Chapter 17

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I packed up my stuff with bliss, I could practiacally hear the laughter of my friends in my ears. I changed into a fresh uniform She had brought me earlier, the feeling of dirt finally gone.

I practically skipped out of the infirmary, not batting an eye to those watching me. I was smiling inside, finally feeling the light on my skin.

The first thing I did was head to my room. For the first time I didn't get tired when I ran up the stairs, and when I did enter my room everything was clean, just like how I left it.

I set my things down exept my note book and fell on my bed. It's soft comforter still smelled like vanilla and strawberries, the perfect combo.

I could have fell asleep if it weren't for the bright sun peering through the windows, and the loud songs the underworld birds sang.

A small tap on my window was also another thing that woke me up. A black crow was staring through my window. I immediately gave it the finger, but regretted it as it shifted into a man.

"Well shit." I shuffled against the wall my bed leaned on. The window opened and the man in black clothing stepped in.

"Man, I just got out of the infirmary a few minutes ago. At least let me enjoy some food before you kill me." I panicked, not really knowing what I was saying.

"(y/n), King Yemma needs to talk with you." He said blankly. I raised my brow, generally confused.


The ruler of the underworld.

Well I'm in some deep shit then.

I hesitantly nodded and got off my bed, heading to my door.

"You won't be going that way." The man said. I stopped and looked at him funny. He rolled his eyes and gestured to the window beside him. I walked over and leaned out over the edge, the height making me tremble a bit.

Just as I was going to back out, the man's arm wrapped around my waist and I was lifted into the air. My stomach rose as he used his agility to fly straight to the center of the school.
I felt as if I was going to hurl.

"Dude, Why am I meeting the principal?" I yelled over the wind. He either ignored me or didn't hear me because he didn't bother giving me an answer. I huffed, holding onto the man's arms for the little feeling of support.

When we landed, he gracefully placed me down and walked ahead of me, standing by a dark red door.

He gestured to the door, opening it for me. I casually entered, the lighting growing an eerie red. I looked directly in the center of the room, where the principle stood.

"Hello there principle Yemma, I believe you called me here?" I said, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice. They stared at me with empty eyes, smile lines evident on there faces from years of stretching.

"That's right (y/n), please, have a seat." I did as I was told, sitting on a comfy chair on the other side of a round wooden table. Yemma looked at me with curious eyes, scanning my body. I grew a bit self-conscious, shifting I comfortably under her gaze. I didn't know why I was called, and that was also making me uncomfortable.

"She's the girl that saw what happened inside the new club at the festival." Dicarius whispered a little too loudly in Yemma's ear. Her eyes trailed Dicarius as he walked around, then looked back to me.

"What did you see inside the tent?" She asked. I tilted my head, not really sure how to answer. My hand went to my temple as I thought. Gust, Liza, And Dom. They must be in trouble.

Welp, time to lie I guess.

"It was just a normal club that researches about mystical animals, dragons, pegasi and other animals like that, nothing to bad, although they should probably wash that tent, it was a bit dusty." I tried to avoid the truth, but also not stray to far from it. If they ever do find out I was lying, I'll need another exuse.

"Did the students look suspicious at all to you? Off putting in any way?" She asked. I immediately thought of Dom, his emotionless face and non-existent expressions. It was all a bit creepy, but all he really did was make the necklace a wore now. Wait.

Did he have magic?

And why the hell didn't I realize this before?

"No," I lied. "The only thing that concerned my was the fact that I had never seen them before, but that was it."

Oh The weight on my shoulders was growing heavier. That didn't feel nice.

Yemma nodded her head, her short hair bobbing as she did so. She got up from her own chair with a slam from her hands hitting the table, spooking both me and Dicarius. 

"And who were these people?" She asked.

I'm screwed.

It I told her, then she would definitely know I lied. But if I lied to her now and told her other people, she would find them and find the truth.

"I don't know there names, but one was a human, another a bird guy, and a lizard girl. They looked like good friend's but they also said there in different grades." Oh, the guilt of lying was twisting my gut like a snake. What am I to do now. Yemma nodded, the relief washing over me so fast I thought I was going to faint.

"That should be enough info for now (y/n), please have a rest for the day and go to school tomorrow." She said, walking away from me. I grew exited in my chair, the feeling of another day off of school sounding great.

"But remember." I froze, staring into Yemma's eyes as she spoke.

"Infernal spirits are not to be reckoned with (y/n)."

And with that, she left.

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