Chapter 15

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"You're so lucky to have a guy like him." Amanda said. "I am." I agreed. I looked at her and asked, "Why are you with Ryan, anyway?"

Liv's POV

This girl is fidgeting while watching TV. That's not right. I know she's going to say something so stupid about why she's with him. I realize I just forgave her, but that was hard. Why did I anyway? I know, turn the other cheek. But, for real, I just handed her back the baby I've been raising over the summer instead of going to yoga classes and meet-ups for future mothers. That's not right.

"I didn't think you deserved him. I honestly thought he was out of your league." She's still fidgeting while she says that, and isn't making eye contact.

"Well, what do you think now?" I ask, wanting to hear what stupid thing she says now. I'm trying to keep my cool, I really am.

"My opinion hasn't changed-"

I pivot and backhand her across the face. She has her hand to her face and is looking at me, completely shocked. A tear is falling down my face and I don't even care. It's like she's not even my sister.

She opens her mouth to speak, "How dare you-"

"How dare I?!" I'm screaming because I need to. "How dare I? You're the one who, ever since you started high school, has been a total b**** to me. In the halls, during my freshman year, you would maybe wave. I remember that one day when Myra was at home sick, it was like my third day and I had no one to have lunch with. Instead of being the awesome older sister you claim to be, you sat your senior ass on that bench table, looked at me, and did nothing.

I have always been nice to you! I've respected you, given you advice, and every time you took a guy from me, I said nothing. Nothing! I even took care of your baby! For God's sakes, Amanda! I have practically been the perfect older sister! And I'm younger than you! By three years(A/N I think that's the age gap)! I've done nothing to you to deserve this! And that slap is nothing compared to the anger and hurt I've felt. The thing that's the saddest, though, is that I would still do so much for you. Because I love you and we're sisters. But, I'm tired of it all. I'm about to have a baby, too. You need to clean up your act." I sigh and look at her.

This girl has tears in her eyes. "What is it?" I ask. She starts shaking her head and I sigh once again. "CJ isn't-"

"OH MY GOOODNESSS! Woah. WOAH! WOW! OKAY, THAT IS PAINFUL!" I screamed, clenching my abdomen. "Not to hard, you'll hurt yourself. And the baby." Manda said, easing my grip. She pressed the red button next to my hospital bed.

"What's-" the person on the line started, but got cut off.

"My baby sister is in labour! Hurry the hell up, asking questions." She yelled, and then came back to me. "Liv. Olivia! Breathe, girl, breathe!" She started breathing deeply and so did I. I waved my hand toward my phone. "What's wrong?" She asked and I groaned, really loudly. "MY PHONE, MY PHONE! Get it and call Rob. I-I need him here, now!" I started crying and Amanda scurried to get the phone.

"Hello? ... Yeah, my sister's in labour! ... What do you mean, who is this?! Don't you have caller ID?! Goodness. Get over here!" She hung up right when the doctor and nurses came in. "What the hell took you so damn long?! I was screaming in that damn micra effing thingy! Can't you see she's in labour?!" Amanda screamed at the doctor and nurses. Doctor what's her name came up to me.

"I'm going to check how dilated you are-"

"OH MY GOD! You for real?! She. Is. In. LABOUR!" Manda screamed, using a lot of hand gestures. I'm just trying to keep my mind off of the pain, and watching her is pretty entertaining.

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