Chapter 3

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The line was long, and I even ended up talking to the monsters in front of me.

The black cloaked man came back sometimes with others in his arms, even eventually brought back a few human's as well, telling all of them to wait in the growing line.

We exchanged small waves each time we saw each other, that was until the line was too long to even see him.

I ended up turning to talk to the person in front of me, who happily took the time to entertain me in conversation.

Me and a purple nine-tailed fox, talked a lot while we waited for whatever was waiting for us at the front of the line. We eventually exchanged names, and her name was a perfect representation of her coats colour.

"The name is Lavender." She spoke. Her blue eyes were filled with warmth as she continued. "What's your's?"

"It's Y/N, pleasure to meet you." I held my hand out to shake her's, but she just tilted her head on curiosity. I smiled at her.

"It's called a handshake, you put your hand in mine and shake your hand with mine. Sounds easy, right?" Her blue eyes glimmered in wonder.

"Wow, I've never done this." She put her hand in mine, and her fur was extremely soft. We shook hands and talked about our lives, and I learned that was all actually came from diffrent dimensions.

We stopped talking after a while once we started to see the end of the line, and the humans from before were all growing inpatient, along with a couple of monsters.

Finally, it was Lavender's turn, she turned and waved a goodbye to me as she skipped to the person on the throne. They did a little talking while a rocked on my heels. Something felt off after Lavender left to join another line. At the front of that line was a giant wheel, and had diffrent things to be reincarnated into.

I winced as I saw one man get turned into a rat.

"Next please!" The man on the throne shouted. I quickly walked up to them, careful not to trip in the carpet.

"I'm king Yemma. Ruler of the underworld." They took a glance at me and gasped.

"Oh you poor thing, electrocuted to death, such a sad fate." They began, their eyes scanning my body from head to toe. "And what did this to you again?"

"I really just stumbled backwards into my own death, but I was being chased by my ex." I began.

The one in the throne nodded. "Well, you really only have two choices here, either you go to that line over There." They pointed to the line Lavender had just gone to. "Or you can go through three years of reincarnation high school."

"Oh gods, not again..." I said to myself. But I looked back at the wheel, someone else had just went and had been transformed into a sheep.

"I guess school will have to do." I said regretfully.

"Alright, best of luck to you." The one on the throne smiled as I was lifted into the air, and just like with the man in the cloak, the fimilliar feeling of teleporting washed through me.

I landed in the floor with a thud. But an orange monster grabbed my attention as I got up. He pointed to a hedge that said welcome. I gave the orange monster a smile and walked around.

All around me was a forest that had the livley sounds of creatures that lived inside. But what caught my attention was the high school me toned to me before.

It was large, large enough to house one thousand people easily.

So this is where I will be staying for the next four years? I looked around and saw a few monsters appear from behind me, all making the're way to the school. I didn't want to be trampled on, but a was crushed by the weight of a mother person.

Her hair went down to her shoulders, and had light brown eyes. She quickly apologized and got off me, joning some other people I saw earlier.

A 3-legged crow landed on the metal fence and began to speak.

"Would all you you be quiet?" It shouted. All five of us turned around to look at the crow.

"The crow is talking?" Someone said behind me. I just stood and watched the crow eye is one by one.

"I am Dicarius, the right arm of king Yemma." It bagan. "As of now your memories of your previous life will be erased."

"Thank God." I said. Oh to forget about the pain that I've been through recently, it would be like a miracle just to drive out that mental pain.

"Me first please!" I said, my arms extended wide. The crow looked at me weird and so did the other four behind me.

"U-um, the memories of most importance to you or your strong desires will stay with you though, so you won't lose all of them."

I groaned, maybe a new start wasn't an option. The others behing me began to protest, but a pink ball surrounded us and lifted us off the ground.

I felt memory after memory slowly disappear and fade into the darkest corners of my mind. Slowly, I was letting my most valuable memories from me slip away from my grasp.

Once we were out of the ball, I felt lighter, I didn't know why, but it felt nice, like the weight of my soul was slowly dragging me down physically.

Wait, who the hell were these people beside me?

And when did I get this uniform?

"What the-?" A monster bumped into me and glared at us, breaking me from my train of thought. He continued to make his way up to inside the high school. Blue fire pit up the small lanterns inside.

I looked around, and surely many more students were following, heading inside the school as many people chatted amongst themselves.

"Well, let's go then." I said. The others nodded, still dazed from what had just happened. We made our way into the school, and for the first time, my future felt bright.

Another Chance (Mook x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin