Chapter 4

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"Myra..." Liv said, turning toward her friend. Liv looked at Rob, who was now walking toward her. "I...I think I'm, I know I'm...Pregnant..."

Liv almost broke down at the sight of Robert. She turned on her heel and hurried toward the nurse's office. "Liv!" she heard Myra call after her. She quickly turned around and saw Rob standing next to Myra. He was shocked that she was there. A look of pain and resentment in his eyes after he saw the tears in Liv's. "Do you know her?" he asked Myra. She nodded, her eyes still glued to Liv. "We're in this class, actually." she added, now turning to him.

"Olivia, it's been a long time-" Nurse Jennifer was smiling until she noticed the tears in Liv's eyes. "What happened, hun?" she asked her. Liv used to go to the nurse's office all the time when she was in grade 9. Nosebleeds, unexpected periods, scraped knees and elbows, and acne. Sometimes she went in just to avoid going to class, and because they had interesting conversations. But she never thought she'd go in because of hormones.

"I-I...My period...I haven' think I-I'm..." Liv stuttered then broke into another fit of tears. "It's okay, just breathe. Sit here." Jennifer helped Liv over to one of the sofas in the office. "So, you think you're pregnant?" she asked Liv, pouring her a small cup of water. "Yes...Thanks." she took the cup from Jen's hand, sipping it slowly. She hadn't cried that much since Rob left her house that morning. "So, would you like a test?" Jen asked, patiently waiting for her to answer. Liv looked up at her with appreciation, "That would be helpful, yeah."

"You can do this." Liv said to herself, looking in the mirror. She couldn't believe she was about to take a pregnancy test. How'd she even end up having sex...with a 23 year old?! At a college party?! "What was I thinking..." she asked herself, practically stating it. She went over to the toilet, sat down, and peed. "Alright, that's it, then. Now, to wait." she sighed, getting up and looking at the stick. She knew that, if one line showed up, life would be back to normal. She could act like none of this ever happened, go back to the way things were before. It would be easy.

But, if two lines showed up, everything would change. She'd have to tell Rob, since it's his child. Who would support her? Help take care of her. The baby! How would she support that innocent child. Children, maybe. But, something inside her wanted that. A family, of her own. She set the test down on the counter and went back to the sofa. "So," Jen started, as Liv sat down. "How's your mom?" Olivia looked at her and chuckled. "How long has it been since you two have talked?" she asked Jennifer.

"Too long." Jennifer said, looking away. Jennifer wasn't just the school nurse, she was Liv's aunt. Jennifer and Liv's mom hadn't talked in a while because, after Jen got pregnant and eloped, her family freaked out. Liv's mom got upset at her, and they haven't spoken in 5 years. So, it wasn't exactly the best relationship between sisters.

"So, do you know who the father is? Or, is there more than one...You know..." Jen asked her, smirking. Liv laughed and poked her shoulder. "Aunt Jenny! I am not like that. But, yes, I know who the father is, for sure. If there is even a kid." "Who is it?" Jen asked, the curiosity overwhelming. Liv looked at her, then looked away. "I-" "Hey, Jennifer." Robert said, walking into the office. Liv's heart started pounding when she saw him. He looked at her and didn't know what to say. "Rob...Something you need? I'm helping out a student right now." Jen said, trying not to sound rude.

"Yeah, well, Ms.Haydon is in my class and I just came by to see if everything's alright." he replied. Liv looked away and almost scoffed. Since when was he so proper. Just, ugh. He seemed so fake to her at that moment. Liv got up and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Rob tried his best not to stare at it, wanting to just hold her. "Would you like to wait for her?" Jen asked Robert, catching on to what was happening. "That's fine. She can take her time." he replied, leaving the office.

Liv leaned against the door and, when the door into the nurse's office closed, she wished he's stayed. She wanted to talk to him. She wanted him to hold her. But, she was pretty sure she was just another one of his 'girls'. A play thing to him. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Well, what does the test say?" Liv asked herself, taking deep breaths before she looked at the results. One line, two lines...TWO LINES?! "Ah!" she screamed, shocked. "I'm, I'm pregnant!" she squealed. A feeling overwhelmed her...Happiness. She was so overwhelmingly happy in that moment. "Are you ok, Olivia?" Jennifer asked, knocking on the washroom door. The screaming sounded pleasant, but it was so loud, she had to check what was going on.

"Yes!" Olivia screamed with joy. She opened the door after washing the test and showed it to Jennifer. Jennifer looked down at the test, then back at Liv. "When was your last period?" she asked her, wanting to be sure it wasn't just a mistake. "About 2 months ago." Liv replied. An enormous smile spread across Jen's face. "Congrats, Olivia, honey." Jennifer pulled her into a huge bear hug. "Now, as your 27 year-old aunt, it may not be the best example to set for you but, I know you, Olivia. And, I know that you have one of the biggest hearts. Come here." she said, hugging Liv once again.

Rob stood outside of the nurse's office, back for a bandage. He'd gotten a paper cut while handing out the class work. When he heard Liv announce she was pregnant, and he couldn't believe it. She was pregnant and didn't even bother telling him?! She kept running away after she said something. Never let him get a word in. But, to be fair, he never bothered to go after her. Especially after she saw him with Izabel. The way things looked didn't help his situation. She wasn't another one of those girls to him. Something about her was...different.

"So, who's the father?" Jennifer asked, and Rob had his full attention on that part of their conversation. There was a long pause and he looked into the room to see what was going on. He saw Liv...On the ground?! "Liv!" he called, rushing into the room. "What happened to her?" he asked Jen, who seemed to be trying to keep calm. "I think it's a lack of sleep..." she reached over and felt Liv's forehead. "Yeah, a fever. She gets fevers when she hasn't slept well enough." Jen looked at Rob and smiled. He tried his best to smile back.

"Well, she...since she's pregnant, it's higher than usual." Jen said, then got up, led Liv to a bed, and grabbed her purse. "Where are you going?" Liv asked her, quietly. "Rest, Olivia. You overwork yourself. I'm going to buy some lemons, ginger. The usual. I'll come back and take you to my place to rest." Rob looked at Liv, then back to Jen, confused. "Rob." Jen called. He looked up, eyebrows raised. "Could you take care of her? Just bring her water know." he nodded, then looked at Liv.

She was smiling a gentle smile at him. "Could you hold my hand?" she asked him. He looked at her, surprised. He took her hand in his, and it was pretty warm. "So...You're pregnant?" he asked her, trying his best to look pleasant. "What?" she asked him, confused. She'd forgotten she was pregnant, the heat had gotten to her head. She looked at Rob and pulled her hand away from his quickly.

"Why do you care?" she asked him, with all the strength she could muster. She sat up and looked at him. "What do you mean? The kid would be mine, right?" he asked, his volume increasing. "Well," she said, rubbing her eyes, "I'm just one of those girls, right?" she asked him. He shook his head and looked into her eyes. "No, you're not...There's something about you." he told her, surprised at his own words. He never felt like this with any girl.

"It's so premature..." Liv said, smiling. She chuckled lightly and laid back into bed. He smiled and let her hand go. "Tomorrow...I won't be the same." Liv said, looking at him. She was tired she didn't even care what came out of her mouth. By not being the same, well, it wasn't anything deep, really. She would probably just act, differently. It'd probably be the hormones.



Hey, everyone!

Thanks so much for all the votes and comments! If it weren't for the 'please update' comments, this chapter wouldn't be here. They motivated me so, keep that going. For the next chapter, it'll be in Liv's POV. I'll try and update a little earlier since I do want to write. I'm getting busier so it will be a bit of a challenge. I love writing for you guys and I appreciate the support. Thanks again so much!


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