Chapter 23

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Ding dong! Ding dong! Diiiiing! Donng!

Rob rolled over in the bed and groaned, as he attempted to cover his ears. "Could you get the door?" He asked, barely able to open his eyes. I, on the other hand, was wide awake, lying in bed with my eyes open. Why? Somebody decided to come home in the morning.

"Fine." I said, getting up and out of the bed. "Seems like I do everything in this house, anyway."

I could hear him groaning again as I made my way down the steps.

I opened the door to see a glam looking Amanda, wearing Ray Bands sunglasses and a London Fog coat, that she topped off with an infinity scarf and other things, watching her car from our doorstep. She smiled her brightest when she finally looked at me.

"Hello!" She exclaimed, coming in for a hug. I hugged her back, despite some feelings I still had about what went down all those weeks ago.

"Hi..." I said, letting her into the house. "What are you doing here?" I closed the door and walked into the kitchen, grabbing two large cans of Coconut water. Believe it or not, our favorite.

"Well, you did say to come by if I wanted my things or about a therapist... Well, I already got a therapist, and I've made some progress..." She said this with a smile, then proceeded to sit at the island counter in front of me.

I handed her the can and she smiled again.

I haven't seen her smile so much in such a short span of time since...I don't even know...

"Good for you." I remarked about her going to therapy. She nodded in agreement, looking around the kitchen.

"I see you got a new tap for your sink!" She commented. I looked back at the sink when she said that and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah... Rob tried fixing it himself as a surprise for me when I came back from this party earlier this month. But, it broke like two minutes after we started washing dishes the next morning. So, we got someone to come by and, well... Do it right." I laughed, remembering how hard he tried, which I really did appreciate.

Amanda laughed as well. "Look, Liv, I'm really sorry. About everything. I really mean it. All those things I did to you in the past were pathetic and... I was an ass. I'm sorry. I really am. I really just came by to apologize to you."

"Thank you for that." I said, taking a sip of my water. "So, how's your guy?" I asked, trying not to have his name come out of my mouth. Or anyone's, really.

"Oh, Raven?" She asked.

Agh, she said it.

"Yes... Him." I replied, with some effort.

"He's okay... He, um..." She looked at me then shrugged. "I, uh, broke up with him."

"Really?" I asked, pretty surprised. I mean, she has like this obsession with 'bad boys'.

"Yes, really. It was never working in the first place." She sighed, and then leaned in, as though she had some big secret to tell me.

"You know how I said that Ryan was abusive and all of that?" She asked. I nodded, eager for her to get in with what she was trying to say. "Well..." She started, and then trailed off.

"It's no secret that it was all bullshit. I know. We all know." I told her, nonchalantly.

"Not completely. Raven was the one who did it to me. I just couldn't take it anymore. That's why I left him."

"And, where is he now?"



Amanda got all her belongings and left after about two hours. We spent a lot of time talking about our lives and catching up. She is legit about therapy. I can tell it's helping her a lot.

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