Chapter 70

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It was only a few miliseconds until I found myself holding up the watering can up, It's massive weight trying to crush the small frail girl below me. Aru had wide and terrified eyes staring at the can, but relief replaced it as she looked at her two saviours.

My head turned to see Mook who was also holding up the watering can, his sea blue eyes locked onto Aru with concern. The small brunette looked up at me as a wide smile spread across her face, her small frame latching onto me in a hug.

"(y/n)! I missed you so much! Where have you been?" The girl asked, all concern for the previous event now gone with a simple action. I wrapped my arms around her and spun her around, a wide smile now on my own face. Mook gently set the watering can on level ground, allowing him to wait and watch for us to be finished our reunion.

"(y/n)!" I heard three more pair of footsteps run to me, all of them latching onto my body in a hug. I was easily overpowered by the four girls, my body smushed in all of their living affection. With a laugh they all split from the hug and looked at me with curiosity, their eyes shining for an answer. I glanced at the white-haired male watching with humor, my eyes begging him for a story to tell them as to why I was gone. Mook only shrugged, and I gave him a defeated smile.

"Sorry for being gone for so long, the teachers needed to do some tests on me because of my previous contact with an internal spirit, but hey, I'm all clear now!"

"(y/n), you should be luck you didn't miss that much for school, all we've been doing is preparation for gardening, so you left at the perfect time." Sehui said with her seat melodic tone. Sua nodded, whilst Mari added a snarky comment.

"I mean, it would have been better if you never left at all, but what can I say, right?" We all laughed at that joke, well, all except for Mook, who was still standing quietly a small distance away.

"Alright girls, I say we get back to work before the crows eat our seeds-"  A loud caw on the ledge above me, and there was the three-legged crow glaring at me after I said the insult. I chuckled.

"I'm talking about you! I can see you're hungry!" The crow let out another, more ear-piercing caw, his wings extending to catch the wind. The bird flew down to our group, only stopping to hover above me. Dicarius then proceeded to poke at my hair, trying his best to mess it up with his beak and claws, his quick work successfully made my hair go beserk, and when he was done with it he sat on my head, my hair like a perfect nest.

"I'm not taking care of your kids if you want them there." I joked. This time, I heard Mook chuckle a bit, while nearly the whole class was now looking at me with large grins; even the history teacher was smiling.

After a bit more time, Dicarius took off for his patrol, allowing us to all get back to work. Since I was finished planting my seeds, I walked over to Mook's area, where I saw him plant one crystal blue seed into the ground. With a nudge I caught the males attention, a smile in my eyes as I looked at him.

"(y/n), you're finally back."

"I told you last night I would be."

"Still doesn't help me, I was growing desperate." His words made me freeze, and it didn't help when he used his hand to tuck a stray strand of hair back behind my ear. My face was on fire, what did he mean by desperate?

Mook went back to covering up his plant, the light soil delicately covering up the small seed as it was tucked away into it's new home. Mook then proceeded to water the plant even after I offered to do it for him. He just politely declined and let me watch, his eyes flickering over to me time to time.

All was going well.

Until that first drop of rain.

At first I thought it was my imagination, but when the second, no, the third? Drop of rain hit my skin, the panic set in. Mook was exactly the same, both of us trying to find a way to get out, but the trench wall was too high, and there was no way we were going to make it out before he transformed.

Unlucky for us, the rain began to pour, the water now showering us in despair. Mook's skin began to change, and I tried my best to cover him with my body, but it was too late, he was transforming.

A student behind me screamed as soon as he saw the massive sea serpent towering above everyone, the thunder and lightning providing no possible comfort to the already rising situation. I quickly turned to face all of the other students now gathering in a group nearby to look at Mook, their eyes shining with terrified yet curious looks.

"(y/n)! Get out of there!" I heard Gunn yell. I shook my head violently, there was no way in hell that I was going to leave Mook like this. Gunn tried approaching, his hand reaching out and taking my wrist, but Mook's low growl forced him to step back. I glared at the group and looked at Aru, who was currently trying to think of a way to get the class away.

"I need every one to get out of the garden now! Before someone is hurt-" I was cut off when a loud grunt behind me was heard, Mook's tail swishing away after knocking the talisman kid down, a shovel in his hand.

That's when Gunn ran up and swung his shovel upwards, his eyes locked onto Mook.

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