Chapter 7

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Everyone sat around the dinner table laughing about the good old times. Aaron's mom really was a character. Her laugh was extremely contagious, and the prune coloured lipstick she wears suits her cocoa skin surprisingly well. Aaron's dad, however, is a little quieter. Japanese guy, and he's also very nice. All around, Aaron has a really wonderful family.

"So, Liv, how are you these days?" Tina, Aaron's mother, asked me. "Well, I'm doing...well, haha!" I laughed, realizing I'd used the word twice. They all chuckled. "Well, how's life?" she asked again. I looked at her and started laughing, assuming she was joking. She looked a bit confused. Aunt Jen poked at her pizza crust, awkwardly I might add.

The kids were upstairs sleeping since they'd been dozing off earlier. "What's so funny? I'm asking an honest question." Tina said. I cleared my throat and smiled. "Well, um, actually I-" Just then, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it." Aunt Jen said, excusing herself from the table. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed with relief. "Something wrong, hun?" Tina asked me. "Not-" "Hey, Robby!" Uncle Aaron got up and shook someone's hand.

I put my hands together and prayed it wasn't the Rob I thought it was. My aunt sat down beside me and gave me an apologetic smile. Oh. No. I kept hoping all of this was just me looking into it too much, but when I looked up, there he sat in front of me. My baby daddy, Robert.

"Olivia, this is my best friend, Robert Braden." Aaron said, introducing us. Rob extended his hand out to me. I looked at him, and I noticed his cheeks were getting a little red. I shook his hand and he seemed relieved. "Actually, we've already met." I told my uncle, my eyes still on Rob. I watched him squirm and didn't feel an ounce of sympathy. After all, he did get me knocked up.

"Really? Actually, he teaches where you go to school and Jen works. Right, Jen?" he asked my aunt. She gave Rob a look that seemed to make him extremely uncomfortable. He looked down at his hands and kept quiet. My aunt nodded, slowly.

"Well, now, back to what I was asking little Livy!" Tina chirped. "Little Livy, eh?" Rob asked quietly, smirking at me. "You thing!" I mouthed to him. Ugh, never learns. Tina gave Rob an irritated look, which gave me some satisfaction. He needs to be brought down to earth, anyway.

"So, Livy, how's your love life? You are almost 18 after all. Practically an adult! So?" Tina asked me. I looked around the table, then at Rob. He cleared his throat and started blushing again. "Uhh...ha ha. Well, I, um...It's complicated." I said, awkwardly. I looked at my aunt, who seemed to be thinking of ways to change the topic.

"How so? Is it complicated, I mean." Tina pressed on. I really didn't want to be having this conversation with Rob in the room. Right in front of me, I might add. "Well, like, I don't have a boyfriend-" "So what am I then?" Rob blurted out. I looked at him, completely shocked by his outburst.

"Sorry?" My uncle Aaron asked, looking at Rob. He seemed pretty confused, but also kind of pissed. I don't want to know what would happen if he found out about us. I felt I had to jump in and say something. Otherwise, the father of this baby could get hurt. Pretty badly, too, since Aaron is like a built guy.

"Um, what he meant was, uhh..." I thought about it for a moment, trying to figure out a good explanation. "Our play! Yeah! Um, we're writing a play together so I can give my writing skills a little shoe shine. It was like a joke. Hahaha." I said, laughing in hopes that they'd believe me. Rob and my aunt started laughing with me, playing along. My uncle and Tina laughed too, and I felt so relieved.

Rob looked at me, thankfully, but I was still upset at him. "You know, Livy, something's off with you." Tina started talking, again. 'Oh my gosh...' I thought to myself. I rolled my eyes, out of her view, and then looked at her, putting on the best smile I could muster, despite my irritation. "What's off?" I asked her.

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