Hoebi: why do I have them?

Nayeon: cos they won't check yOU

Hoebi: oh...

Jimmy: yall let's talk about something I'm bORED

Namjohn: tea🤩

Jeongyeon: yall looked like you had fun dressing up

Nayeon: fUN?:)

Jeongyeon: uh...

Nayeon: I was s u f f e r i n g : )

Hoebi: sad

Jeongyeon: wait why?

Nayeon: cos by the time we all assembled it was T WE L VE

Jeongyeon: .....okay?

Nayeon: we were supposed to start preparing from N I NE AM

Jeongyeon: 😔

Nayeon: but NO jcock had to cry on top of tae for an hour and then make out with him for another hour

Nayeon: Jin had to go buy food with Jimmy which took them 1 hour and a half

Jimmy: we saw chaeyoung on the street protesting for environment rights so we joined

Hoebi: environment.... what

Namjohn: her mind omg🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Nayeon: yoongie had to threaten me that he would pout for an hour if I woke hobi up. like what kINDa t hReat is thAT?

Hoebi: but it worked didn't it

Nayeon: yes😔

Hoebi: been there😔

Jimmy: 😔

Nayeon: AND

Nayeon: joonie had to snuggle with yoongie on the bed /next to jcock and tea making out/ to cUDDLE and talk about how cute their bfs are

Hoebi: aw😔

Nayeon: so imagine being me there

Jeongyeon: girl I'm so sorry😔

Nayeon: and when everyone arrived they wanted to eat first so we actually started dressing up at like t W O pm : )

Nayeon: hobi was disgusting with yoongie again 😔

Hoebi: no we werEN'T

Nayeon: literally since when he stepped in the room and spotted yoongie cuddling with joonie he was like,, hi babyyyyy and he ran and he softly threw himself on yoongie

Nayeon: and yoongie was like [help me noises] but hobi kept hugging him and then he was like,, hi joonie and joonie was like,, 🤩

Namjohn: 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Nayeon: and then hobi didn't let go of yoongie onCE

Hoebi: lies

Nayeon: he was back hugging him ALL the time until we left

Hoebi: didn't happen

Jeongyeon: it's not like tiny didn't want that

Nayeon: bby that's a whole other story😔

Jimmy: literally yoongs couldn't be happier sitting on hobi while hobi was hugging him

Nayeon: bro that was cute🤢

Jimmy: I know bro🤢

Jeongyeon: bro it doesn't sound that bad😔

Nayeon: oh yeah if we ignore jcock playing minecraft on his phone instead of getting ready . jimmy having a breakdown because he hated his new hair color agAIN . Hobi and yoongie being the disgusting couple they are . tea dropping his chicken noodle soup on his sUIT and jinie panicking

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