A Valentines Special Part 3

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This is a Sashin x Reader

Feel free to skip!

Also, Sashin is the Grimm reaper for those two don't know^^


It was a normal day, a normal life, but an awful accident. I was climbing a tree to get my younger sisters kite out of the branches, when the weight of my body snapped the branch under my foot and made me tumble through the tree. I felt multiple scratches dig into my body, and my arm gave off a sicking snap as it whipped off of the thick branch. I didn't even have time to breath before I hit the ground and lost my breath, making me wheeze out a pathetic scream of pain.

I wanted to get up, but I only managed to move my arm before my body caved in on me. I took shallow breaths as I heard my sisters small steps run to me, her frantic crying and salty tears landing on my face. She was panicking.

"(Y/N)! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Will you be okay?" She asked me while tears spilled down her cheeks. I gave her a smile, sitting up while clenching my teeth in pain.  I saw some relief flood her eyes, but the tears still didn't stop coming from her eyes.

"Yeah i'm okay, just a bit sore is all. Do you think you can run and get mom? Tell her I fell from the large oak tree by the pond, okay?" I said. My little sister nodded hastily and ran, making sure not to trip on any lose rocks. I collapsed on the ground again, letting the pain take over. It felt like forever before I heard someone walking over to me, the calm steps crinkling the dry leaves on the cold ground. I smiled weakly, not bothering to look up.

"Sorry bout this mom, never expected to fall from that tree, please don't scold me later." I laughed, looking up. But it wasn't my mom, it was a man with dark hair and black eyes, and his calm face was looking at me. "Now who the hell are you stalker boy?"

His face went flat as he heard the name, and I could't help but snicker as I looked at him. His pale hand waved over me, and I looked at him with with curiosity as he did so. He quickly retraced his hand, shaking his head.

"I guess it's not your time yet. That's good." He mumbled, looking around the Autumn forest. He took a peek at the tree that I fell from, the broken branches hanging just barley off of the tree. I let out a huff, waiting for my mom to show up and help deal with me. I tried to move again, but I gasped in pain as my broken bone rubbed against itself in my arm. The man looked at me with a look, then saw my arm, his eyes filling with remorse.

He stepped closer to me, taking my arm in his hands as he gently examined it. A light blue glow came from his one hand and he placed it on my arm, his dark eyes focusing on the magic. My eyes widened as I watched my bone mend together, the pain fading as the nearby cuts also healed. 

"Thank you..." I said breathless. The man just nodded, stepping back as I sat up. I was a bit sore, but now that my arm was healed I felt like I could just walk home.

"My name it (y/n)." I introduced shyly. The man raised an eyebrow and looked at me, not really understanding why I was introducing myself. 

"You can call me...Sashin." He said. I didn't have time to reply, because my mother came tumbling though the trees. She didn't take notice of Sashin, instead she phased right through him and ran to me. I was shocked when he had a calm expression and watched my mother scream my name, shaking me as I continued to just stare at him. Sashin tuned away, fading into the light of day like he was nothing but a figure of my imagination.

My mother collected me up in her arms and carried me home, where she called an ambulance to have me checked. I didn't mention Sashin to anyone, for I knew they would think I'm crazy and give me medicine for a possible concussion. I was sent home with minor injuries and a large gash on my leg was weekly visited by nurses to clean and re-wrap the wound. It did't bother me much, and may people had fun colourning my bandages every week.

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