Chapter 24

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Sif turns to us. "I'll hold them off. Take her."

Thor smiles and nods. "Thank you."

Thor and Jane go off, as Loki and I follow them Sif draws her sword and places it under Loki's throat.

Sif "Betray him and I'll kill you."

Loki chuckles and grabs me back from attacking. "It's good to see you too, Sif."

We leave to join Thor and Jane as the guards get closer to Sif.

Thor, Loki Jane and I meet Volstagg where Malekith's ship had crashed into the palace.

Volstagg looks to us. "I will give you as much time as I can."

Thor and Volstagg do a forearm shake. "Thank you, my friend."

As we walk towards Malekith's crashed ship, Jane smiles and nods at Volstagg,

Loki is about to follow Thor and Jane Volstagg stops him. "If you even think about betraying him..."

Loki looks annoyed "You'll kill me? Evidently there will be a line."

I laugh and Volstagg then lets him pass.

Thor, Jane, Loki and I board Malekith's crashed ship, Thor looks at the controls and starts pressing some button, looking unsure of what he's doing.

"Ithought you said you knew how to fly this thing." I shake my head.

Thor looking frustrated "I said how hard could it be."

Meanwhile the Asgardian guards rush towards the ship with Volstagg standing guard in front of it.

Loki looks over board and yells "They're on the ship!"

i look with Loki and see them approach the ship Volstagg starts attacking them;

"Well, whatever you're doing, brother, I suggest you do it faster!" I yell

Thor "Shut up, Loki control her!"

outside the ship Volstagg continues to battle with the Asgardian guards.

I bring the water and whip the warriors away from the ship.

Thor continues to frantically press every button to start the ship.

Loki turns annoyed "You must have missed something."

Thor looks around "I didn't, I'm pressing every button on this thing."

Loki joins Thor. "No, don't hit it, just press it gently." as he hits the buttons

Thor "am pressing it gently. It's not working!"

Suddenly the ship comes to life, Thor laughs.

Outside the ship Volstagg is overrun by the guards and he starts laughing as they watch the ship start to rise, hitting the columns of the palace.

Loki points "I think you missed a column."

Thor clearly annoyed to the max yells "Shut up!"

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