Chapter 22

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"So..." I cat walked into the living room and did a twirl, "how do I look?"

Rob looked up from his laptop and did a double take. "Wow!" He exclaimed with a smile. "So, you're..." He looked me up and down and then his smile became even bigger, "Sexy for Halloween?"

I rolled my eyes, "I swear your lines get cheesier by the day."I went over to where he was on the couch and sat beside him. "I'm Niobe from the Matrix. On point, right?" I asked. He nodded and then groaned.

"What?" I asked him, seriously not getting the silent complaint.

"Why is your friend throwing a Halloween party a week after Halloween?" He asked in return.

"You mean Myra?"

"Yeah, her."

"I don't know. But, I'm just going to show my face for like an hour or so and then leave."

"You mean show your body?"

I looked at him, then laughed. "You're just not used to me going places with friends since I haven't gone out too much since Neil and the twins. I'm just gonna catch up with some people. Okay?"

I gave him a kiss and he sighed, "Go have your fun."

I drove up to a house on the C.R College Campus. I think it was one of those frat houses, but I'm not sure. I parked my car, went up to the house and knocked on the door. It was opened almost immediately, and a girl with a bright pink wig and exposing costume stood there.

"Hey!" She exclaimed.

"Hi... I'm Liv, a friend of Myra's."

"Oh, come on in!" She moved aside, making room for me to enter.

I walked into the house and I was amazed. Well, mostly. The walls and ceiling were decorated with webs, fake spiders -well, I hope they're fake- blood, skeletons, eyeballs. Crazy stuff.

"Olivia! Olivia!" Myra sang, giving me a surprise hug. I didn't even see her coming. "Oliviaaaa!"

"My, Myra! It's been forever!" I hugged her back, overwhelmed with excitement.

"I know and I'm so sorry. I was supposed to be going to school in France, but I was struggling with French, so I decided to come here. Come, let's catch up!" She led me over to a couch in some room and we sat down.

"Punch?" She asked, handing me her cup.

"I'm good. Thanks, though."

She took a sip of it herself and smiled.

"So, I decided to come back to Toronto and take Film at C.R. Our teacher is really hot!"

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Mr. Kenshaw. It's an... interesting name." She said, then took another sip of her drink.

She was about to say something else when someone sat beside me.

"You weren't even gonna say hi?" I heard the girl say. I turned around then to see who it was.

"I would if I'd known you were here! Yana!" I exclaimed, giving her a tight hug. "It's been months!"

"I know. I changed my number and forgot yours. Excuses, excuses. Do you have time to catch up?" She asked.

I smiled, really glad to see her, "I-"

"Olivia and I were just catching up, actually." Myra said, looking at Yana while her hand was on my shoulder. I honestly couldn't get why there was so much tension.

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