Chapter 20

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"Dear God... I'm sorry for what I did to Amanda and that guy..." I sighed, struggling to even say his name, "Raven... But, I mean, you obviously get why I did it. Of course, you are all knowing. It's been a week and I'm still on about it."

I opened my eyes and shook my head. I closed them again and sighed. "Anyway, I'm done talking about Amanda. So, I'm going to be raising Neil as my child. I'm already raising my daughters, and they're so wonderful. I appreciate all the support and love you've given me." I adjusted my crossed leg position a bit, to accommodate my numbing behind.

"Liv-. Oh." I could hear Rob enter the living room. It was around midnight, so I assumed Rob would be sleeping by now. Also, it's the day after all the drama and discovery with Amanda.

"Thank you, God, for bringing Robert Emanuele Braden, into my life. He is the most wonderful boyfriend and father of my children. He's so perfect for me. I will always be grateful for him. I will talk to you tomorrow, God. Thank you and bonne nuit." I ended my conversation and got up from the carpet.

Make that struggled to get up. My knees, girl.

I turned around and saw Rob standing in the living room, looking at me.

"Shouldn't you be sleeping?" I asked. "I was sleeping until I noticed that you weren't in bed with me. I checked the kids' room and all  three of them were sound asleep. Then, I saw the lights on downstairs. So-" I put my finger over his lips, stopping him from talking.

"I get the picture, honey." I told him, laughing quietly.

I pulled his head down and kissed him. He kissed me back and let out a groan through his throat. I think we all know why.

He broke our contact and looked me in the eyes. "How long has it been since we last had sex?" He asked. I looked up, having to think about it. "Maybe a few months. We haven't done anything since about a month before the twins were born. So, about 2 months." I said.

He kissed me then smiled, "Well, how about we-" "Marvin Gaye and get it on!" I sang, smiling like it was all good. He rolled his eyes and carried me upstairs.


"So, I was thinking we could go to the mall today." I said as I put breakfast on the table. Britney and Rob were sitting at the table with Neil in the high chair.

"We should go out somewhere as a family. When would you want to leave?" Rob asked, digging in to his eggs.

"Actually..." Britney sat up straight, smiling. "I have a date later. Remember Chris?" She asked me. "You mean the one from church, right?" I asked. She nodded. "Well, when I was at 7-Eleven yesterday, he saw me and we started talking. Then, he asked me out. He even walked me back here." She said, her cheeks a faint pink.

"Okay, well, you have fun. We'll just go as a young family." I told her, getting the fruit salad out. "You don't even try to sound like you'll miss me." Brit said, taking some of the salad. I shrugged, "Will you miss me?" She shook her head. "Why would I? It's only a few hours." She said. I nodded, taking a seat near Rob and Neil, "Exactly."


I sighed, looking around the Disney store. "What are we even doing here?" I asked Rob. He looked at me and laughed. "You said you wanted to get matching Minnie outfits. For the twins. And then a Mickey outfit for Neil." He told me. I nodded, looking around once again. I pushed the double stroller to the back of the store, where the outfits were.

I picked one up and examined it. It was pretty cute. Red dots and all.

"Wouldn't it make more sense to give one of them a Daisy duck outfit? Since Minnie and Daisy are besties after all." I said to Rob, picking up a Daisy outfit. I looked over at him and he was playing with Neil, whom he was holding in a strap-on baby carrier.

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