Chapter 8

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Liv woke up the next morning in an unfamiliar place. She looked around her until her eyes landed on Robert, and she couldn't help but smile. "Why can't I get over you?" she whispered, quietly. "I ask myself that question everyday." Robert said, his eyes still closed, but he was definitely awake earlier. Liv jumped slightly, almost falling off the small bed that they somehow managed to share, when Rob wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Liv could feel her face heating up and her heart started beating faster. Liv giggled slightly with disbelief. "Sure." She said, averting her eyes from his. He kept his gaze on her, lifting her chin with his right hand. "I honestly couldn't..." he whispered.

Liv felt the attention she was receiving was overwhelming. She got out of the bed, put on a nearby robe, and went down to the living room, leaving Rob confused. "Did I say something wrong?" he asked himself. After all, with all his tactics, he wasn't used to reactions like Olivia's.

Liv walked around the living room, anxiously. Looking for what? She didn't even know. A picture near the T.V caught her eye. She walked up closer and realized it wasn't just a picture, it was a tablet. Somehow, it was receiving a call from 'Izabelle'. Liv knew the name seemed familiar. Being the curious person she was, she answered.


"Hey, is Robby there?"


"Yeah...Robert...My boyfriend."

Liv felt like someone had just punched her when she heard those words.

"Y-your b-boyfriend??"

"Y-yes, b-b****. Who are you, anyway?" Iz asked Liv.

Just then, Rob came down the steps, with a walk of pride. After all, he did hit it. His smile faded when he saw the tears in Liv's eyes. 'Oh, not again.' He thought to himself. "Liv, what's wrong?" he asked, trying to hold her hand. She pushed him away and Rob was shocked.

"Oh, me?" she said to Iz. "I'm not really anything to Rob, to be honest. I'm just a neighbour." she shoved the tablet into Rob's chest and ran up the steps to get her things. "LIV!" Rob called from the living room. Liv furiously put on her clothes. She stopped once she had her shirt on and looked around Rob's room.

She started crying again and just couldn't believe it. Why did he keep hurting her like this? Why did she keep getting hurt like this?! She didn't understand what she was doing so wrong to have these things constantly happen to her.

"Olivia, please." Robert pleaded. She looked at him with digust, hurt, disappointment. "Again, Robert, really? I just can't believe you." She tried walking out of the room, but he got a hold of her wrist.

"Please, Liv-" "DON'T CALL ME THAT!!" Olivia screamed. "Don't call me that...I...It-It just hurts. I don't want this anymore..." Liv sunk to the floor, legs crossed, her head in her arms as she just let herself cry. Rob didn't know what to do, except listen. Then, maybe he could explain what was going on.

"I...this has happened before. With my sister and her boyfriend. We dated-"

"Wait, what?! You dated your sister?!" Rob asked, shocked.

"No, idiot." Liv chuckled, lightly, "Ryan and I dated. Her current boyfriend."

"Oh...Sorry, continue." Rob said, embarrassed.

"So, yeah. On our first, he came over and saw her and I could tell this was going to be another guy she'd take from me before I was in the ring for the fight. I was right." Liv looked away, not enjoying the memory.

"So, what was so special about him that you only told your story about you with him?" Rob was getting a bit jealous. He wasn't too fond of Ryan to begin with.

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