Chapter 92

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Today is the reincarnation test, and my nerves were both excited and in a fray. The relationship between the three girls hadn't gotten any better, no matter how hard I tried to help. It seemed as if I couldn't repair their relationship by myself, at least that's what Mook's been telling me.

Recently, I had been avoiding him because of my feelings. I knew he was still choosing between reincarnation and nirvana because of me, and Gang Ho has been glaring at me for Mook's sake. I couldn't blame him though, the tiger just wanted to protect his friend from a bigger heartbreak. It made me think why I even thought of a relationship in the first place if it just ended with us being separated. Dante kept my mind straight and told me to not let Mook go, and I was so thankful he was there for me. The necklace with the black crystal hung on my neck and was tucked into my clothes to keep it away from curious eyes that hungrily stared.

Groups were made according to our earlier choices, I was in a group with stretch and a few other students I didn't really hang out with because the other group I wished to be in was full. It was disappointing honestly, but now that I was standing in front of a large portal, I didn't think about it. Waiting for my group to step in, I took a final glance around me and smiled to the crowd of younger students behind me as they all cheered. Magic flowed through my body and gave off a buzz, telling me I do one last thing before I left reincarnation high. Shooting my hand up and directing my aim to the sky, a bean of white shot up ti the sky and dissipated. I then turned around and smirked as small golden sparkles began to fall like rain, reflecting the sun as it moved.

This place used to be my home, so when I saw a ruffle of birds wings through the corner of my eye, I gave a final goodbye as I stepped through the portal.

And now I was falling.

I couldn't help but let a scream tear though the air as I fell into a white mess, blinding me even if I closed my eyes. It seemed warm in here as powerful magic buzzed around me and consume me, slowing my fall and placing me gently down onto solid ground.

"(Y/n)~ you made it~" Stretch cooed as she gently stroked my hair. My head shot up in response, causing my neck to cramp in protest against my actions. Groaning, I got up from my spot and looked around, surprised to see water nearly everywhere.

"Welcome team, as you can see this is part one of your reincarnation test." The students behind me murmured to each other as the teacher continued, fixing one of his overall straps on his shoulder. I felt the corner of my mouth curve up into a smirk, Sua would love to see the teacher in something like this. "I'm going to place you all in different areas, just hold tight~"

The teacher then proceeded to pick me up by my collar and move me over to a farther island away from my teammates, setting me down only when my feet barley skimmed the ground.

"Seems familiar, huh?" The teacher joked as he flew over to my other teammates. It took this time to examine the bridge that lead to a gazebo that I supposed was the place I had to be in order to pass the first part of the test.

"Good luck (y/n)!" I heard someone shout behind me. I turned to see Dante excitedly waving at me, a wide smile on his face.

"You too, Dante!" I shouted back. A horn blasted though the air and caught everyone's attention to the history teacher standing on the top of the gazebo.

"Your goal is to cross this bridge to the gazebo without falling off , for the water has been infused with an infernal spirit that will take your memories when it comes in contact. Is that clear?" The teacher asked. We all nodded, and I let out a sigh as I saw Dante, one of my group members, take the first step onto the bride. I held a breath as the rope holding the wooden supports sink incredibly low, nearly touching the water. Dante gulped nervously as he looked ahead, glancing up at the teacher who draped a red piece of clothing to him.

"These items you made with your red string shall help you." He said with a reassuring voice, handing me my creation. I smiled, putting on the oversized hoodie over me and feeling the warmth that came with it. It reminded me off Mook. Dante smiled, the sea serpent nodded and proceeded to place his ear muffs over his head, blocking the ominous whispers coming from the water. Smoothly Dante soon reached the gazebo with a cheer, allowing another student to proceed in their test. The others did much more graceful walks without their bridges sinking too deeply, and soon enough it was my turn.

"Oh save me now." I mumbled under my breath. I took my first step on to the bridge and noticed how the rope squealed under my soul weight. This was not going to be a fun time. Taking my second step, I heard someone scream behind me and a loud creak, and my heart nearly dropped at the name they shouted.


I immediately did a one-eighty and jumped off the other edge of the platform, right to the other group taking their test. Aru was looking into the water with horror as Mook sunk into the water, crashing on the surface with a loud splash. I wasted no time in entering the water and pushing myself though the liquid, my eyes peeled open for Mook.

There in the crisp blue water was the sea serpent just aimlessly floating around, arms frantically trying to push himself up to the surface. My (e/c) eyes didn't fail to notice the bright red cardigan underneath his uniform, and if we weren't in this situation then I would have told him he looked hot, but Mook was drowning, and I had to help. The male failed to notice me until I grasped his shirt, attempting to pull him up to the surface, but my heart nearly stopped when I felt his hands cup my cheek, and bubbles flew out of his mouth.

I panicked, taking in all the remaining oxygen I had and pressing my lips firmly on his, giving him the rest of my breath. The effects were immediate. Mook grabbed me by the waist and together the swam upwards, both embracing each other as we broke the surface. We coughed out the remaining water from our lungs and pulled ourselves ashore, still holding onto none another like we were each other's life lines.

"(Y/n), are you alright?" He asked me first. I smiled, gently allowing my fingers to trace his jaw.

"Of course, how about you?" He replied by tracing my body with his slender fingers, his sea blue eyes always staying on me.

"Better now that you're here." His sweet lines melted my heart, but out moment was ruined by the history teacher floating down to our embracing forms, a look of concern on his face. He asked me to return to my group, so with a quick peck on the lips, Mook let me return to the test, but not without making my heart flutter.

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