Chapter 35: Thanksgiving Day Special

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I unlock our front door and take the key out once the door is open. Picking up the large box I brought with me, I enter the house and close the door shut with my behind.

I love being with my friends, but it's difficult being away from the kids and Rob. I thought I could go the night without calling to speak with them, but I just couldn't help it.

I feel a kiss on my cheek as I'm  sliding my crocs off my feet.

"Good morning," Rob says, his voice a little croaky. It's only 8:00 AM, which is kind of early for a holiday. But, I gotta get those turkeys in the oven.

Yes, turkeys. We're expecting a lot of guests, family, today. One of the birds is smaller. Thank God for Rob and his brain. My guy got this awesome idea to have a potluck. So, there will be lots of pie.

"Morning, handsome!" I smile, giving him a kiss on the lips in response, "any trouble last night?"

Shaking his head no, he reaches forward to take the box from me. "I'm good," I reply, carrying it into the living room.

"It looks nice," he says, surveying the package. "Not just plain brown. One of your friends?"

"Both, actually. Remember how I gave them gifts for their birthdays since I missed them?" I ask.


"Well, they went all out and got gifts for the kids celebrating the first and almost first birthdays. And some candy for me," I tell him, taking my coat off and tossing it onto a chair. I go into the fridge and bring out the turkey, only to discover Rob still sitting there.

"Why don't you open it?" He asks me, yawning.

Smiling, I slide the turkey on its tray into the oven, then go and sit next to Rob, "You can open it."

As he's opening the box, he looks up at me then laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask him, smiling now.

"You forgot to tell them."

"Tell them what?"

"We're celebrating the girls' birthday today," he looks at me again, this time pausing the box operation. "You forgot, didn't you?"

I don't even pause to defend myself, the guilt overwhelming me in seconds, "does this make me a bad mom? I'm the one who organized this, yet I forgot!"

"No, it doesn't. It's been almost two months since their birthday passed. We had our family celebration with homemade cake from you and simple gifts. This thing today is for our families. Well, our parents," he nudges me a bit and smiles.

"You're an amazing mother, beautiful."

I nestle my head on his shoulder, sliding my arm under his, "you're an amazing father. Thank you."


"This is very nice!" My mom exclaims, holding up a framed photo of Rob and I. Well, two photos put together.

"We keep forgetting to take family photos. The other ones are of the babies. So, that's the closest we have to a pro picture together," I tell everyone, then take a sip of my tea.

We're in the middle having some family time in the den before dinner. Well, Yana is here too. Amazingly, to my surprise, everyone showed up by six.

Yana gives me a look of disbelief, "that's the only picture you have as a couple?"

I shrug, "the rest are selfies."

I hear soft laughter, and everyone looks happy. It feels like an early Christmas, which brings joy to my heart.

"Why don't we pray for the food? I think it's about time to eat?" My mom'a sister, Fey, suggests to me.

"Right. Um," I look around the room, "who would like to pray?"

It's silent for a few seconds, until Amanda raises her hand. I nod to her, hesitantly. I don't remember the last time I heard her pray. For anything.

Clearing her throat and closing her eyes, Amanda joins her hands together to pray, "Thank you God for gathering us all together. It's truly a blessing to be here celebrating Thanksgiving together as a family. Bless my baby sister Olivia and her boyfriend Rob.
Not only for welcoming all of us into their home, but joining these two families together. Also, for bringing wonderful human beings onto this earth. Thank you for everyone in this room and the food that we will share together. Amen."

"Amen!" Everyone says. As we all get up, the rest of the family heading upstairs to eat, I follow behind with Amanda.

"Hey, Manda," I call out quietly as we're walking up the steps. As she looks down behind her at me, I smile, "thank you."

She gives me a small smile and a nod, then continues up the staircase.


"Olivia! You pick the movie, we can't decide," Aunt Jen says to me. We have moved to the movie room at this point, which Rob and I never use. But now I'm glad we had it done.

A movie during dessert is a Thanksgiving and Christmas tradition in my family. Well, not really a tradition. We just like to make it sound fancy. They've been trying to choose one for ten minutes now. And my dad and Rob's dad kept trying to make The Matrix an option.

"Let's just watch Daddy's Home. That's a good movie," I decide, adding sprinkles to my ice cream.

"Olivia, this one," Ronan whispers, holding up Meet the Parents and waving it around.

"You're staying over, right? We'll watch it after," Rob tells him. Ronan sits down, faking a pout. I just laugh in return.

About an hour into the movie, Rob calls me to sit with him at the back of the room. No one else has seen this movie but us, so they don't even notice me moving.

"Yes?" I ask, cozying up next to him.

"This was a really great idea. Bringing the family together."

"I'm excited for Christmas now!"

He gives me a loving kiss, then pulls me in close, "Happy Thanksgiving."

"Happy Thanksgiving, Rob."



Thanks for reading this Special Chapter! Vote and/or comment if you enjoyed it! I appreciate all of your support. If you're wondering where the drama went... I would just enjoy the simplicity while it lasts.

I love you all! The update will be coming next week!

Much Love,


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