Chapter 42

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*Be sure to read the A/N, it's very important!*


My eyes opened slowly, the winter light hitting the window waking me up from a night of rest. Well, it's also a mixture of the cold seeping into the bedroom and Rob hogging the comforter.

In a few seconds, I've reached over to grab my phone and check the time, along with any messages I might've missed.

As my eyes focus on the screen, I notice that I have over fifty notifications that I have to look through. I can't help the groan that follows.

8:37 AM

"Don't get mad, you just woke up..." I whisper, trying to keep myself calm. According to the reminders I see on my phone, I have a long day ahead of me. The best to get through a long day is with laughter.

So, no stress.

As I sift through my many notifications, I notice a text from about five minutes before. It's from my mother.

Are you still dropping the kids off here? Or, did you decide to take them with you? Let me know! xoxo

"Robert..." I call, turning over to find him already awake and giving me a lopsided smile.

"What's up, beautiful?"

I reach out and touch his face, admiring his gorgeous features. He laughs as I tickle his nose, absentmindedly stroking his chin at the same time.

"We have things to do today, and we're supposed to drop Neil, Nuru and Prim off at mom's place. So..." I smiled, waiting for a response from him.

"We should get ready."


"Jessie, come here!" I called my one-year-old over for the fifth time in a row. In the hour it took me to get the three of them ready, Jessie-Rae was being the most difficult.

Neil and Nuru-Ava already had their shoes, coats, hats and gloves on and were ready to go. They were in the middle of reading a book with Rob. But, Prim decided that now would be the perfect time to be difficult.

"NO!" She exclaimed with all her might, giving me a frown. I sighed, rising from the couch to pick her up. I love my babies to the heavens and back, but I just didn't have the time for her to waste.

I pick her up and sit her on my lap, struggling to put the shoes on her feet with the fight she's putting up.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are..." I sing to her, attempting to calm her down with the lovable tune. It works almost instantly, and she's smiling and babbling along with me.

Once I'm done, I give her a kiss on the cheek and let her go. "Rob! Let's take them next door!"



I watch the kids with my dad, who was lecturing me about Rob not too long ago. He looked so happy with them, true grandfatherly bliss.

"Okay, we're leaving," I told my mom, giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye honey," she said, releasing me from the hug, then giving Rob one, too. "Bring us back a souvenir! Make sure she brings something back, Robert." She gave him a pat on the back and then sent us off.

"I will. We'll see you later!" Rob called back as we walked down the driveway. My mom waved at us, then closed the door.

"You two are like best friends now, huh?" I asked as we got to the car.

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