Chapter 1

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"Liv! Get up. Time for school." Amanda stood next to her sister's bed, tapping her shoulder. Liv was definitely not a morning person, and people getting her up in the morning was one of her main pet peeves. She groaned as she turned to look at her sister. She eyed her bedside clock with one eye.

"It's already 8:15am. Why aren't you with your boyfriend?" Liv asked as she got up out of her bed and walked to her bathroom. "Well, even though it's none of your business, he has a doctor's appointment." Amanda said as she stood at the bathroom doorway. 'A doctor's appointment at eight?' Liv thought. She couldn't get over how sketchy it all sounded.

She went downstairs and sat at the table, in the middle of her parents' conversation with her sister. They always seemed so proud of her wanting to become a famous writer like her parents. Everyone in her family had these huge goals and dreams except for her. All she wanted was to write at least one book.

-At the school-

Liv walked down the hall to her locker alongside Amanda. Her sister insisted on visiting her old school and basically forced Liv into her car. The two walked past this guy with the most gorgeous hazel eyes Liv had ever seen. He looked at her intently as he waked by.

Amanda smiled as she caught up to Liv. Her heels clicked as she jogged up. "Liv! He was totally checking you out!" Liv shook her head and looked at her sister, "So what if he was? Not like anything is gonna happen." Amanda looked at her and laughed. "I don't understand you sometimes."

"Liv, I saw your sister earlier." Myra, her best friend, whispered to her during their parenting class. "Well she insisted on coming." She told her, trying to focus on the teddy bear in front of her. Myra tapped her on the shoulder and leaned in so no one else could hear her. "I saw Garrett flirting with her earlier."

Liv turned to her friend, clearly pissed off. Garrett was the only guy she liked and, even though she'd technically been admiring him from afar, she had caught feelings for him. "Are you serious?" She whispered, not sure if Myra was playing her. "Honest to the good in my heart." Myra replied, placing her hand over her heart. The only thing Liv did was shake her head and kiss her teeth.

"Attention class. Eyes up here." Their teacher, Ms. Galliger waited until she had all their attention. "Alright. As you may already know I will be retiring next week, so this is my last class with you." She said as she looked around the room. She was expecting awes and why's but there was none of that. All she earned was some chuckling from Liv and Myra and snickering from the guys in the class.

"Anyway," Ms. Galliger cleared her throat awkwardly as she continued, "you will be getting a new teacher. Unfortunately, since he is rather busy, you won't be able to meet him for several weeks. You'll have a substitute during that time. Well, pack up. The bell is about to ring." She cleared her things from her desk as we put our stuff away.

"Liv!" Amanda called out to her sister as she ran down the hall in her high heels. Liv groaned as she turned around and was attacked by a bear hug. Myra looked at the two sisters and couldn't help but laugh. "It's been a while Amanda." Myra said as she smiled at her. Amanda attacked her in a bear hug as well. "You're so pretty, Mya!" Amanda only ever called her Mya.

"So, ladies, I wanna take you out to lunch and discuss some things." She looked at her sister and her friend. Liv eyed Amanda, not sure if she could trust what her sister had planned.

"A college party?! No way!" Liv was shocked by her sister's suggestion. Amanda laughed at her reaction. They were sitting at a nearby McDonald's eating cheeseburgers, fries, McFlurries and salad for Amanda. "Liv, you're turning 18 next year. You're a senior in highschool." Myra nodded in agreement with Amanda, "Common Liv! A college party! That would be totally insane!"

"Yes, it would be insane! We're not the party types! What if they find out we're seniors?" Liv questioned, not happy that her friend was up to this crazy idea. "They won't, Liv. Believe me. Ryan and I will keep you protected." Amanda said, grinning. Her sister's mention of her boyfriend, Ryan, somehow made the whole idea seem worse.

"Common Liv. You know what? If you come to this party, I'll let you have my room and bathroom." Amanda was sure this would get her to go. Liv looked at her sister and friend. She shook her head and couldn't believe she was about to say the words that came out of her mouth next. "Alright. I'll go." Amanda and Myra squealed. "Yes! I promise you, Liv, you won't regret this." Amanda said as she grinned with joy.

Liv looked at her sister and smiled. Although she was already 20, she could relate to her easily. She took a spoonful of her McFlurry and looked at Myra and Amanda. She really hoped her sister was right.

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