Chapter 26

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When I made it to the female dorms, I let out a sigh of relief.

Girls were still flowing out of the building, confirming that Mook still hadn't been found. I clutched onto my necklace, the cool metal nice against my skin. I raced past people heading my direction, all of them giving me strange glances.

I ignored them, my only focus on getting back upstairs to my room. Climbing up the flights of stairs, I was winded by the time I had made it up to the top of the building. Walking down the long hallway, I noticed that the door to my room was open. Silently pushing the door further open, I looked around the open living room, the mess from last night's dinner gone.

I heard a pan sizzling, and I turned the corner to face the man who was cooking in my room. Mook was cooking something with the ingredients I had a night ago, making and exact replica of the stir fry I was supposed to eat.

The white haired male looked at me, a bit shocked at first, but when he realized it was me, his body relaxed. Mook quickly poured the food into two containers, the aroma front he food smelling delicious. He quickly placed the pan in the sink and dusted off his uniform, trying to get a small splatter of grease off.

"Here." I said, grabbing a clean fry cloth. I soaked the corner of the cloth with warm water and squeezed the remains of the water out. Carefully, I approached Mook, brushing the stain off. Once done, I took a step back and tossed the cloth in the sink with the hot frying pan.

Me and Mook stood facing each other, less then an arms reach away from touching. Mook cleared his throat, looking over my shoulder. I followed his gaze, my black book and a few other study materials on top. I smiled, happily taking the book in my arms.

"Thank you." I said. Mook nodded, grabbing his own white binder and pencils. I stared at the two containers of good in the counter, slightly confused. Mook must have noticed this, because he began to explain.

"It's for later today. Since neither of us got to eat your stir fry last night, I thought that maybe it would be nice to enjoy one today. Of course, it won't taste as good as yours from last nights, but I tried to replicate-." I cut Mook off by putting an Apple in his mouth. He was quick to spit it out into his hand, but before he could speak again I put a finger to his lips.

He froze, heat radiating off of him. I smiled as we made eye contact with each other.

"I'm sure that this will taste better then mine last night, thank you for making it." I said calmly. I took my finger off of Mook's soft lips and spun around, taking one of the containers from Mook's hand as I did. 

"Also, we have give more minutes until class!" With that, Mook sped walked out of the room, his food and note book in his arms. We carefully walked side by side out of the dorm, careful not to bump into any other girls, and snuck out the back doors, both of us scampering to the school.

We walked to class, tucking the food in what Mook called the history teachers office. I didn't question as we made it into history class together just on time. The teacher looked at us through his round glasses, waving hi to Mook and I.

Sitting in our seats, history began, but this time, I actually listened.

He explained how life and death were equal, and if we feared death, shouldn't we fear life too? Death was nothing more but a part of life, and that we should be happy to be part of it like we are happy to be apart of life.

I zoned out for a second, my mind sending a painful shock in my mind, freezing my physical body. My mental state went back to the past, back further to my first life. Standing not be clouds, worshiped like a God, was a long black dragon, me standing next to him.

My (h/c) hair was floating ing he wind, the cloud we were on slowly moving over the earth that looked so small.

"You see that (y/n)?" The dragons deep voice asked. I looked down, the Chinese had set off fireworks for their fesival. I smiled as I watched the bright colours burst to life in the air. I looked back at the black dragon, waiting for him to do something.

"Aren't you going to do the thing Comet? Come on! Do it! Do it please!" The younger me shouted happily. The black dragon just rolled his eyes, smiling back at my human form. A light blue flame grew in his neck, getting ready to be released. Opening his mouth, the black dragon, Comet, let out a large burst of blue flames, jumping off the clouds to dance in front of the burning flames.

The humans below cheered wildly, endless clapping and whistling coming from below. Comet came flying back up to the clouds, a proud smile on his face. I stared in fascination, my body aching to fly down there too, but with the human body I had, flying was almost impossible.

"What did you think (y/n)? Was it good for this year's festival?" The dragon asked me. I nodded frantically, exitement and questions building up inside me.

"Can I do it next year?! I want to dance around your blue fire too!" I cheered, earning a deep laugh from Comet.

"Once you pass your mother's test, then you can go down during the festival with me, until then." He paused to lick my hair, making it a mess,  it that it wasn't already.

"When can I become a dragon?" I asked Comet, sitting in his curled up tail. The black dragon snuggled up close to me, his warm scales keeping away the cold.

"When you are called down to the earth for a life changing moment, that's when. Your body will change, and your colours will shine, and you will become a dragon just like me."

Then I was returned to history class. 

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