Moving on with the Plan

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-The Creator's POV-

I watched as Piggeh was dragged back and thrown into the pit just like the others. I turned away from the wall and addressed my monsters.

“I want you to comb the area. Piggeh probably explained everything to Stephano, if Barrel didn't already. I want them found and brought to me immediately!” I command. The monsters turned and left.

I rubbed my temple. Emara was really starting to be a pain, litterally. I needed to get out of her mind before she discovers anything else. She's much too powerful for me to control for long periods of time. I had underestimated her at first and allowed her into my mind. That will not happen again.

“Barrel... Perhaps I should have never left you. I just hope I don't have to kill you now.” I whispered to myself and went around to the staircase on the other side of the hall and walked down. At the bottom, there was a metal door, that would only be opened by my key. I pulled it out from behind my shirt as the key was on a necklace and inserted it into the key hole. The door slid open and I walked into my lab area. I rested the key on a table. I would not need to keep it with this body much longer.

Two monsters waited on either side of the door as they always did. My eye twitched as Emara woke and began to fight again. I sighed. She is insufferable. I can not wait any longer. I need to leave Emara and go transfer my consciousness into Gonzales and get back to the original plan. 

“Monsters. Bring Gonzales to me.” The monsters started off towards the prison hold, and I followed them. The doors opened and Kera was standing right in front of it.

“Get out of the way!” I commanded and raised my hand to slap her.

“Wait!” She cried. I wanted to continue, but my hand wouldn't listen. I felt strange. What was going on?

“Will you please let us out of here?” She pleaded.

I was tempted to say yes, but I understood what was going on now. She was trying to use her powers of persuasion on me.

“Monsters, move her and get Gonzales.” I mumbled teeth gritted together trying to prevent her power to take hold of me.

“No wait, please!” The monsters didn't listen, and I had to cover my mouth, to stop me from telling them not to. Soon enough Gonzales was being dragged out of the cell, unconscious. Good. I didn't need him struggling all the way through this process. I quickly closed the doors, cutting off Kera's powers.

Gonzales was taken and set down on a table. I turned to my monsters.

“I want you to find and capture Stephano and Barrel. Take as many as you need to defeat them. I want them here to witness this. I have to assume that there is nothing still secret and I need to act accordingly. They are out there right now, trying to stop my plans and I'm done letting them play around.” I told them. All but one of the monsters left. It took some time for the monsters to return. Stephano was bloody and bruised. Barrel was some but a little less so. Two more monsters followed them in and came to stand behind Gonzales. 

“Stephano!” I screamed in desperation before I shook my head and sent a mental hammer to beat Emara down.

“Emara! Are you in there!?” Stephano called.

“No. Emara is not here right now.” I grumbled.

"Let her go! I'll kill you!” Stephano growled.

I chuckled, “Do you really think I am going to let you foil my plans?” I demanded, “All of you are my pawns. You will not interferer. You will sit quietly as I take your brother yet again. Your friend. You may struggle all you want, you will never get away. I will win. In fact I already have.”

I breathed in a large breath and collected my energy. It was a difficult process, switching my essence from one creature to the next, one that I had only recently mastered, so the process was still sketchy. I left Emara and went straight into Gonzales. I had no energy to mess around with. I had expended to much energy switching from person to person and extending myself to create my “body.”

I took a huge breath when I awoke in Gonzales’s body and stretched my fingers getting use to my new skin. Emara was gasping for breath on the floor. She looked weak and all of the wounds I had been holding closed, opened again. I couldn't have a body that was dripping blood everywhere and especially not from wounds that I had inflicted myself, but I didn't care much for her anymore. If fact it would be a blessing if she died. Perhaps I should just kill her.

“Monsters. Kill Emara.” I spoke and smiled wickedly as the fear filled her eyes.

“NO!” Stephano and Barrel screamed.

AwakeningOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora