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Chapter 19

A faint ray was enough to chase away the darkness, a simple drop sufficient to disturb the surface of the water. The gloomy place in which Myunghee resides seemed much more joyful whenever her little cousin was present. Despite the winter's coldness, the little girl could do more than a firework, spreading warmth to people surrounding her.

Myunghee looked more lively ever since Soo had returned. The pale cheeks was getting colour and her eyes would get wrinkles from the endless smiling.

Soo would pester her from day to night about the funny stories she had learned in the palace, some was of real gossip and some did Soo made up herself to entertain Myunghee. Today as any other Soo would attend her cousin, not knowing whenever they would had such a chance again. In the days Soo had returned Chaeryeong felt what it was to be the employed third wheel, not that she was complaining.

"Soo-ya, shouldn't you head back to the palace?" Myunghee asked. Corncern wrapping around her gentle tone.

"Eonni, are you chasing me away?"

The concern exchanged with a light chuckle, Myunghee shook her head in disapprove while wearing the gentle smile.

"When would I ever chase you away?" The light hand stroke Soo's hair.

"I'm just worried that you would get in trouble for staying here too long."

Maybe it was because they were sitting on the bed, but somehow the action made her slight sleepy. Soo placed her head on Myunghee's lap, closing her eyes she wished that this wouldn't be her last time doing this. Her childish act called for attention, as a little child graving for a mother's concern. Myunghee gently stroke her hair, removing the strain that was displaced on the innocent face.

"Eonni, don't ask me to leave." Soo whispered lowkey.

"If you also chase me away, I will have no place to go..."  the last sentence was barely audible.

Although not asking, Myunghee could tell there was something the little girl was hiding. Coming back to this place for such a long time could only mean that she was chased out of the palace, more of less literally. No married woman would leave their new home if not they were send back because they were unwanted.

Myunghee wished this wasn't the case, but judging from the long period her little Soo had been staying here without the Emperor's edict to summon her back, it must be of the worse case. It had been near a week and they haven't heard a single messenger from the palace.

"How I wish you could stay here with me," Myunghee spoke, hiding her worry with comforting words. Those words remained as a secret, as Soo already had fallen asleep.

Outside small snowflakes were falling down from the sky, covering the ground with faint white while the sky was shifting from light blue to scarlet shades.



Soo woke up to the dancing of the flickering candlelights, which brought both brightness and warmth to the cold room. Without asking she already know who had brought the room to light. Soo had fallen asleep in the main chamber, and likely the prince must had entered this place accidentally, not knowing that she had stolen their main chamber. How could she even fall asleep? Soo thought to herself.

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