44.2: Kiss It Better

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My eyebrows scrunch together as I stare at the newspaper in front of me, placed squarely on the dining table. The expression on my face alters slightly now and again, but the same emotion is felt all throughout my being.

I'm disgusted.

How is it that people can even promote this... This...


Why is this even published? I have no clue. I mean, newspapers were once the Saturday sit-down and read while you're eating waffles, eggs, and bacon and drinking coffee; a wonderful meal made by the wonderful wife.

Well, that was back in the fifties. The news probably wasn't exactly uplifting...

It's completely manipulating! The only thing I can truly comprehend here is the confusion and deception plastered all over this page! I should be enjoying my time right now, and instead I'm wracking my brain for a solution, something that I can do to fix this!

Who the hell wrote this thing?!

"Freaking crosswords!" I curse, pushing the newspaper aside in frustration.

My head falls into my hands as I let out a long, heaving sigh. A groan soon follows after that, my back and chest rising and falling with the actions. I shake my head, over and over, so tempted to grab the paper and burn it.

But, as my eyes look over at the recipe for frustration, I can't help but take it in my hands and try again.

It's no use!

It had been over fifteen minutes, yet I was only two words closer to solving the puzzle than before. I really was at the point of burning the frickin' thing, until a genius thought came into my head.

Ask Olivia!

A large grin replaced my frown, and joy took the place of my irritation as I arose from my seat with the newspaper in hand. My stride was confident, my heart hopeful, as I made my way up the steps to where my lovely, intelligent lady was.

Liv will definitely be able to do this. She practically grew up on crosswords and odd, 'common' knowledge.

"Babe," I said as I opened our bedroom door, "could you help me with this crossword? I'm having a-"

I stopped in the doorway when I caught sight of Liv sitting up in bed, sniffling and closing her eyes as she tried to stand up.

I rushed forward, taking her in my arms and settling us both into the bed.

"Robert, I'm fine," she whispered, sniffling again and rubbing her eyes. Her voice was slightly croaking and her eyes were watery.

Out of instinct, I touched her forehead with the back of my right hand.

"Liv, you're burning up!"

She tried to wave me off as I pulled up the covers, tucking her into the bed comfortably. Her eyes opened as she looked up at me, "before you ask, the little ones are fine."


"I wore a mask over my face, they're not gonna catch a thing, honey."

I smiled down at her, stroking the sides of her face with my hands. Of course, her first thought was of the kids. I could even imagine her, sniffling and exhausted, dragging herself into their room and checking on them.

"Did you feed them?" I asked her.

She nodded, "I got them the breast milk from the fridge."

"I'm gonna make you some tea and porridge, then get some vitamin C and D for you, okay? Just get some rest," I said to Liv, leaning down to place a kiss on her forehead. "You might have a fever, but you'll be fine once you get some vitamins and proper nutrition."

Liv nodded again, slowly, giving my arm a light squeeze before I got up from the bed and went to check on the kids before getting her some things.

Right as I was about to leave the room, I head my name called.


I turned, quickly, and come rushing to her side, "yes? What's wrong?"

Liv coughed a few times, before shaking her head and smiling.

"I need you to do that again," she whispered.

"Do what?"

"Kiss it better."


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