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I wake up to fingers drawing circles in between my breasts, and the feeling causing tingles to go down my spine. Although I'm awake, I don't want to open my eyes--not just yet. Rob has a tendency to tell me some things he's often a bit too embarrassed to say when I'm awake. One of those 'I'm a guy' things.

Society, man.

I'm also slowly becoming aware of a certain ache between my thighs, which lets me know that we went...hard...last night. I was not expecting that after coming home from a day out with my family. It had been a while since we last did much. Well, with everything that's happened recently.

I'm trying to remember exactly what happened...

I came home after a long day at the beach with the kids, my parents, Yana and Britney.

"Hey, Robby, we're home," I call out, walking into the house with the kids. It's quiet, the kind of quiet I recognize. The quiet I get when the kids are asleep, Rob is at work, and I'm in my own company.

Well, it was quiet, before the tots start calling for their dad.

"Dada! Dada?!"

Rob went to work, so he was home for awhile before us. I'm surprised the kids were even still awake, but they were barely hanging on to their energy.

I find Rob in the living room, reading a book. The kids run over to him, as fast as their little legs can carry them, and extend their arms up. His eyes light up when he sees them, "hey my little pumpkins!"

I watch quietly as they have their moment, with a smile on my face.

"Hey, Rob."

He glances at me, his smile faltering, then looks away, "hey."

I watch him for a few minutes, taking in his expressions, "you okay?"

He didn't talk to me for the longest time, which kinda started to piss me off. I mean, I didn't do anything for one. Also, he's been hiding things from me, so what right did he have to get upset?! But, I didn't do or say anything about it. Not until Neil, Nuru, and Jessie were sleeping.

When it was time to sleep and the kids were in their room, I made my approach.

"Did something happen," I ask him, sitting right in front of him on the sofa. My hands go to his thighs, and I bring my face close to his to keep him from avoiding me. He doesn't say anything for a while, which makes me start to lose what little patience I have left.


"Look... down..."

"What-" I look down, and see that his pants have tightened, and there's a growing bulge. I inhale sharply, and my eyebrows shoot up, "oh..."

Rob gets up, escaping my hold on him, and goes over to the living room window.

"...I did fine at work today. I would've done better, but... I couldn't stop thinking about holding you. Caressing you, making you writhe and moan in my arms, hearing your cries of pleasure, feeling every inch of you in every way."

I stand there, wordless, as he comes up to me and snakes his arms around my waist. His gaze is intense, and I look away.

This has escalated very quickly, and I'm not sure I want to get as excited as he is now.

Calm down Liv.

His lips gently touch my neck, leaving a warm, tingly trail of kisses in their wake as they make their way down to my chest. My breath hitches, and I let out a sigh of pleasure.

Too late...

And that is why I'm currently naked in bed next to my... Robert.

Yeah, I'm still kinda mad.

"Hi," he says with smile, after noticing I've opened my eyes.

"Hi," I reply, smirking. He could've gone on like that for another twenty minutes if I'd kept my eyes closed.

"Happy Anniversary, baby," Rob says before giving me a sweet kiss. "Happy Anniversary to you, too," I reply once we're apart. "I can't believe it's been two years already."

"I know... Two years and three kids," Rob says, as his eyes roam over my face, taking me in again, "how are you feeling?"


We both laugh, and I forget for a time that there was ever anything wrong. I can't even remember the last time we just laid in bed like this and talked. Or didn't talk, just were.

"Well, last night was incredible. You're incredible," Rob whispers, giving me a chaste kiss. I pucker up my lips again, and he chuckles as he gives me another one.

I toss the covers over and off of my body, placing my feet on the plush rug near the bed, and stretch to get any kinks out of my body, "what time is it?"

Rob groans as he rolls over onto his belly to grab his phone. I look back just in time to catch him squinting at the bright screen, "geez..." I giggle, finding his irritated face amusing, "I keep telling you to turn your brightness down."

Rob shoots a look my way, but I can see the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. He then looks back at his phone, "it's 7:57AM."

I don't hear the kids, but they're usually awake by now. I remember one morning, I woke up a little early, so I went into their room to check on them. Nuru was sitting up in her bed, just staring into space until she noticed me.

It was so cute, I was dying!

"Imma go check on the babies," I tell Rob, and leave before I hear his response.


"AHHHH! I can't EVEN!" I squeal, throwing my hands over my cheeks. As I start jumping with excitement, Rob's steps are loud and thumping as he rushes downstairs.

"What's wrong?!" His eyes dart back and forth, then he's in front of me, checking my vitals, "what happened?"

The looks on Nuru and Neil's faces were priceless, as they eyed the two of us with concern and confusion. Jessie rushed, as fast as her little legs could carry her, to my aid. She whined as she shook my leg.

I try to hold in my laughter, but it just came bursting out, "nothing is wrong. Our children just looked too cute in their matching outfits, I couldn't help myself."

Rob rolls his, letting go of me and running a hand through his hair, "really, Liv..."

"So, anything planned for today?" I ask Rob in my chirpiest voice, with the biggest smile I can offer. The kind that accepts awards, it's killer.


"What are we doing?" I ask quickly, interrupting him as I grab his arm. Rob looks down at me and smiles before creating some distance between us.

"It's a surprise. I'm gonna go get some things, but be ready by six tonight. Wear something nice."

My lips fall into a pout, and I'm a bit disappointed that I'm not in on this surprise. I do love them, but I also love planning things. Planning brings me joy.

"That's crap."

He shakes a finger in my face with a glint of amusement in his eyes, "hey! Language."


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