Chapter 10

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-Liv's POV-

I woke up dreading going to school. I was officially in my 4 ½ month of pregnancy and it's obvious. My nose has been stuffy like I've got a cold, when I don't. I've also had an increase in body temperature a few times. My parents, surprisingly, decided that I should stay with Rob until they come back. When they do, I will be in my 6th or 7th month. It's tough not being able to have my mom here, but she Skype calls me almost every day to check on me. Rob? Well, he's constantly...

"Ugh, my throat." I said in a dry, raspy voice and coughed. It was 7:15am and I had to get up early since Rob was driving me to school. We were worried about suspicion, but my parents cleared up any possible issues with the principal. "Olivia! What's wrong?!" Rob ran into the living room, worry written all over his face.

I couldn't help but smile. "Nothing's wrong, hon. Just a little cough. I'll be fine." He smiled with relief, realizing I was okay. "That's good. Are you ready to go?" He asked, rubbing my shoulder. I nodded and grabbed my bag.

Stepping outside, the weather was pretty warm, getting warmer. "It's the end of May." I told Robert while he opened the door for me. I got in, closed it, and waited for him to get in. "Which means?" he asked, putting on his seatbelt. He pulled out of the driveway and headed for the school. "It's almost my birthday." I looked at him to see a reaction. "Oh, then we should do something." He replied, with a smile.

The periods went by quickly. Not too much going on. 4th period came by and there was a familiar face I wasn't seeing. "Where's Myra?" I asked my other friend, Yana. "I don't know..." Her eyes wandered to my belly and she gave it a suspicious look. "Hey, you've gotten...larger. And only in one area. You're a pear-shape, though." She was catching on pretty quickly.

"What? I'm just a little bloated. I've been drinking a lot of water lately." I told her, taking my seat. "Mhm..." She replied. Clearly, she wasn't buying it. She didn't have to. Not for long, anyway.

"You know, actually..." Yana started. We had paired up for our last Parenting class assignment. I looked up and raised my eyebrows, signaling her to continue. I was actually interested in this lesson and was planning on getting information from the teacher; Mrs. Keplin later on. "I saw her in the hallway with some guy." She said, taking off the diaper from her fake baby.

"What did he look like?" I asked, my suspicion growing. Myra isn't usually with guys. She usually tells me when she likes a guy. She isn't comfortable around them, or so she claims. "He had black-. Actually, he looked like your sister's ex." She told me, giving her baby a fresh diaper. "Ex-boyfriend? Which one?" I felt embarrassed to even ask. My sister has had a lot of them.

"Ryan. The guy she stole from you. It still makes me sick." She went back to her work, leaving me dumbfounded. Were they on and off? Manda just got engaged. But why was Myra with Ryan? I went back to my assignment, trying to keep my mind off my sketchy friend and family.

At the end of class, I walked up to Mrs. Keplin at her desk. "Ms. Could I bug you for a book on child development? I'd explain why but, it's a long story. I have to get to guidance before they close anyway." I told her, putting on my best smile. She smiled back and nodded, "Of course, for my best student. I actually have a great one that I have no use for anymore." She went into her desk and pulled out a large book. "It's on pregnancy and child development. 2 in 1." She smiled and handed me the book.

"Thank you very much. This is more than perfect. Have a good summer, Ms.!" I thanked her and walked out, when she called out to me. "Olivia!" I turned around in response. "Congratulations. How many weeks?" She asked, smiling. I didn't think she'd catch on but I guess I was obvious. "18. It's going pretty smoothly. Thanks again." I replied. She smiled and I walked out of the class, finally.

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