or his arms back down. I had been careful as to not touch Mook, but now was the point where I had to do something. Opening the jar of salve, I took a good glob of the medical cream and began to apply it on the scattered wounds on his back.

"Mook, just let me know if it stings ok?" I asked.

"Y-yeah, sure." He shuddered under my touch, his back arching a bit when I passed my hands closer to his sides. I glanced at Mook to make sure he was faring well, and his ears were a burning mess. I smirked, grazing my fingers over one of his wounds. He let out a shakey breath as I did so, his face relaxing as he focused on my touch. I blushed at the thought, and dabbed some more salve to his wounds. I had finished his back, and now had to cover the wounds on his chest.

"Mook, do you want me to work on your chest too? Or do you want to apply the salve youself." I asked while finishing one more wound on his back.

"I you don't mind doing the rest that would be great." He confessed. I blushed even harder, my hands twitching as I grazed the skin on his chest. There were fewer scratches on his chest than his back, and I was thankful that he was so calm about this, for I sure as hell wasn't.

Each time I applied more salve to the wounds, Mook would shiver under my touch, and it would only make me turn into a tomato. When I had finished with the salve, I began wrapping his bandages around his torso again, and I when finished, I began to get up to put the salve away. Suddenly, Mook caught my hand, stopping me once again.

"What about your wounds? They're deeper than all of mine." He said with worry. I shook my head, not tempted to let my thoughts go wild with the toughts of Mook touching me. I could practically see the red glow off my face already.

"I-I already wrapped them, they should be fine-"

"Please (y/n), let me help you." He begged with worry in his eyes.

"You already did when you saved us, and I'm grateful for that, now get some rest." I said. But Mook never let go of my hand, staring gently in my eyes. I couldn't resist swimming in the dark blue hues of his eyes, and I was just thankful I had brought a life preserve with me, or else I would be drowning in Mook's eyes. "Don't give me that look Mook, it's hard to resist you know."

The male didn't let me leave, and he grabbed some gauze and salve and set them near him. I could see his face twitching in pain each time he bent his torso, and each time I felt my heart ache. I sighed, sitting close to Mook and rolling up my pant leg to expose the three claw marks that dug into the flesh of my calf. Mook's eyes flashed in a bit of guilt, the smallest tint of anger hidden behind those blue orbs. He grabbed some salve, gently applying it into my bare skin.

I felt that strange shock go up my spine, and I squeaked eight he feeling. Mook immediately stopped, his eyes looking at me with curiosity. I felt my face flush, so I looked away.

"It just bothers me to look at it, but you can keep going if you want." I said sharply.

"Alright..." He mumbled, finishing up with the gauze. I had to but my lip to control the chills running up my spine, my overactive brain shaking as another's touch. When he was done wrapping my leg up, he gently pulled down my pant leg, his beautiful blue eyes staring into my (e/c) orbs.

"Now the next struggle is getting back to my room." I mumbled while turning to look at the door. It seemed to be miles away from my angle, it's dark material intimidating me from afar.

"Are you sure you can walk (y/n)? I don't want you hurting yourself after all. Please." He begged. I felt my heart twinge, but my pride kept my efforts going, kneeling on the floor as I prepared to stand. As I attempted to straighten my leg, pain shot through my leg, making my brain tingle. I was knocked off my feet, tumbling back into the arms of the only make in the room. His soft hands grasped my waist, setting me getly into the floor effortlessly.

"Thanks...." I said; feeling dejected as I felt my face heating up for the seventh time that day. I remained still and stiff beside Mook, my body completely shutting down at the realization that I was nearly useless.

"Hey, come sleep beside me, you can take the pillow and blanket it your not comfortable with me next to you." He offered. I spun my head in disbelief as I looked at him, his kindness unmatched by anyone. With an embarrass relectance, I slowly crawled under the soft blanket With Mook, his body heat radiating off him and into me. I smiled, heart racing a million miles a minute as I moved my head inches away from his to for some pillow. I could feel his soft hair caress the side of my head as I moved my body closer, skin slightly touching.

"Goodnight Mook." I said while closing my eyes, the last vision of the ceiling printed in my head. I fell asleep to the sounds of two hearbeats pounding fast, and the warmth of Mook's breath as he whispered a few words in my ears.

"Sweet dreams."

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