Crazy People

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-Emara's POV-

I stood there and watched Piggeh take Kera away in his arms, "Should we do something?"

"No, she'll be fine. Piggeh is a creeper, but I know that he really cares about her." Stephano told me.

"Yeah, I know... But still. It's Piggeh." I said to him honsetly.

"Yeah, I understand that." Stephano agreed, chuckling.

"Where did they go!?" Pewdie asked coming out of his hiding place, looking around frantic, having gone into a panic attack and hid under the table the boom-box was on,

"They're gone." Stephano assured him full out laughing this time.

"Oh, thank GOD! I might have created him, but that does not mean I enjoy being around him! That Kera chick just made it worse! It's like there's two of them now!! I can't handle TWO PIGGEHS!" Pewdie cried.

"Kera wasn't like that before she met Piggeh. He corrupted her!" I explained.

"Oh God, what have I done..." Pewdie whispered.

"Hey, he's you're creation! You're the one who's got to deal with him!" Stephano told Pewdie again.

"You're all my creations, which means he's like your brother! You have to deal with him to!" Pewdie deflected.

"What! No! Gonzales is my brother! Piggeh is NOT my brother!" Stephano demanded.

"Oh, come on! Don't leave this all on me!" Pewdie whined.

As Stephano and Pewdiepie continued to bicker, Monster by Imagine Dragons started playing, my favorite song.

"Hey! Stop fighting and come dance with me!" I laughed and grabbed both of their wrists to get their attention.

"Okay, but this discussion isn't over!" Stephano sighed. We all started dancing around the floor like crazy people. It was funny to see Stephano and Pewdie just let loose and dance. Soon Loren and Ella joined us, and before I knew it, it was everyone on the floor dancing like crazy people.

It was amazing, Loren and Ella usually sat towards the side, they never danced like this. Ella on always said she was to clumsy to dance, which I knew now was true. It hadn't even gotten to the middle of the song and Ella had fallen over four times. Barrel had to keep helping her up, but she would always laugh it off. I began to wonder if she was doing it on purpose.

The party lasted until sundown. Sometimes we were dancing and sometimes we just sat and socialized. Eventually Piggeh and Kera came back to the party and started creeping on Jennifer and Gonzales. Gonzales stepped up and took the heat for Jennifer, and ended up having his face licked several times and somehow, his shirt ended up coming off at some point.

By the time the sun had set again, I was ready to pass out, considering the fact that I had gotten up in the middle of the night last night.

"Stephano..." I whispered.

"Yes?" Stephano responded.

I yawned and leaned my head against him, "I'm soooo tired..."

"Ah," Stephano chuckled, "Alright, we can go."

I smiled happily and sleepily. Stephano and I walked out of the large room and into the bedroom I went straight to the bed and fell down, I was so tired, I didn't even care anymore. Stephano grabbed a blanket and threw it over me before getting up on the bed with me. I crawled up to him and lay my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beat and every breath he took. All this stuff usually annoyed me, but with Stephano... I just wanted to be close to him. I loved these sounds, when every other time I ever heard these sounds with anyone else, I hated it.



I paused... "I... I don't come from your world... I don't live here, not like you have. What happens if, we find a way to send me home... You can't come with me?"

"Don't think like that." Stephano demanded, sitting up a little grabbing my face in his hands, "You never have to worry about that. If we get separated, I promise you, I will not stop, and I will not rest until I find a way for us to be together again. Nothing, and I mean nothing, will keep us apart."


"I mean it Emara. I lost Larena. I WILL NOT loose you too." Stephano said to me, looking into my eyes with such determination, I didn't need to feel anything to know he was serious. Honestly, I was frightened just a little bit.

"Come here. Don't be scared." Stephano whispered and pulled me into a hug. I held close to him, praying this would never end.

"Stephano... Did you notice anything strange about Barrel tonight?" I asked. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

Stephano was quite for a moment.

"Never mind, I'm sorry I brought it up." I sighed.

"No, it's fine really. No, he didn't seem that different to me. He looked a little pale, but there was nothing I saw distinctly strange. Why?" Stephano wondered.

"It's just... After we were leaving Barrel's room... I felt a lot of very strong emotions coming from that way. I figured it could only be coming from him. Stephano, I think there's something wrong with him." I explained.

"There's always been something wrong with him." Stephano scoffed.

"No, I'm being serious! I mean something wrong! What if he's in danger?" I pleaded.

Stephano sighed, "I don't know, but there's nothing we can do about it now, so we might as well sleep. We will tackle this in the morning." Stephano said quietly to me. I guess he was pretty tired as well.

"Alright..." I yawned.

"Don't worry about it, Emara." Stephano whisped.

Then a thought struck me, "How did you know I was scared?"

"What do you mean?"

"Earlier you told me not to be scared right after I was thinking about how your determination scared me a little." I explained.

Stephano's eyebrows came together in confusion, "I... I don't know... I just felt it."

"You mean like me?"

"I... I guess so..." Stephano answered still unsure.

"This is weird. Could my ability be rubbing off on you? That's never happened to anyone else..." I wondered.

"I'm not sure if that's how it works. We will talk to Mr. Chair about it tomorrow. Maybe he can shed some light on this situation." Stephano suggested.

"I hope so." I whispered, snuggling back into Stephano. I breathed in his sent, a metalic smell with a hint of something sweet that I couldn't place. It helped calm my swirling mind and the theories that forced there way to the fore-front of my mind, though not enough.

Now that I thought about it, my ability to read people's feelings was becoming stronger. For example, the extreme emotion I felt erlier. I could sence it came from a good distance away, what direction it was coming from, and dispan Mr. Chair's other world thery because I could tell it was from here. I've never been able to sence over a large distance before, or the direction, for that matter. I can't say that that is a perfect example because, the emotion was just that strong.

I don't know what to think... What if something is happening to me!?

I took a shaky breath and tried to calm my racing mind. Stephano hugged me tighter. Eventually the sleep I wanted so much claimed me and sucked me down into the darkness.

Ooooh, suspence! I love it!

Also to Holothewolf, I know I said that I would dedicate this to you, but idk how to do that on my phone and the internet connection a my house is being weird, so I'm lucky I even got this chapter up! I promise to dedicate it to you when my connection is better! Sorry!

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