Chapter 5

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My mind pondered over the memory, was I supposed to be seeing my past life? I took one last look at the book and shoved the thing into the book shelf.

I walked out into the hallway and immediately stopped.

I realised that I didn't have any where to go.

Classes were over, and people were all heading with other friend groups.
I looked around the ball and saw Aru, and I quickly joined her.

"Oh, hey y/n! Do you know where were supposed to go?" She asked, cluless.

"Nope." I giggled, the brunette quick to join me. We both wandered the hallways, but an owl had started shouting.

"You two! Get over here into your dorms before curfew!" He screeched.

We both ran outside and saw two buildings, but which one did we go to? 

We wandered to the left wing, but immediately regretted our choice.

Mook stood by the door the the males dormitory. And by the look on his face he was determined to get somewhere.
He passed us, and headed back inside the school.

"Weird." Said Aru. I silently nodded, and we both scampered th the right wing, both too embarrassed to say a word to each other. Now we knew which building was the males.

We eventually split up after Aru had found a room with three people, and had left me to fend for myself. I wandered from room to room, but each one was either full or locked.

I banged my head against the wall, frustrated with myself on the first day.

I had only been here for a held day, but already so many things were going wrong. I got lost, didn't know what the hell etheics class was, and now I couldn't find a room.

I got to the top floor, the climb from the stairs taking my breath from my lungs. I got to the end of the hall, and I saw a another pair of stairs.

'what the..why? Why another one?' I let out a sigh and began to climb more stairs.

The climb was worth it, for I managed to find another door. When I opened it, I immediately was greeted with dust.

I sneezed, but managed to find a window. I quickly opened it, and the dust slowly flowed out. I wamdered the room, it was to dark to see anthing, but I somehow found what seemed to be a bed, and right beside it was a nightstand.

I placed my black notebook on the stand and layed in the bed.

Not caring for its condition, I layed my head on the pillow and fell asleep on my uniform.

The next morning I woke up with a panic. I had forgotten to set an alarm, and the lack of sun had not helped me wake up. I quickly picked up my black book, and ran.

I burst out my door, and the trip down the stairs was much easier then going back up. I ran down the stairs, but I saw no one else was there, so I sped up my pace, almost tripping a few times.

I entered my homeroom with a thud, the door swinging open as I entered. Everyone's attention was centered on my as a leaned over to catch my breath.

"Y/n, care to explain?" My teacher asked. I stood straight, looking at my teacher straight in the eye.

Or glasses.

"I over slept. I had no alarm yet thats no excuse. I'm very sorry." I apologized and bowed, then took a seat.

"You have class duty then, and don't be late again." We then began class, and I actually payed attention this time. I heard hushed voices behind me, and small laughter that caused me to look back.

Two students were whispering and looking at me, while laughing. I gave them a cold glare and they immediately shut up. Smiling, I listened to the teacher's boring voice as he spoke.

I was in the verge of falling asleep when the teacher dismissed us. And I was also just about to walk out when the history teacher caught me by the collar of my uniform.

"And where do you think your going?" He asked. I could have sworn I knew I saw him before but all I got was a shock of pain from inside my head.

"I'm going to the library before my next class?" I answered. He shook his head, and dragged my back into the classroom. He gave me a cloth doused in water

"Class duty, wipe the boards. Then you can leave." He snickered as he left, and I had just realized why.

I was too short to reach the top.

I silently cursed as I began wiping. I took some satisfaction from watching the boards slowly turn from grey to black. The lights shone off the clean bored as I moved.

Now all that was left was the top.

I began jumping and wiping the boards, but nothing seemed to reach the top of the chalk board. I heard someone enter the class, but stop right at the doorway.

"Where's the history teacher?" The student asked.

"Who's asking?" I said.

"Mook." I turned around and surely enough, there He was, leaning against the door frame.

"He left, but he'll be back soon enough to a half cleaned chalkboard." I laughed. I went back to trying to clean the chalkboard with no prevail.

"You want some help?" He asked.

"No." I replied. I kept on jumping, then I eventually tried throwing to he cloth at the top of the bored, but that only splashed water all over the place. I let out a sigh and gave up. "Yes please."

I could have sworn he smiled a bit as he took the cloth from my hands, our skin brushing and sending shock through me.

I didn't know if he felt the same shock, but if he did he didn't show it as he wiped up the remaining dust from the board.

Once he finished, he neatly folded the cloth and set it on the teachers desk.

"Thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." I then left the class as soon as he said those words. 

Halfway through the wall to my next class I froze. I had forgotten my book at the class.

I almost ran back to the class, and when I reached it I could make out some faint voices from behind the door.

I knocked thrice, and the door opened. Mook stood there, with my book in his hands. I looked at my book, then looked back at Mook.

"Mine, thanks." I quickly said before speeding off. A blush of embarrassment was on my face and I shook my head, ready for the next class.

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