New... Opportunities...?

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 -Gonzales's defiantly P.O.ed POV-

I marched down the hallway. Anger, hurt, and disappointment coursed through me. Barrel... that lying, cheating... Arse! I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even see Jennifer until I had knocked into her and knocked her clean off her feet.

“Oh dear! I'm sorry Jennifer! I didn't mean to knock you over! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.” I apologized quickly, helping her up again.

She blushed, “It's quite alright. I should have gotten out of your way.”

“No, you were completely fine. I should have been watching where I was going. Please forgive me.” I smiled lightly.

“You are forgiven.” She smiled.

“Thank you, my lady.” I offered her my arm, “Let me accompany you to the party as a way of saying sorry.”

She blushed harder, “O-okay.” She smiled.

She took my arm and I lead her to the doors of the party room. Believe me, I had not forgotten about what had happened, but... maybe this night could still turn around. I looked over at Jennifer. She wasn't actually all that bad looking. She was tall for a girl. We where the same height. She had long dark gray hair that flowed all the way down her back. She wore a light dress that came down to her knees. She looked over at me and I caught her eyes and gasped.

Her eyes, were a mix between purple, blue and they sparkled like nothing I had ever seen before. I was taken aback. How could I have never noticed before.

“What...?” She asked looking down embarrassed as soon as her eyes left mine, they instantly turned from the colorful rainbow to stone gray. Ah, this is how I never noticed before.

“I'm sorry... I was just admiring your eyes. They are so beautiful...” I told her.

“Ah... Um... Uh-um... I- Uh... Thank you...” She finally spit out.

I smiled, “You're welcome.”

I made a choice to not let what happened just moments before ruin everything. There was a party going on, why not enjoy it? I had an actually very atrractive girl on my side. Perhaps it would make Ella jealous. I wouldn't mind that at all. 

"Punch?" I asked Jennifer.

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