Chapter 33

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(I'm not sure if I already put a photo, but above is Jennifer, played by Regina Hall! xD)


"I'm sorry... I know it's short notice but-... I know, I know. I'll make up for it. I'll chaperon the next school dance," I tell one of my co-workers at the school. I'm trying to make sure I stay nice on this phone call. I was the only male teacher committed for registration, which they took seriously. I don't understand why it matters, but Ms. Fin thinks it does.

"Okay, the next dance. You have to be there!" She says to me.

"I'll do my best. But I have young kids and my girlfriend is busy. There's no one to watch them other than me sometimes. I thought you have children."

"I also have babysitters," she comments, bitterly. I roll my eyes and groan inwardly. It's like she doesn't have an ounce of empathy towards others.

"Thanks, Tina," I tell her, hanging up as quickly as possible. If I had stayed on that call any longer, I would've been pulled into another commitment.

"Ba ba ba!" Neil exclaims, clapping his hands as he sat on the kids' carpet. Jessie and Nuru follow suit, and they all laugh together.

He then gets up and walks as quickly as he can around them. The girls get up as well, using each other as support, but only take one or two steps before they land on their bums. Nevertheless, they all smile again.

I always loom over the fact that I wasn't there for any of their first steps. It makes me feel like somewhat of a failure.

"Go baby! Come to mommy! Look, Rob! First steps from Neil!" Liv exclaimed, luckily catching me over FaceTime.

It had been during a morning meeting at school. I'd excused myself from the meeting because she sent me a text to make sure I answered the call.

I swore to myself that I wouldn't miss Nuru and Jessie's first steps, but I was in the wrong places at the wrong times. But, Liv always tells me that I'm an amazing father no matter what.


Driving to the hospital a few hours later, I've been fighting the urge to admit that Liv was right. The kids have been good most of the ride. They've only started crying now as I'm driving near Metro.

I pull into the parking lot so that I can go to the back and calm them down.

"That's terrible!" I hear a woman say loudly, laughing, as I poke my upper body through one of the backseats to give the kids their toys.

I get out of the car, my attention now going towards the sounds of laughter. It's not easy to make out the people at first. I'm not sure I even know them.

"Liv?" I ask, finally able to see who was walking in my direction. She seems surprised to see me as well. Then she grins.

"Hey! I didn't expect to see you here," she exclaims, coming up to me and giving me a hug. It's only then that I actually notice there's a guy with her. I have no idea who he is.

She releases me from the hug, then gestures towards him. "Rob, this is Lance. He's an old family friend. Well, not old old. You know what I mean," she laughs and then smiles at this guy. "And Lance, this is Robert. My boyfriend."

I see a quick flash of what seemed to be disappointment in his eyes. He extends his hand and I accept the handshake, "nice to meet you."

He nods, "the feeling is mutual." He then gives Liv a hug, "it was nice seeing you."

She smiles, "you too."

"Keep in touch!" He says as he walks off. "I will!" Liv calls after him.

She looks at me and sighs, "where are the kids?"


"I'm glad we took my car home. It would've been so weird not to be driving with all my babies!" Liv says, smiling in the passenger's seat. Although I thought it unnecessary, she insisted we go back to the house to drop off her car.

"Where to now?" I ask her, my eyes on the road.

"Well, we already went to Bulk Barn, so now the hospital." I can feel her looking at me now, "you okay?"

I nodded, laughing. It sounds so forced, it causes me to cringe inwardly. "I'm good. Do I seem weird?"

She laughs, the kind you do when you don't believe someone. "No, no. Cause that laugh didn't sound more like a throat clearing."

She touches my arm, "is it cause I was talking to Lance?"


"No! You can talk to people. I trust you, babe," I tell her. I'm not trying to get into an argument over my jealousy. She might see him as a friend, but the feeling, for him, is definitely not mutual.


"I think I have some competition," I tell Aaron. We're sitting at the Tim Horton's in the lobby of the hospital.

He laughs like what I'm saying is stupid. "You've had competition from the first time you met her. Livvy doesn't know it, but she has admirers."

"How would you know?"

"Jen tells me. Apparently a few of the male students would pour out their hearts to her about how beautiful Liv is," he says as a matter of fact.


"They even said they wouldn't mind if Jen told Liv what they confessed. But Jen always insists it's not her place to do so."

I look at him, "insists? Does this still happen?"

He chuckles, putting a hand on my shoulder, "did you really think it was just you that noticed her? Anyway, tell me about this 'competition'."

I sigh, shaking my head. "She seemed so happy. She was laughing and everything!"

"Look," he starts, "I wouldn't worry if I were you. She's a very happy and positive person."

"You're right," I tell him.

"What's this guy's name?" He asks.

"Um," I'm trying to remember but I can only think of the first few letters. "Len... Lin-something."


"Yeah-. Wait, you know him?"

He shook his head, slowly, "I know I said you have nothing to be concerned about but this guy is..."

"This guy is...? What?"

He looks me dead in the eyes.

"Worry, Robert."


Don't forget to vote and/or comment if you enjoyed this chapter! Or just in support of me and this story!

What do you think Aaron means? Is Lance a threat?

Love you all!


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