Chapter 2

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"How are we even related?" Amanda asked as she looked at Liv. They were struggling to find her an outfit for the party. Liv wanted to wear jeans and a crop top. Manda, on the other hand, wanted her to wear a dress that was obviously above her knees.

Liv smacked her sister's hand away as she tried to put lip gloss on her. "Olivia!" She gasped in mock shock. "Who puts on makeup before they get dressed?! Can we figure out this outfit situation first?" Liv pulled her long, think afro back into a bun. "You should be grateful for being an African." Amanda told Liv. "You are too, Manda. We sound American, though." Liv pointed out, since it was obvious.

Liv looked at herself in the mirror admiringly. She had managed some sort of compromise with the outfit. Her sister made her wear a tight mini skirt while she got to wear her crop top. Amanda moved next to her so she could look at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a short dress that made her hourglass figure stand out. It also proudly revealed the line of her chest.

"Did Ryan want you to wear that?" Liv asked as she eyed her sister. Amanda gave her a fake dirty look as she looked back in the mirror and applied some lipstick. "He likes this dress. Is that wrong?" Manda asked Liv, now applying mascara. 'I guess not' Liv thought as she made her way downstairs.

"Olivia! Looking dazzling!" Myra squealed as Liv strutted down the steps. She did a little twirl and Myra continued clapping. "Myra, look at you! Crop and jeans, I'm so proud." Liv exclaimed as she tackled Myra.

"Children. Let's turn into ladies, shall we?" Amanda told them as she made her way down the stairs. Their parents were out of town, so sneaking out was a breeze. Myra had told her parents she was staying over at Liv's house for the weekend. "Looking sexy, Amanda." Liv froze at the sound of a cocky, arrogant male voice.

Amanda ran up to her boyfriend and they joined in this intense kiss. "Take a breath!" Liv told them, tired of watching their ridiculous PDA. Ryan pulled away from Manda and looked at her sister. He smirked one of the nastiest Liv had ever seen. She never liked Ryan. Probably because of what happened when she was a freshman.


"Look, Liv. Ryan Hamilton! He's coming this way!" Myra squealed as he walked toward them in the hall. Liv had a crush on Ryan since her first day of highschool. Every time she saw him, she couldn't help but smile on the inside. He walked up to her when she was at her locker and gave her the craziest look she'd ever gotten from a guy.

"Liv Haydon... go out with me this weekend." It wasn't a question. She sucked in a breath as she smiled back at him, " Sure." Was all she could bring herself to say. She was extremely excited about this date. Finally! A guy she liked finally asked her out.

She wore the cutest dress she owned; a blue sundress with a brown belt. It complimented everything about her. Her hair, eyes, pear shaped body. She even wore some makeup, with her sister's help. Although Amanda also went to CTAI (Canadian Technical Artistic Institute- made up), she claimed she never met Ryan.

Liv walked down the stairs and there he was, wearing a black dress shirt and jeans. He smiled at her and her heart skipped a beat. "You look gorgeous..." He said, seemingly mesmerized by her appearance. As they headed for the door, her sister came down to say goodbye. The way Ryan looked at her made Liv's heart sink.

He took her to a dinner, then a movie. The restaurant was the Pickle Barrel and she had ordered a pasta seafood dish. Ryan had gotten a burger. He had been eyeing the waitress longingly, not giving Liv any attention while he did. But when he looked at her, his faults all flew out the window.

The movie was not something she had been dying to see. Some horror movie she didn't bother remembering the name of. Every time she screamed, Ryan laughed at her. "That movie was crazy." Liv said as she and Ryan walked back to his car. She had leaned on him for protection, so the body contact barrier between the two of them was broken. She now had her arm through his.

The ride home was quiet and comfortable. The kiss he gave her afterwards was absolutely magical and gentle. But something about it was off. It was as though he wanted something.

Liv thought that after the date, he'd be exclusively hers. She was wrong. The first few weeks were great, but she knew something was going on. Whenever he came by her house and saw Manda, there was this feeling in the air. Guys had always gone for her sister.

One day really set it off for her. She had walked to school instead of being picked up by her boyfriend. When she got to school, everyone kept looking at her and whispering. "What the hell is going on?" She asked Myra when she saw her during first period.

Myra raised her hand. At this point, they were supposed to be doing independent class work. "Yes, Myra?" Their teacher asked. To Liv's surprise, Myra asked to go to the washroom. As she got out of her seat, Liv was going to tell her something about Myra ignoring her, but Myra put her finger over her lips.

"Ask to go to your locker. I'll meet you outside." Myra whispered to Liv, then left. After a few minutes, Liv raised her hand. "Yes, Olivia?" The teacher answered. "Can I go to my locker? I forgot my binder." Liv said. The teacher gave her a suspicious look, but nodded anyway. Liv hurried out of the classroom.

"Finally." Myra said when she saw Liv, "What took you so long?"

"I didn't want it to be obvious."

"It doesn't matter. Common." Myra grabbed Liv's hand and led her into a corner. Liv looked around the hall, confused.

"What are we doi-"

"Sshh!" Myra waved her hand up and down, gesturing for Liv to quiet down. Liv took the hint and whispered quietly.

"Why are we here?" She asked. Myra gestured toward the right side of the cornler they were in. They looked down the hall and saw Liv's sister and Ryan talking. All of a sudden, Ryan grabbed her by the waist and kissed her.

Myra watched Liv as she stared at the pair. She could see tears start to well up in her eyes. Myra reached out to Liv and put a hand on her shoulder. "Need a hug?" She whispered. Liv turned around, tears in her eyes, and nodded. Myra quietly comforted her best friend. She looked over at Amanda and Ryan and just couldn't believe it.

-Present Day-

Liv looked at Ryan and rolled her eyes. Ryan looked at her, then put his attention back on Amanda. Myra felt like strangling the couple. Every time she saw them together, she just felt disgusted.

"So are we gonna get going?" Amanda asked Ryan flirtatiously. Ryan glanced over at Liv, and Amanda felt a spark of jealously. He looked back at his girlfriend, then nodded, "Yeah. Let's go."

-At the Party-

"Having a good time?!" Liv yelled over the booming music and voices. They were at one of Manda and Ryan's friend's house, which was huge! Liv had been on and off the dance floor while Amanda had been drinking, dancing with multiple guys and in and out of the main room.

Ryan, on the other hand seemed to have disappeared. So did Myra. Last she saw both of them was about 1 hour earlier.

Amanda smiled at her sister and swung an arm over her shoulder. "The best time! Oh hey! There's someone I know!" Amanda waved at Liv as she ran up to some girl Liv had never seen before. Watching her today, Liv saw a completely different side of her sister, and it made her feel like she didn't know her at all.

"Why so down?" Liv turned to her right to see who was asking her a question, and if it was even directed at her. She looked at the guy who seemed to be looking into her soul with his eyes. His beautiful, electric blue eyes. He was admiring her eyes as well and his gaze wandered to her lips.

"I'm not, just a little bored... I'm Olivia." Liv stretched out her hand and smiled. He found her smile enticing and took her hand, "Robert."

After thirty minutes of talking, Rob felt he couldn't take it anymore and went for the kiss. At first, Liv was quite surprised. But, soon after she was into it as much as he was. They were making out intensely for a while until Liv stopped him. "We're still in a public place." She said, breathlessly.

He suggested they go to his place, but she insisted on hers. She texted Myra and her sister, then went back home. When they got back and into her bed, they were all over each other. He kept telling her how beautiful she was, and she believed him.

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