Chapter 43

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"Are you sure we should all stay at your place, Olivia? I'm sure some of us could go next door," Rob's mom, Liana, asked me through the phone as Rob and I are driving.

"Yes, Mrs. Braden, it's completely fine. Holidays mean lots of people, and we have a large place," I told her for the fifth time this month.

I understand her concern and wanting to be sure we can handle the company, but it's nothing new to me. Although my family was never that big, gatherings always were. And, so was our space and... Well, we have money so it wasn't ever an issue.

"Are you guys all set for the Secret Santa?" I asked as Rob exited the highway.

"Yes, thanks to the girls. I was completely lost when it came to using that website. We've already got our gifts... Well, all but Lilli who's getting it today," she giggled through the line.

"We're actually doing some last-minute shopping ourselves, mom," Rob commented.

I looked over at him, then rolled my eyes, "it's not last minute. I planned to buy these things today. I have had a plan, sir."


"Well, I'll leave you two to your errands. We will see you tonight!"

"Looking forward to seeing you. Love you, mom," Rob said.

"Love you too, honey! Bye you two!"

"Bye," I replied, then hung up.


"No, this is all wrong. I cannot believe you mixed these toys up!" I told Rob, exasperated. How hard was it to pick out half of the gifts on one side of the store while I handled the other? The same person who was lecturing me about time is now the reason this shopping trip is taking forever.

"What do you mean? I asked you what Hatchimals were, and you say the toys that look like eggs but hatch into an animal and make noise," he said, picking up what he confused for a Hatchimal. "This does that."

I crossed my arms, looking right into his eyes, "and how would you know that?"

"I know."

"Oh, really?" I asked, challenging him. I nodded, "okay, then show me."

He smiled, attempting to make the toy do... something. He poked and prodded, looked for some sort of opening, all the while repeating that he was right.



"Does the toy say Hatchimals on it? That must have some name, right?"

He stopped, examined the thing, and then looked at me sheepishly,

"I didn't-"

"Let's just get the rest of the toys."

Right again, Olivia.


Such a tough decision. I mean, sometimes it's really about quality as opposed to quantity. I mean, that's how I feel about a lot of things. The fundamentals, the values, longevity, commitment. Does that even make sense?

I can't just boom, bam, done! This is important. I won't be coming back, not for a while. And, this decision may determine the course of... I need to think about this and choose wisely.

Come on, Liv.

Large watermelon bubble tea or medium peppermint latte?

"I'll get both," I smiled at the person behind the register. She smiled back at me, seemingly relieved. I could hear Rob groaning and whining behind me.


I payed for the drinks, then went with Rob to sit somewhere in the food court. It doesn't matter where we go shopping, we always find ourselves in a food court to eat. Or drink.

"Ahhh," he sighed, or grunted. A mix of both as we sat down at a table for two.


He closed his eyes briefly, then met me with a smile, "no."

I shrugged, taking a long-awaited sip of my bubble tea.

Rob reached for the latte, but stopped when he saw that I was watching him. I looked between his hand and the cup, then at him.

"May I have the latte...?" He asked, erring on the side of caution.

"I'll have to think about that."

I watched him lean back into his chair, inhaling, sighing. I watched his chest rise and fall, my eyes drifting to his arms.

Those arms.

It wasn't often that I just admired his body. Well...

I love this man, and his looks are just an added bonus to the amazing being that he is. The loving, caring, compassionate, funny...


I had stopped sipping my drink, and was now biting my bottom lip absentmindedly, taking in the man before me. My guy.

When was the last time? I don't really think about it, but-

"I have a proposition, love," Rob said, grabbing my attention.

I cleared my throat, proceeding to take another sip of my tea. My face started heating up, and my heart rate quickened.

Calm down.

"And, what is that?" I asked.

"Well," he glanced at my latte before looking back at me, "I want that latte. But, I will give you something in return. Something sweeter than these drinks that you're sipping on."

I raised a brow at him, "and that would be?"

He slowly leaned forward, his gaze darting between my mouth and eyes.

"What do you think?"

I smirked, coming closer to him as well,

"caramel fudge?"

"No, let's just say," he took my chin in his right hand, and I watched as his blue eyes dilated before he barely breathed out the words that came next.

"Earth-shattering love... It's been too long..."

I sat back into my chair once again, and didn't dare to look him in the eyes, "that's circumstantial."

"If you're referring to our children, they're in the loving care of their grandmother."

I looked at him, a smile creeping onto my lips before I laughed at how serious he was. But, as much I wanted to deny it and say I could go without it, at this point? Let's just say, one can only take so much lip biting and knee stroking.

"By the time we get home, this heat will cool off," I warned, reminding the both of us that we're still about an hour away from home.

"Who said anything about going home?"



Let me just say, this chapter was... ha ahaha aha... ha...

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Valentine's Day is coming up, and you know what that means!


I am planning to update one or two chapters of this story tomorrow so that I can have a Valentine's chapter for this story up on the day of! Wish me luck!

If you are wondering about when I'll update, check out my page for the official update schedule, and don't be afraid to tweet or dm me with a reminder! I'm a very nice person, and I will respond to you(within reason, no harassment).

Thanks so much for all the love and support! I'll be updating very soon!

Much Love!


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