Chapter 31: Shopping

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I rubbed my eyes, tired from a restless night. I'm not sure if you would count waking up every hour to feed your fussy twins restless, but hey. I opened the fridge, blinking rapidly in an attempt to clear my vision.

"Milk, milk, milk," I whispered to myself, searching for two of the bottles of breast milk I'd pumped the evening before. I found and grabbed them, slowly closing the door when I realized something. I opened the fridge door again and looked inside.

We're out of, like, everything!

Okay, well, maybe that's an exaggeration, but all I see is milk! No eggs, veggies, fruits, yogurt, cheese, bread, fish... My goodness! All we have is corn flakes and soy, coconut and almond milk. And my breast milk.

I groaned, slowly turning my head towards the oven, "8:15 am..." I then left the kitchen, walking upstairs like a zombie. I wasn't sure what was with the twins tonight, but it didn't matter. I just had to go on doing what I do and take care of them. There was one thing I did know for sure...

We're going shopping.


"Baby Nuru, baby Nuru..." I sang, trying to get Nuru to stop crying as I put her shoes on. She'd started fussing once she was in the car seat, kicking and screaming. I was in an uncomfortable position, sticking my head and upper body into the car trying to keep our kid sane.

"We need a new car, Rob," I said, hearing him close the front door and walk towards the car.

"What?! Why?" he asked, holding Neil and Jessie.

"With the 5-seat SUV, I can't sit with the kids even if I want to," I told him. "And sometimes they need to be fed." I went over to the driver's side of the car to help him put the kids into their car seats.

"They can hold the bottles themselves, though," he replied, putting Jessie into the middle seat, "and this car is new! We just bought it not too long ago. I like it."

I shook my head, handing Neil over to him, then going to sit in the passenger's seat.

"Where's Nuru's pacifier, Rob asked.

"Oh, my bad," I whispered, looking into one of the baby bags that was in the front with me. "Here," I said, giving it to him.

"Thank you," he replied, giving her the pacifier and securing the rest of the car seats, then closing the doors. He got into the driver's seat with a sigh, and we left.

I leaned back in my seat, smiling. The sun was shining with pride this fine mid-day, and the kids were in good spirits. I looked over at Rob, about to comment on this wonderful day, when I noticed...

"Hon, your face," I said, sitting up.

He glanced over at me, "what about my face?"

"You didn't shave this morning," I whispered, touching his stubble. He laughed, "Liv, I haven't shaved for the past three days."

I moved my hand from his face and observed him, "really?"

"Yeah. I was wondering when you'd notice."

"I'm sorry... I've just been really tired lately, I guess," I told him with honest remorse. It wasn't like I didn't notice the small stuff, but a lot of my attention was going to the kids now. Plus, Neil is about to start walking, so I find myself watching him constantly. When I'm not watching him, I have a camera on our tripod recording, just in case.

What was I-

"It's not a big deal, don't worry," he was still watching the road, but smiling now. "And, don't go fretting about this while you cook or anything. Please."

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