Chapter 4

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I found myself standing in a giant line behind the girl with short brown hair. We were all waiting for something, but for what exactly?

I took a look around, and noticed all of the diffrent monsters that surrounded me. Many were taller then me, but some were suprisingly shorter then I expected.

Taking a deep breath in, I locked eyes with a pair of icy blue ones.

The owner of the eyes had white hair, and antlers protruded from his head as they gracefully curved backwards.

It was me who broke eye contact first, I could feel my cheeks heating up from the feeling of being stared at.

'would he stop staring at me already?' I thought. And just in time, I felt his eyes leave my head. I let out I sigh of relief and decided to tuck my hands in my uniforms pockets.

The assembly was a blur, but I did catch the part about a leaf and a homeroom, so by putting two and two together, I pulled out a leaf from my pocket.

"Number 4, where the heck is that?" I scanned other people's leaves, but they mostly had diffrent numbers. I walked out of the crowded room, happy to have some fresh air back I to my lungs.

I wandered the school, searching for class 4, but to my undoing, I ended up at a dead end.

I slid down the wall, letting myself sit on the floor. It had only been and hour since I got here, and I'm already messing up my chance. I stared at the leaf, it had stopped moving after a student accidently hit it, causing it to fly off corse.

I stared at the green and purple leaf, the tingling of magic that still strong inside, went up my arm's, and a small voice in my head poked the inside of my head.

'Soon darling'

I shook the creepy thought out of my head, the sound of steps coming closer sounded through the empty halls.

"What are you doing?" A voice asked. I didn't bother to look up, and just answered while staring at the floor.

"I was looking for my class, but then I got lost. That about sums up what I'm doing."

The student scoffed, but none the less held out a hand to help me up. I took it, not caring for however heavy I was.

"I'll help you, but keep up, alright?" He asked. I nodded, and looked up at him.

It was the same guy from the assembly that was staring at me.

'What the hell?' I cursed in my mind. 'Is he a stalker?"

I shook the thoughts out of my head, and wearily proceeded to follow him. He took long strides while I was stuck jogging after him.

"Can you please slow down?" I asked. He took a glance back and slowed his speed, almost making me bump over him. 

"Thanks" I said. He simply nodded and we continued to walk down the hallways at a normal pace. 'quiet guy huh?'

Quiet he was indeed. When we walked, we never said a word to each other, and that's how it stayed until we reached class 4.

"This is your class, now don't get lost again." He began to walk away.

"Thanks, uh...." Wait, what was his name? He stopped and turned to me, his blue eyes meeting mine. 

"It's Mook." With that, he walked away, leaning against a wall close by, leaving me to stand awkwardly by my homeroom door. The teacher soon arrived and opened the door, with a exhausted Brown-haired girls I saw earlier following behind him. People started whispering as we all sat down. I sat at the very back of the class, a girl with brown hair in front of me and antler boy beside me.

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