Chapter 24

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Okay... Here it is. You're gonna get out there, walk down those steps, and show them!


I shook my head and took a deep breath in.

Hoooh... Calm down... Yeah, it's been awhile since you've exposed yourself to some new people. Let alone, young moms like yourself... But, you are going to do this.

You're gonna make some new friends!! Ahhhh!


Calm the hell down, fam.

"Liv! Yana's here!" I heard Rob call from downstairs. I picked up my bag and other things from the bathroom counter and went into the bedroom. I grabbed my duffel bag and my coat and headed for the steps.

"Someone looks nice!" Yana said with a smile as she stood near the foyer.

"You look great, too." I told her, complimenting her faux fur jacket and UGGs. "How'd you get them to let you come? Or, do you have a secret child I don't know about?"

"Ha, ha. Very funny." She said with obvious sarcasm. "I'm bringing a turkey. For free, so..."

"Ah. Makes sense." I nodded, then went to hug Rob and the kids. "I'm really gonna miss you guys..." I said, giving them each a kiss. Well, maybe I kissed Rob for a little too long.

"Let me walk you to the door." Rob offered, though the door was only a few steps away from us. "The door?" Yana asked, amused. "You're not going to walk her to the car?" Rob looked at her and laughed, "Sure I will. I'll just ask our 10-month-old son to watch the 4-month-old twins. Cool?"

I shook my head, giggling, "You never know when your baby's gonna cry. Plus, I think it's about time they took a nap." I then turned to Rob, "Don't forget."

He nudged me to the door, waving. "Now, go have fun. We'll see you tomorrow morning."

"Don't forget to pack!" I told him, as I walked outside. "Love you!"

"I won't. Love you too!" He then closed the door, and I focused on walking to the car.


"You're really lucky, you know?" Yana said an hour into hour drive. According to my google search, it was going to take us only one more hour to get to Cobourg, where the retreat was happening. "I know I am. But, how do you mean?" I asked, taking out the one earbud I had in my ear.

"Well, I know you had an unplanned pregnancy the first and only time you decided to kind of abandon your good morals and have some of, well... Amanda's kind of fun. But, you ended up with a guy who, not only is in it for the long haul, but wants you as you are. I mean, pregnant or not, that's hard to find these days." She told me.

"Yeah, he's really amazing." I said, in agreement with her. "And, all my kids are healthy and beautiful. I have money and support from my family and some friends. My life is more than I could ask for."

She shifted a bit in her seat, then glanced at me a few times.


"Hmm?" She asked, as though she hadn't been looking at me.

"What is it?" I asked.

She seemed to be arguing with herself over whether she should tell me what's on her mind or not.

"Do you, you know... Ever regret getting pregnant. And keeping them?"

"No." I replied, honestly.

"That was quick. You barely thought about it." She said, taking a left turn.

"I have thought about that. Plenty of times." I replied.

"And?" She asked again.

I turned to face her, even though she was focused on driving. You know, for emphasis.

"Rob and my babies are the best things that have happened to me. I know, for a fact, that if he hadn't come along, I would probably still be irritated over Amanda and Ryan, not even knowing they were never really a thing. I would have gone to Paris with Myra, only to be left alone because it was too hard for her. Then what?" I thought I was finished, but then I had more to say.

"Before that night at the party, I didn't really know what I wanted. Neither did I know what I was going to do with my life, other than to write at least one book. After I kissed him I... I finally knew. And when I saw Neil, then the twins. My life was complete. my life is complete. I can't imagine living without them."

She smiled, clearly pleased. "You hear that, Robert?" She said to I don't even know who.

"Yeah, I did." I heard Rob's voice in the car's speakers, and then I realized it. He'd heard our whole conversation!

"Did you tell her to ask me those questions?" I asked through her phone, which I could see connected through a wire to the car.

"No, actually. She offered when she came this morning. I didn't think you would actually do it." Rob said, laughing. "I like your answers. You make me sound so amazing!"

I smiled, "That's because you are."

"Well, you know what they say. You are what you see in others." He said.

I put my hands on my cheeks, smiling like a fool. "You-"

"Don't know how much she loves you." Yana said, finishing my sentence.

"I love you too, Liv-" Rob said, but was interrupted by, guess who?

"Bye, now!" Yana exclaimed, hanging up.



So, this is the first part of the retreat! I'll be updating tomorrow, on Christmas, yaayy!!

If you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote and/or comment.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some sugar cookies to make for St.Nick!

See You Tomorrow!

Sleep Tight!


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