Chapter 29

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Two months later...


I can't believe today is the day! Time goes by so fast! Okay Olivia, chillax. Oh My GOD!!

"What's with you?" Rob asked as he sat up in bed. I turned to him with the biggest smile on my face. "Robert, do you know what today is?" I asked him,  my expression unwavering. He looked at me and was carefully thinking of a good response. "Oh, God. Is it our anniversary?" he asked, seeming terrified. "No, that was around your birthday." I said, waving it off, "Today-"

"Olivia," he said, taking my hands into his lovingly. "I love you so much. I can't believe we didn't do anything." I laughed, "But we did! We went out for dinner. It was wonderful. Now, today-." He shook his head, "It should've been our dinner, for us, not just me." He was looking so apologetic. "Baby, it's all good. I wanted it to be about you. It was your day. Anyway-" Rob interrupted me with a long, sweet kiss. "I'm sorry," he said afterwards, his face extremely close to mine.

"I forgive you. Can I finish what I was saying now?" I asked, laughing. He nodded, happy that he made up for our forgotten anniversary. "Today is April 14th... NEIL'S BIRTHDAY!!" I exclaimed, squealing with excitement. He smiled, "That's right. What's the plan?"

I hadn't thought about that.

"Well, we could..." I took a second to think, "What do you do for a one-year-old?"

Rob looked at me and laughed, "Give them love and a little bit of cake."

"Rob!" I laughed, hitting him lightly in the arm. "I'm serious, though. Let's just keep it simple." He said, taking my hand and massaging it. "Are you gonna invite your sister?" He asked, trying to keep me as relaxed as possible.

"Britney? Of course, if she's still in Toronto." I replied. He sighed, then said softly, "Liv... I meant Amanda."

I completely froze.

He started rubbing my back and shoulders, "If you don't want to, that makes complete sense. You two have been through a lot, and she's put you through a lot. So, whatever you decide, I'm supporting you."

"How about if I said I'm giving Neil back to her?" I asked. He started laughing, "Nice one." I looked at him with tears, "I'm serious, Rob."

He shook his head, "I can't support that, Liv. You know I can't. He's our son."

I smiled, "I know. I'm just joking."

He looked shocked, then shook his head again, "You're unbelievable sometimes."

I kissed him then gave him a hug, "I will never pull that crap again. I promise."


"Just because you invite her doesn't mean she'll show... Can I have some of these?" Britney asked, holding a container of Laughing Cow cheese. "Yeah, we have a whole bunch of those. And, I would feel guilty if I didn't invite his birth mom... My sister." I told her.

Brit took a piece of cheese from the container and popped it into her mouth, "Do what you want. But, just so you know, we don't owe Amanda anything. Especially not you." I smiled and looked at her, "Actually, you owe her like $100.00."

Brit scoffed, "Do I care?"

"What are you ladies chattin' about?" Rob asked, all the way from the living room.

"Amanda," I told him.

He walked into the kitchen, where we were, and sat at the table, "If you want to invite her, just invite her."

17 & Pregnant [ORIGINAL VERSION}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz