Chapter 126

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The women help Captain Marvel through the Outriders and Chitauri. Wanda fires first.

Carol flies through all of them easily. Me and Wanda continue to push forward getting Carols sides as she takes point.

Thanos tries to stop her but Pepper Wanda and I fire at him. Sending him stumbling back.

She keeps punching through. As she gets closer Thanos takes a split second then throws his double sided sword through the van blowing up the machine. The blast throws Carol back knocking the Gauntlet out of her hands.

I watch as Tony stumbles and tries to grab the gauntlet. I fly over and help him out.

Thanos back hands Tony knocking Him to the ground. Thor flies in with both hammers swinging violently for Thanos head. As he takes a split second to try to grab the gauntlet Thanos grabs the back of his cape pulling him back.

Thor aims storm breaker towards Thanos head and uses his other hammer to put more pressure on Thanos. Thor summons lighting to give him more strength Yelling in the process. "Ahhhhhhh"

I pick up steve and throw him onto Thanos back. Steve pulls the Stormbreaker towards Thanos head trying to help Thor.

As it gets closer Thanos head butts Thor making him fall back knocked out.

Thanos then grabs Steve's head throwing him over his shoulder. Then he punches him knocking him out.

Thanos tried to crawl over to the gauntlet. I fly in front of it and change my wings into water surrounding me. I move my hands around. "Are you ready for the endgame?" I ask.

Thanos looks at the gauntlet then me. "You can't stop me. I'm inevitable." I run towards him and make think ice steps and run up them and jump down elbowing him in the face. I shoot four shards at his body as I strike his face again I throw four more shards at his body.

He tries to block me and I wrap his legs down and slide through them. I stand up and kick the back of his knees sending him down. I walk around as I use the water the crate ice around his hands connecting them to his feet.

He yells someone's name and some dagger flies across freeing him. He stands up quickly while I'm stunned and tackles me to the ground. I pull the water over me protecting me. He uses this to his advantage and slides over to grab the gauntlet.

But Carol flies in and kicks his right leg down. She punches him let to right and he tries to fight back. As she goes to grab the gauntlet out of his hands he grabs her arm and tosses her. He puts his hand into the gauntlet. As the power starts up carol flies in before he can snap. She spreads his fingers apart. He head butts her once but she isn't phased. As he kneels before her he grabs the power stone And punches her with it knocking her away.

As he puts it back the power starts up again. I stand up quickly and run to him as the power starts up. I put my hands around the gauntlet and struggle to take it off.

Trying to think quickly as he goes in for punches. I move water around is. Send shards here and there. I take a book out of Dr. Strange's page and use thousands of whip ropes of water round his body separating his hands and arms and legs. Even some round his neck. Forcing him to look at me.

As he was distracted with fighting me I used the water to lift the stones. I use water to lift Tony's glove at the same time. I put the stones on the glove as Thanos wasn't looking.

I put my hand up and place the glove on my hand. The power gathering throughout my body. I start glowing purple green red blue orange and yellow. I look him in the eyes as he struggles to get free "I've waiting for a long time to get my revenge. For you to pay for what you did to my family, my planet, and all those around the universes! This is for Asgard! For Vision! For Gamora! For Natasha! And for the love of humanity!" I pause for a moment. "And this ..." I look at the gauntlet "is for you.." I snap my fingers and flash of light flashes.

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