Chapter 34

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(Aaron as shown above, played by Daniel Henney! I couldn't find a blasian actor that I saw fit :/ so he'll do! :P)


"Are you good?" I asked Rob as I held my new little cousin. Aunt Jen had done so well. It was a smooth, complication-free labour, and we welcomed Mio Tara into the world.
Everyone keeps saying she looks almost identical to how I was as a baby.

Rob looked at Mio and nodded, "I'm fine. We should get going, Liv. The kids are tired."

I looked over at Neil, Jessie and Nuru. They were playing, but they kept bumping into each other. That's always a clear sign that they're exhausted.

"I'll take the little Angel. You guys should head home to take care of yours," Aaron said. I gave Mio to him and got up, grabbing my things.

"We'll come by and visit tomorrow, Auntie," I told her, blowing her a kiss as I picked up the baby bags. Rob put the twins in their stroller and I picked up Neil.

"Come by anytime. Thanks for being here today," she replied.

"You want me to ask maman to come? Or are you not talking...?"

She smiled at my consideration of their relationship, "she called me earlier. She'll come by tomorrow and then at the house later."

I exhaled, relieved. I hated seeing my family argue and have issues. Plus, they're sisters. I get what it's like to have an antagonistic sibling, but these problems were nothing they couldn't overcome.

"Great. I'm glad you're on good terms. See you tomorrow. Love you!" I waved as we left the hospital room.


"What's up, babz?" I asked Rob once we were settled in bed, sitting up under the comforters reading. "You've been so quiet-"

"How do you know your friend from before?"

I looked at him, surprised. But I couldn't help but start laughing.

After a minute or so, he got fed up, "I don't see what's so funny. I mean, you leave the house upset with me. Then a few hours later, you're Olivia 2.0. Jolly version. Like, what is that?"

I shook my head, "you're just jelly, baby."

"How do you know him?"

"There are these galas or whatever you want to call them annually. They're for people with 'wealth and status'. Our parents met there when we were young, as well as our families. We used to dance together every year. Well," I looked at him and smiled, "I wasn't able to make the Ball this year."

"So that's it?"

"We just ran into each other at the store. He was buying diapers for his niece or nephew and I was trying to get to the produce," I said, leaning my head on his shoulder. I could feel him sigh.

Tilting my head up towards his cheek, I gave him a kiss, "You have nothing to worry about. I love you."

I shook him lightly, chuckling a bit. He finally smiled, then, "I love too. So much. Seeing you so happy made me mad at myself. I was the reason you were unhappy earlier today."

"No, I chose to get mad. Couples argue sometimes. That's okay. But, we stick by each other. That's what matters," I told Rob, giving him another kiss.

He kissed me again, on the lips this time, and then smiled genuinely. "Yeah."


"Do you have everything?" I asked Rob, as I ran into the kitchen to grab the baby food I'd made earlier in the morning.

"Well, I didn't take everything, but I got the things I need," he smiled. I looked over at him and made a face one I heard the sarcasm in his voice. "Ha. Ha."

"Want me to put the kids in the car?"

"No, cause I don't want us leaving them there alone," I triple-checked the baby bags, making sure everything was accounted for. It would be a pain in the you-know-what, if I had to drive all the way back home from the hospital. "Is Brit here yet?" I asked, turning around, and bumping right into her.

"Careful," she said, catching the bottle that I dropped.

Putting my hand on my chest, I exhaled heavily, "God... You scared me. What took you so long? You were supposed to be here an hour ago."

"I got caught up at Krispy Kreme," she held up a box of donuts, "and I got your favourites!"

I gave her a quick hug, "thank you. We have to get to the hospital. Rob is leaving now."

We went out to the car, buckling the babies into their car seats. "Bye, babe," Rob told me, giving me a kiss and then going to his car.

After he was gone, we left as well. Britney reached into her bag and pulled out her phone, then attached it to AUX chord from the SUV.

"What are you doing?" I asked her, glancing briefly in her direction. "Music, Liv." She said as a matter of fact, scrolling through her library.

"Let's just talk, Britney. I haven't seen you in like, a week."

"Okay... What name did they give the baby? A girl, right?"

I nodded, "Yeah. Mio Tara. She's so cute! And apparently looks like me, too."

"I can't wait to have a baby. I mean, I'm the oldest yet both of my baby sisters have babies already," Brit said, smiling. "Who'd o' thought, huh?"

I nudged her playfully, "we never- Well I never planned this. Take your time with life, Brit. Figure out what you want and how you're gonna get it."

She smiled, laughing softly, "you should write a book."

"How come you're thinking about kids, now? Did you meet someone?" I asked, half jokingly. Britney has always been a great person, always will be. She's very picky though, especially when it comes to men.

Although, considering what happened to Mandate and I, good or bad, we need a picky girl in this family.

She looked at me, then out the window, her smile lingering, "when it's serious, you'll be the first to know."

I pulled into a Timmy's drive thru, nodding my head once in understanding. As much as it was burning inside me, the need to know, I could wait.

"Why were you rushing out of the house, anyway?" Brit questioned, her focus mainly on the menu. I don't know why, because she always orders the same thing.

"Medium Iced Capp with whipped cream and a caramel shot, medium French Vanilla with whipped cream, and two sausage and egg sandwiches," Brit finally inhaled, having said our order in one breath.

"And a dozen donuts!" I called out, so that my voice was heard.

Shaking her head with a smile, Brit laughed, "how could I forget the dozen?"

"Would you like anything else?"

"That's it. Thank you," Brit told the intercom. I drove to the payment window, then to the next to pick up our order.

"Can I get the two iced teas? It's before 10 Am," I asked the worker at the window. She smiled and nodded, "we also have peach tea."

"Okay, one lemon and one peach."

After she brought us our orders, along with the iced tea, we were on our way.

"So," Brit started, cracking open her peach tea bottle, "this is why you rushed."

I smiled, "I never pass up a good deal."



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There will be a Thanksgiving Special because this weekend is the Canadian Thanksgiving. Maybe some surprise guests?

I'll see you all soon. Don't forget, my YouTube channel is about to drop!

Love you all!


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