Something New

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 -Barrel's POV-

Knock knock knock!

My head snapped up. Someone was knocking on my door!?

I got up from my seat where I was drinking some tea, and opened the door to see Emara, Loren, and Pewdiepie. I kept the door closed for the most part, not allowing them to see into my room. It was a horrible mess.

“What are you three doing here!?” I asked honestly appalled.

“We wanted to invite you to our party.” Emara explained.


“Yeah, I'm having a party. I want you to be there.” Emara explained.

“Uh... Is it... alright, with everyone... else...?” I questioned thinking about Stephano. The way I see it, he could take my head off without even giving it a second thought.

“Yeah, we wouldn't be inviting you if they weren't!” Loren said bluntly.

“I guess not... Sounds all right. I guess I'll be there.” I replied.

“The Pewdiepie party starts in an hour!” Pewdie exclaimed happily.

I chuckled, “Hey... Um, is Ella okay?” I asked.

“She's okay, just resting.” Emara assured me. I sighed with relief.

After they departed I shut my door and slid down it. I put my head in my hands. Ella... How can I ever be with you? How can I ever keep you safe if it's the other half of me that want to hurt you...?

I felt tears in my eyes. I had no one. Pewdie left me, Gonzales left me... and now, when I finally thought I might have found someone who would stay... I have to leave her.

You always have me...

“SHUT UP! IT'S YOUR FAULT!! THAY ALL HATE BECUASE OF YOU! WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs as a sob escaped me. He didn't answer. I got up from my place on the floor and walked over to my sitting area.

“I NEVER WANTED YOU! I NEVER WANTED YOUR HELP!” I sobbed taking a chair and tossing across the room.

“I just wanted someone to be there for me. I wanted someone to talk to... I never wanted all of this!" I cried dropping to my knees where I fell to the floor. I lay there among all the papers from the books I had destroyed and the wreckage of my room. I clutched my hair so tightly, I was almost ripping it out of my skull.

I will never leave you. I will always be here for you even when everyone else leaves. You can count on my, Barrel. You don't need anyone else. You will never need another. We are perfect for each other, and you will never have to worry about anything. Just forget about them. Stay here alone. It can just be the two of us.

“You are a just a voice inside my head! Get out of my mind!” I screamed.

Just a voice!? I can be so much more than that.

Suddenly, I went rigid. I couldn't move. I felt like I was choking to death. I couldn't breath. I felt something move inside of me. Then, Thick black smoke started to pour out of my mouth. Once all the smoke had left me it changed and converged into a shape.

The smoke took on the form of a tall man dressed in a black suit. His hair was slicked back and his skin was as black as the midnight sky on a cloudy night. His eyes had no white in them, just entirely black. Everything about him was black as coal. I lay there on the floor gasping for breath as the man came before me.

“I'm not just a voice, but I am attached to you. I can never leave you, Barrel, nor would I ever want to.” He said to me holding out his hand. Slowly I took it and allowed him to help me off of the floor. I was terrified. The Creator, as he liked to be called had never done this before. I didn't even know if this was real or if I was just hallucinating. At this point, I didn't doubt it.

“Creator...?” I whispered staring at the figure before me.

“Yes, Barrel.” He responded. Slowly he placed a hand on my cheek. I flinched away from his touch at first, but eventually allowed his hand to rest there.

“You see? I can be everything you need and more.” He whispered. Slowly, he came closer to me and pressed his lips onto mine. I allowed his lips to linger on mine for a moment before turning away from him harshly.

“No! Leave me alone! I don't want you! I like Ella!” I exclaimed walking away from him.

“Ella...?” He growled.

I turned around to look at him slowly. The black in his eyes seemed to be flickering out of is eyes like fire. He look utterly terrifying.

“HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU!? YOU DON'T NEED HER!” He screamed turning into black smoke again and charging at me. The smoke shot right into my heart and was absorbed inside of me. I screamed. My whole body seemed to be wreathing with pain. I couldn't handle it. I blacked out.

I awoke later to find myself on the floor. I got up quickly and checked the sundial that rested in my window sill. Two hours had already passed! I was going to be late! I jumped up from the floor a little to quickly and ended up nearly falling over again because of the dizziness I had caused myself. I quickly checked myself, making sure I looked okay.

I checked my face in the mirror. I was a little worse for ware, but not bad. I cleaned myself up a bit before dashing off. After what happened earlier, I just wanted to forget about all of it.  

Dun Dun Dun! Things are going down now! Well, sort of...

HUGZ! (>^-^)>

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