Chapter 16; Reunion?

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"It's a beautiful day-" "and I can't stop myself from smiling!" I sang along, interrupting Rob in his morning melody. "Well, good morning beautiful." He said, then gave me a kiss. "Hey, gorgeous!" I said to Jessie, touching her cheek. I sighed and crossed my legs in the bed.

"Rob? Do you ever feel like our relationship is..." I said then trailed off. Maybe I shouldn't say this. I mean, for all I know he'll just get upset at me. Then again, Rob doesn't usually throw fits and just start yelling for no reason. I do.

"Is what?" He asked, putting Jessie back into the crib thing. Gosh, I wish I knew what it was called. And why is it plastic?! Babies are sensitive. Yet they plop 'em right into plastic bins!

"Is, well, you know... A bit cheesy?" I asked. He crossed his arms and looked me in the eyes. "How is our relationship cheesy?" He asked and seemed to be getting upset, might I add. "I don't mean it like that-" "Then how do you mean it?" He asked.

I didn't realise I was avoiding eye contact until I looked him in the eyes. He looked pissed! "Hun, I didn't mean to make you upset. I'm just saying that the way we talk seems like those couples you see on the subway. You know. The one's displaying extra amounts of PDA. Kissing and ugh!" I fake shivered to emphasize my point.

He nodded, slowly. "So, what, you're not happy with our relationship?" He asked. "No! I mean, yes! I am! I'm happy. I just... It's not you-" "Cut the break up crap, Liv." Rob said, throwing his arms in the air.

"I'm just not used to such perfect affection. I mean sometimes, in the back of my mind, I think you're just pretending. For some reason. I'm just insecure." I said, looking down at my hands. Can you blame me, though? What kind of 25 year old dates an 18 year old?

Rob sat down beside me and took my hands in his. He looked me right in my eyes and held that for more than ten seconds. After a while I looked away, but he just turned my head to face his.

"You're beautiful, Olivia. My love for you has nothing to do with your age. You're beautiful on the inside and outside. I think I have the most fun when I'm with you. Well, besides with the guys, but you know what I'm saying. The point is, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't be here right now. I'd just pay the child support and get on with my life. Which would be much easier to do. But that's not what I want to do. I want to be here with you and the twins. Okay?" He asked. I nodded and quietly replied, "Okay." I was choking back tears while smiling at him. I leaned forward and gave him a loving kiss.

"Hate to break up the party, but I was looking forward to seeing my nieces and their mama." I turned around and couldn't believe who was in the room. "Britney!" I exclaimed. My older sister came up to me and hugged me,  tight. I might have said it was just Amanda and I, but it's not.  Brit just travels a lot.  It's been about a year since I've seen her,  and I've missed her so much.

"Oh my goodness! When did you get here?  And where have you been?!" I asked,  still surprised she was even in front of me right now. "I was all the way down in Australia. Pretty awesome experience. I flew in yesterday morning, actually.  I've been sleeping off my jet lag. And look at you!" She exclaimed and I chuckled all bashful like.

"Oh and this is my boyfriend, Robert." I told her. She smiled at him and introduced herself. He then went back to my parents who were freaking out. In a good way. "Oh my gosh, he's hot! How old is he?!" Brit asked, hitting me in the arm. "25. He was actually my teacher.  We met at a college party." I told her and she was like 'Olivia!  You're supposed to be the innocent one! '.

"He's older than me... Hey, where's Amanda. Have you seen the kind of shit she posts on Facebook? Bruh." She pretended to faint and I started laughing.

"Knock knock!" I looked at the door and saw that my aunt Jen and Aaron were there with gift bags. She squinted and then started smiling when she realized it was Britney.

"Oh my God! Brir brat!" She exclaimed, running up to Britney. She gave her a big hug. "Auntie G! It's been so long! And uncle Ary! Wassup?" She asked and gave my uncle a hug. "See? Someone still calls me that?" Uncle Aaron said to me and I just shrugged.

"Jennifer." My mom said, catching her attention. Aunt Jen looked at her, completely silent. My mom went up to her and, all of a sudden, gave her a hug and they both started crying and apologizing. You know. All that family stuff.

Rob looked at me and I shrugged. He came up to me, whispered in my ear, then walked our of the room. "Um, I'll be right back everyone. Please,  don't pick up the babies while I'm gone. First-time mom's request. " I said and they nodded. I put on some loose sweats and slippers then walked into the hall.

Rob saw me and then took my hand. "How are you? He asked. I sighed and smiled up at him. "I'm good. Tired. Happy. You?" I asked. He gave me a peck on the lips and smiled. "I've got you and the twins. I'm doing amazing." I couldn't help but laugh when he said that.

"What?" He asked and I shook my head. "It's just that I don't think that's proper English.  'Doing amazing'? But, hey, I could be wrong." He gave me this look and I just laughed.

-A Week Later-

I don't believe this. I just can't! "What's wrong, young blood?" Britney asked, sitting down beside me. I shook my head and sighed, "Manda didn't come to see me at all.  And it's been a week! God, she pisses me off. And, did you know that she has a son?! She left him with me for months and I practically raised him. I did say she should raise him since she's his mom, but now I'm regretting that. His name is-" "CJ. I know." Brit said, cutting me off.

I looked at her, completely confused. "H-How did you know that?" I asked. I honestly hoped this wasn't the same as what happened with Amanda. "Look, Livy, I don't know how to tell you this...  It's me." She said. I looked at her, confused.

She sighed and looked at me. "I'm CJ's mom and... Oh gosh. Ryan is my husband."

I really hope you like this chapter. Yes, Liv has another, older sister. And yes their family is kinda messed. Anyway...

If you loved this chapter don't forget to vote and/or comment. See ya next update,  lovelies!


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